NetBackup Appliance MSDP Dedupe ports not opened
Hi Support,
I recently configure client-side deduplication on netbackup appliance 5230 running appliance v2.6.0.3. However, the client-side deduplication fails with error code 83 "Clients direct plugin not available"
I got a technote that seems to provide the solution:
10102: The NetBackup Deduplication Manager(spad).
10082: The NetBackup Deduplication Engine(spoold).
However, when I confronted my network team to open the above ports, they said there is no firewall in place to prevent the ports from opening.
My question is, how can these ports be opened on clients (UNIX, Linux and Windows) or is there a place to open these ports on the appliance?
Also during the client-side dedupe configuration, the following were selected:
*Always use client-side deduplication
*MSDP pool was used for the deduplication
Kindly assist with possible solution to resolve this error.
Thanks in advance.
Hello Felix,
If I understand your question correectly, you have some clients that you would like to back up and, during those backups, you'd like to use client-side-deduplication. But you're getting an error.
What Operating System are these clients running and what is the client version? Client-side dedup is only spported on a few systems (this is an older KB but I don't think things have changed much):
Also, can you perform a backup (of at least a few files) if you check "disable client-side dedup" in the policy?
That would confirm that the basics are all set up.