Forum Discussion

SrinathR's avatar
Level 2
9 years ago

How to delete disk storage unit (Disk type:- Open Storage)?

Hi All,

I tried deleting disk storage unit and i.e., disk type is (Open Storage)

But I recienving error message as "Storage Unit could not be deleted,status 1536

Storage unit or Storage unit group cannot be deleted beacuse it is referenced in a storage lifecycle policy. The referencing SLP may be an older version. Use nbstl command to view or change older SLP Versions"


I updated nbstl command and tried to delete but receiving same error message. Any one help me to delete particular storage unit. Thanks.

  • I read it as, change the second operation to another storage unit.  Also you had a typo for the first operation storage:

      nbstl SLP_12_1 -modify_version -version 3 -residence STG_11,<some other storage>


3 Replies

  • Try again after following this technote:



  • Hi Will thanks and from the given technote I am triying to prepare command but not able to understand the following part i.e..,
    as follows

    Need to change  Original_PD_STU to stu_disk_chang-to14 for version 0, operation 2, of this SLP in EMM SLP tables.  There must be the same number of arguments as the number of operations in the SLP (in this case, 3 operations means 3 arguments after "-residence").  We must specify the arguments in the same order as the operations.  So in the example below, only the second argument is different than what is already defined.  The Value of __NA__ is used when a residence is "Remote Master" for replications.  __NA__ is generally a placeholder for NULL in this command for other values.

    That means in my following ex my command should be as follows are do I need to modify ( I want to delete the storage unit with name:STG_DD_11)

    "nbstl SLP_12_1 -modify_version -version 3 -residence SLP_12_1,STG_DD_11"

    Will you please correct me if I am doing any mistakes. Thanks. 

                       Name: SLP_12_1
                     Data Classification: Bronze
                Duplication Job Priority: 0
                                   State: active
                                 Version: 3
     Operation  1                Use for: 0 (backup)
                                 Storage: STG_11
                             Volume Pool: NetBackup
                            Server Group: Any
                          Retention Type: 0 (Fixed)
                         Retention Level: 10 (2 week)
                   Alternate Read Server: (none specified)
                   Preserve Multiplexing: false
          Enable Automatic Remote Import: false
                                   State: active
                                  Source: 0 (client)
                            Operation ID: 0
                         Operation Index: 1
                             Window Name: --
                     Window Close Option: --
                    Deferred Duplication: no
     Operation  2                Use for: 1 (duplication)
                                 Storage: STG_DD_11
                             Volume Pool: (none specified)
                            Server Group: (none specified)
                          Retention Type: 0 (Fixed)
                         Retention Level: 0 (6 weeks)
                   Alternate Read Server: (none specified)
                   Preserve Multiplexing: false
          Enable Automatic Remote Import: false
                                   State: active
                                  Source: Operation 1 (backup:STG_11)
                            Operation ID: 0
                         Operation Index: 2
                             Window Name: Default_24x7_Window
                     Window Close Option: SFN
                    Deferred Duplication: no

  • I read it as, change the second operation to another storage unit.  Also you had a typo for the first operation storage:

      nbstl SLP_12_1 -modify_version -version 3 -residence STG_11,<some other storage>