How to use maximum slots of SL500 StorageTek tape library?
I have SL500 tape library at our site. We have 100 tapes in the library slots.There are many more free slots in it, but i am not able to use these free slots when i do inventory.
Can any say what is the reason for this.
How to add tapes to this free slots?
Any suggestions for using these free slots.
From a command line type (run as administrator if you are on Windows)
Select the robot and then issue
s s
If less than 100 slots is listed it may be a license issue with the tape library. Netbackup should under normal operation seaming less use all available slots.
Update: How may of those free slots are we talking about - some slots of the SL500 are reserved for diagnostic ussage and can't be used for customer data.
See figure 1-4 in this manual