Forum Discussion

Techman1960's avatar
14 years ago

BRE 8.5 Cannot Create Recovery Points Error

I get the following error on one of my clients (WinXP):


10/7/2010 20:20:37 PM High Priority Error: Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: Drive Backup of  (C:\),  (D:\). Error E7B70001: Win32/Win64 API DeviceIoControl(IOCTL_VSNAP_SET_POST_COMMIT) failed. Error EBAB03F1: The parameter is incorrect. 0xE7B70001 (Backup Exec System Recovery)

There is plenty of room on the backup source (a separate internal SATA drive). When I try to run a new backup on the client it just hangs at 5%

4 Replies

  • Due to time constraints I had to uninstall and reinstall SBER 8.5 and the issue went away. I have about 40 more clients to reconfigure and I will see if I run into the same thing again. If so I will try the recommended workaround.


    22 Months is a long time for a known issue...isn't it? 

  • There might be additional information in the logs. Can you look at the log file and see if there is any additional error(s)?

  • Have you updated the Device Drivers for the SATA controller?


    Dave T.