Forum Discussion

lazo's avatar
16 years ago

Unable to Create Custom SRD under 32-bit Vista Home Premium SP1

Greetings! I hope someone can assist. 


I am trying to create a custom SRD for my PC (I added the drivers for my NIC & RAID Controller to the vanilla SRD). The process of creating the SRD goes nowhere whether I try to burn to CD/DVD (tried both) or to ISO. It simply hangs in both situations (I alowed my PC to sit idle all day and the "Creating CD/DVD image..." counter never went past 0%). i have tried both the Automatic method and the Custom method of SRD creation.


I currently backup to a NAS on my home network ( AD).


System Details:
Dell XPS 420 (Q9450 proc, 4GB RAM, 3x1TB SATA)




10 Replies

  • Have you tried creating a custom recovery CD from a 2nd system? Have you shut down all applications and their corespodning services that might also write to the CD-ROM drive prior to making the custom SRD? Do you get any windows event messages around the time the attempt is made or when you get to the  Creating CD/DVD image..." counter?
  • I have the exact same problem. Just purchased Ghots 14.0, updated it to the lastes revsion, etc. And it takes forever to copy the SRD, and create the WMI file, then when it gets to actually creating the new CD, it hangs at 0%. Let run for 6 hours, and it never did anything... just stayed at 0%


    All other applications were turned off/terminated when trying to create the SRD. Obly Ghost 14.0 was running.



  • Can you try moving the files on the SRD to a local harddisk and try the creation again?

    I can try that, but I'l be surprised if it accomplishes anything other than wasting more of my time.


    I tried doing a custome SRD creation, and writing only an ISO file (so I won't have to worry about the CD creation) ... and, of course, its still doing the same thing.... just seems to hang and never makes any progress in creating the file (I do see my disk access light flickering).


    I recommended this product to a friend, un fortunately, and he's experiencing the same thing, and other issues, on his system as well (he's using Windows XP SP3, I'm using Windows Vista SP1).


    I'll let the creation of the ISO continue a few more hours before I call it quits. Since there's no way to cancel it, except by rebooting my PC which is a pian since I'm VPN-ed into work.... another annoying "feature" of this software.





  • What version of BESR are you running?


    What version of the SRD are you using?

  • They are the latest version(Ghost Just purchased from the store(Office Depot), and just freshly updated via Live Update.


     Its a single CD, so the SRD is included on the install CD.


    I tried a custom SRD creation and asked it to create a ISO file only, and it does the same thing. hangs an never creates the ISO file (I've let it go for as long as 5 hours and it never even creates an empty file)


    This software is definitely buggy. It won't create a File Backup if I tell it to backup now, but it will create the file backup as a scheduled job.


    It did create a full-disk backup/recovery point after the initial install, but failed to create the incremental as a scheduled job(it just hung at 5% complete)... but then ask me the next day, on boot-up, to run the failed job... and succesfully ran the incremental full-disk backup.





  • After many hours I found a solution. The problem is Ghost itself. Remove it from autostart for example by running msconfig.exe


    Afterwards start it from programs and creating an SRD is working fine.


    My Problem now is that the SRD does not work (neither as delivered nor customized). I get a BSOD (IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL).




  • I have seen one instance in the past where cleaning the lens of the drive and the disk itself resolves this issue.
  • Well... I dunno about that... Roxio works just fine, reading, and creating CDs and DVDs. I really can't see how a dirty lens or media can affect your program, but not Roxio.


    I just gave up on creating a custom SRD. Hopefully, the original media (or a copy, thereof,  created by Roxio, will suffice).


    The automated incremental backups, usually work, so hopefully, I can trust them if ever needed... When they fail, they always work the next day.



  • IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL is typically hardware more specifically mass storage controler driver related For Norton Ghost 14 you might be able to get to create a custom recovery disk with the specific mass storage driver needed. Please follow the steps listed here for assistance on obtained the information they will need to assist you further:

    Is Daemon Tools install or another CD emulation software running at the time the custom SRD is attempted to be created. Try creating the recovery CD in a selective startup mode using the MSCONFIG utility with only essential Microsoft & BESR services running. Verify the permissions for the Windows temporary folder is set correctly to allow the administrator account you are using to have full permissions for the folder and all child objects.