Forum Discussion

Chrisw74's avatar
Level 2
4 years ago

Command to remotely restart Media Management services

What is the command to restart Media Management services for a media server? Like you would find under:

NetBackup Console > Media and Device Management > Device > Media Servers > MediaServer1 (right click) > Stop and Start Media Manager Device Daemon.

We have a misbehaving media server we are working on (with Veritas case) but in the meantime I'd like to just monitor the vmoprcmd status and then issue a restart of the daemon if it goes offline for tape. If I only knew what the command was... 

6 Replies

  • If your environment happens to be Windows, you can leverage PowerShell to start and stop the NetBackup services

    Invoke-Command -ComputerName your_media_server -ScriptBlock {& 'C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpdown.exe' -v -f}

    Invoke-Command -ComputerName your_media_server -ScriptBlock {& 'C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpup.exe' -v -f}

    To specifically stop media manager use stopltid and then ltid to start under C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin

    • X2's avatar

      Tape_Archived I used to do that in our environment till they disabled PSRemoting for improving security! But there are still things one can do from the master server. I have already added the above command Marianne suggested.

  • /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/stopltid
    <wait a bit>

    /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/ltid -v to restart

    • Marianne's avatar
      Level 6


      I think those commands must be run locally on each media server, right?

      Any idea about the command that Java GUI runs when it is done from the Console?
      My guess is that it will be something that could be found in undocumented vmoprcmd -Q output?

      Oh! I think I found it:

      vmoprcmd -Q

      Start ltid. This option is used by java.
      Stop ltid. This option is used by java.

      You should be able to combine this with -h <media server>

      • mph999's avatar
        Level 6

        Ahh, sorry - yes those commands would be run on the media server

        Well I've learnt something, didn't know vmoprcmd  could restart ltid .....