Forum Discussion

MoonCat's avatar
Level 2
16 years ago

"One or More Recovery Points are NOT available at their locations"

I have just upgraded our BESR from version 8.02 to the new 8.5 that I was made aware of via an email from My installation has happily worked until I performed this upgrade, none of my previous backups are recognised in the status view in the BESR console and I keep getting a pop up message warning "One or More Recovery Points are NOT available at their locations". I thought it was because I needed to carry out a new baseline which I duly did and it completed but now it reports the same for the one I carried out this morning. I have read a support article (Document ID: 310701) that deals with this issue but the resolution is to upgrade to version 8.5.


For your information BESR 8.5 is running on a Windows 2003 Server Standard and backup to 2 different NAS boxes, 1 is a Buffalo Terastation the other is an Iomega StorCentre Pro 150d.


Is anyone else experiencing issues and if so is there a resolution or do I need to remove 8.5 and reinstall 8.02.

17 Replies

  • Has anyone apply the performance registry changes and have better results in regarding to this error (i.e Less frequent or not at all now). Do those having this issue direct the agent’s backups, experiencing this symptom the most, to a simple window share still exhibit the issue with as high of occurrence or at all?

    I will check on the status of Document # 310701 listed above.
  • My NAS is a D-Link DNS-323 and I have been having this problem with BESR 8.5 on SBS 2003.


    I applid the registry changes (AltPerformance1) and the problem persists. I also enabled network throttling to 75 mbs to perhaps account for the slower drives in the NAS. I had been getting errors with the backups themselves (Insufficient system resources, E7D10046; Unable to read from file, EBAB03F1) and these seem to have gone away.


    So, mixed bag with the changes. Still getting the message that one or more recovery points are not available but at least the backups aren't failing.



    Message Edited by Rufguy on 12-16-2008 11:09 AM
  • To verify that this is not a corrupt history file issue for some community members; that is where the error reporting that one or more recovery points are not available is in fact referring to recovery points listed in the history /managed backup destinations location but has long since been removed from the actual storage location either deliberately (e.g. through removing the files manually with windows explorer) or by the BESR agent following the retention schedule, can those who are experiencing this issue run the Managed back destination wizard and see what recovery point / recovery point sets it refers to and visual check the sub-folder it is referring to see if they are actually all there. Secondly, while BESR services are stopped on an affected client, locate the current *.PQH (e.g. BESR history file) and open it in notepad. Run a check for .v2i and .iv2i files to see what it lists truly corresponds to the storage location sub-folder for this client.
  • Hi David,

    I don't think it's a problem with history files:


    After talking with the support, I did a complete uninstall of BESR 8.5 with deleting of all folders, history files etc.. My system was definitely clean. Reinstalling BESR 8.5 and backing up to a different folder on the NAS brought the problem back again. Only falling back to BESR 8.0.3 resolved it.



  • "One or More Recovery Points are NOT available at their locations"  issue is resolved with BESR 8.5.3.
  • Some previous problems might have been fixed in BESR 8.5.3 version, but I am facing a new one.
    The BESR service stops immediately after starting a scheduled imcreamental backup. It completed a scheduled base back up next day but did not report completion fo the backup process thru email notification (or log in the  BESR log file). Subsequently  when tried to open the BESR console, got "Unable to connect to BESR agent" message. Has anyone experienced this? Did you find any solution?

  • SSM,

    Please start a new thread for your issue as it is a different problem....