Forum Discussion

MartinVi's avatar
Level 6
13 years ago

NBU - cannot connect to robotic software daemon (42)

Hi all,

due to a hardware lifecycle we have moved our master server to new hardware. now we wan't to add the media server including a StorageTek Sl48 TapeLibrary to the new installed master server. But the problem is that we get the following message:

 cannot connect to robotic software daemon (42) 

We have add the media server as follow:

 root@rozrhbckb01 :/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd # nbemmcmd -addhost -machinename rozrhbckp01 -machinetype media -masterserver rozrhbckb01 -operatingsystem solaris -netbackupversion
NBEMMCMD, Version:7.1
Command completed successfully.
root@rozrhbckb01 :/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd # 

But we're not able to run inventory robot. Than we recieve the error!

Have someone an idea?


Regards, Martin

  • Hi all,

    thanks for all your help. The problem was that we have add the media server with the whole release number and not as required with 7.1.

    Regards, Martin

25 Replies

  • Martin

    What cleanup parts are you referrring to?

    Disk images? Devices?

    After the catalog restore you need a service re-start and then once totally happy you need to do the catalog re-import and unfreezing.

    If it is the latter then do the following (servername being the media server and media_id being the catalog tape:

    bpimport -create_db_info -server server_name -id media_id
    bpmedia -unfreeze -m media_id -h server_name

  • Hi Mark,

    i referring to our master/media server split task 12. ...disk images will be missing so expire copy1  with the -force option to clean up the catalog. how can i find out which files are missing because during the recovery process i couldn't find any hint. so my idea was check the db consistency and delete this images which nbu hint as missing.

    Regards, Martin

  • Go to the catalog section in the admin console and see if you are able to select disk as the source area - should still be in the list as it is from a catalog restore

    Set the date back as far as you can and do a search

    That should show all of the backups held on disk and you can highligt all, Ctl-C and paste it into excel for a full list of image IDs

    Copy the image IDs column into notepad and save it as images.txt in the netbackup\bin\admincmd\ directory, not forgetting to make sure they are all shown as Copy 1.

    If you then create an imageexpire.bat file in the same directory and put the following into it:

    For /F %%a In (images.txt) bpexpdate -backupid %%a -copy 1 -d 0 -force


    Then just run it.

    Try this with just one image in the text file first to make sure it works - the pause lets it stay open so that you can view any errors.

  • Martin

    Is the problem in your opening post now resolved?

    'cannot connect to robotic software daemon (42)'

    If so, please close this thread and start another one for catalog cleanup.

  • Hi all,

    thanks for all your help. The problem was that we have add the media server with the whole release number and not as required with 7.1.

    Regards, Martin