Forum Discussion

amoramo's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

NetBackup Appliance MSDP Dedupe ports not opened

Hi Support,

I recently configure client-side deduplication on netbackup appliance 5230 running appliance v2.6.0.3. However, the client-side deduplication fails with error code 83 "Clients direct plugin not available"

I got a technote that seems to provide the solution:

10102: The NetBackup Deduplication Manager(spad).

10082: The NetBackup Deduplication Engine(spoold).

However, when I confronted my network team to open the above ports, they said there is no firewall in place to prevent the ports from opening.

My question is, how can these ports be opened on clients (UNIX, Linux and Windows) or is there a place to open these ports on the appliance?

Also during the client-side dedupe configuration, the following were selected:

*Always use client-side deduplication

*MSDP pool was used for the deduplication

Kindly assist with possible solution to resolve this error.

Thanks in advance.


  • Hello Felix,

    If I understand your question correectly, you have some clients that you would like to back up and, during those backups, you'd like to use client-side-deduplication.  But you're getting an error.

    What Operating System are these clients running and what is the client version?  Client-side dedup is only spported on a few systems (this is an older KB but I don't think things have changed much):

    Also, can you perform a backup (of at least a few files) if you check "disable client-side dedup" in the policy?

    That would confirm that the basics are all set up.




  • Hello Felix,

    If I understand your question correectly, you have some clients that you would like to back up and, during those backups, you'd like to use client-side-deduplication.  But you're getting an error.

    What Operating System are these clients running and what is the client version?  Client-side dedup is only spported on a few systems (this is an older KB but I don't think things have changed much):

    Also, can you perform a backup (of at least a few files) if you check "disable client-side dedup" in the policy?

    That would confirm that the basics are all set up.




  • Hi D.Flood,

    Yes! when we check "Disable client-side deduplication" in the policy, the backup job ran successfully. The media server deduplication which is default also ran successfully, but customer want's client-side dedupe since this can help to lower the bandwidth utilization.

    The backup client OS is Solaris 10, and runs NetBackup Appliance version

    NB: Appliance is installed as media server to a traditional master server running NetBackup




  • Have you performed basic networking tests to verify if you can connect to those ports? They will be open on the appliance, but your host's OS might be blocking them.


    Use telnet or netcat (nv) to test the comms


    telnet appliace_name 10082

    telnet appliance_name 1556 <<which should work since backups are ok

    netcat -zvv appliance_name 10082


  • Hi Riaan,

    Kindly find below outputs from the commands you provided:

    ikapp5230-01:/home/maintenance # telnet ikapp5230-01 10082
    Connected to ikapp5230-01.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    ^CConnection closed by foreign host.
    ikapp5230-01:/home/maintenance #

    ikapp5230-01:/home/maintenance # netcat -zvv ikapp5230-01 10082 [] 10082 (?) open
     sent 0, rcvd 0
    ikapp5230-01:/home/maintenance #

    ikapp5230-01:/home/maintenance # telnet ikapp5230-01 10102
    Connected to ikapp5230-01.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    ^CConnection closed by foreign host.

    ikapp5230-01:/home/maintenance # netcat -zvv ikapp5230-01 10102 [] 10102 (ezproxy-2) open
     sent 0, rcvd 0
    ikapp5230-01:/home/maintenance #

    From the appliance port 10082 and 10102 are opened, however same ports on the client (ojm5k07d00) are not opened, as you can see below:

    ikapp5230-01:/home/maintenance # telnet ojm5k07d00 10102
    telnet: connect to address Connection refused
    ikapp5230-01:/home/maintenance # telnet ojm5k07d00 10082
    telnet: connect to address Connection refused
    ikapp5230-01:/home/maintenance # telnet ojm5k07d00 1556
    Connected to ojm5k07d00.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    Connection closed by foreign host.
    ikapp5230-01:/home/maintenance #


  • Well, you have to open those ports. If your question is "how"...on windows you would use the windows firewall. On linux clients there is most likely iptables or selinux that is blocking the ports. Make sure that there is no firewall at all on the network blocking access (you already checked).

    Just google on those keywords and it will come up with a solution.

  • Hi Felix


    Comms are OK. Those services don't run on the client, only the appliance so your backup should work.


    Please run the backup again and post the detailed status.

  • Thank you everyone,

    This issue is now resolved, the cause of these problem is OS compatibility and network time-out issue.

    Client-side dedup on Solaris 64bits Sparc systems completes successfully after I re-run the backup job again, while dedup jobs on Solaris x86 system did not work. The initial client-side dedup failure encountered on the Sparc system was due to network failures.

