Forum Discussion

Sarge1981's avatar
Level 3
14 years ago

automate missed backups BESR 8.5

Currently i have several laptops on my network with BESR 8.5 installed on them. i have them scheduled to backup at night to a SAN everday. when these systems are taken home they don't backup and in the morning the users click no when asked to run the missed backups. is there a way to take this option away from them? To make this automatic instead of an option? 

11 Replies

  • I haven't gotten very far on my script yet. things have been kinda busy, but i am working on it again. so far my script will check to make sure the computer is connected to the domain. then it will check to see if there is a scheduled job. i have not been able to find/do anything beyond that yet. i am attaching my script so that maybe someone esle will be able to figure it out. If someone does please post the product back.

