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Level 4
Partner Accredited


OS Version:        Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.3 (Tikanga)

SF Version:         5.0


Replication Status shows inconsistent and timestamp information is N/A

-bash-3.2$ sudo vradmin -g diskgroup repstatus home-rvg

Replicated Data Set:


  Host name:                  192.168.1.x

  RVG name:                  home-rvg

  DG name:                    diskgroup

  RVG state:                   enabled for I/O

  Data volumes:              1

  VSets:                         0

  SRL name:                   home-srl

  SRL size:                     10.00 G

  Total secondaries:        1


  Host name:                  192.168.1.x

  RVG name:                  home-rvg

  DG name:                    diskgroup

  Data status:                 inconsistent

  Replication status:        replicating (connected)

  Current mode:               asynchronous

  Logging to:                   SRL

  Timestamp Information:      N/A


PRIMARY NODE vxprint results states rlink status FAIL

-bash-3.2$ sudo vxprint


dg diskgroup   diskgroup     -        -        -        -        -       -

dm diskgroup01 sdb          -        625071264 -       -        -       -

dm diskgroup02 sdc          -        156230304 -       -        -       -

rv home-rvg     -            ENABLED  -        -        ACTIVE   -       -

rl rlk_192.168.1.x_home-rvg home-rvg CONNECT - -      FAIL     -       -

v  home         home-rvg     ENABLED  624951296 -       ACTIVE   -       -

pl home-01      home         ENABLED  624951296 -       ACTIVE   -       -

sd diskgroup01-01 home-01   ENABLED  624951296 0       -        -       -

pl home-02      home         ENABLED  LOGONLY  -        ACTIVE   -       -

sd diskgroup01-02 home-02   ENABLED  512      LOG      -        -       -

pl home-03      home         ENABLED  LOGONLY  -        ACTIVE   -       -

sd diskgroup02-01 home-03   ENABLED  512      LOG      -        -       -

v  home-srl     home-rvg     ENABLED  20971520 SRL      ACTIVE   -       -

pl home-srl-01  home-srl     ENABLED  20971520 -        ACTIVE   -       -

sd diskgroup02-02 home-srl-01 ENABLED 20971520 0       -        -       -



This is what Technical Article say, but this is helpfull if you have checkpoints


A Primary RLINK enters the fail state when the corresponding Secondary RLINK enters the FAIL state for any reason. This happens if there is an unrecoverable I/O error on one of the Secondary data volumes.

There are two ways for a Secondary RLINK to fail. One is if it encounters an I/O error that cannot be corrected. This is less likely to happen if the data volumes have been configured in a redundant fashion.

The second way for a Secondary RLINK to fail is if you enter the vxrlink -w pause command on the Secondary. Use this command carefully because the data volumes on the Secondary become writable. The command must be used if a data volume must be restored from backup.

When the restore operation is complete, execute the following command:

# vxrlink -g diskgroup -c checkpoint_name restore rlink_name

This will return both the Primary and Secondary RLINKs to the ACTIVE state.

Check if checkpoints are available, whereas I didn't have any, Now what should i do ?? Follow down.

-bash-3.2$ sudo vxrlink -g diskgroup cplist rlk_192.168.1.x_home-rvg

VxVM VVR vxrlink INFO V-5-1-4463 Rlink rlk_192.168.1.x_home-rvg has no checkpoints

-bash-3.2$ sudo vxrvg -g diskgroup cplist home-rvg

VxVM VVR vxrvg INFO V-5-1-4472 Rvg home-rvg has no checkpoints


As like me if you don't have any checkpoints you will have to re-sync all the replicated data in order fix your replication

We will now stop replication and start it again, in order to fix the state of RLink and start replication.


Stop Replication

-bash-3.2$ sudo vradmin -g diskgroup -f stoprep home-rvg

VxVM VVR vradmin WARNING V-5-52-285  Secondary or Bunker will become out-of-date.

vradmin: Continue with stoprep (y/n)? y

Message from Primary:

VxVM VVR vxrlink INFO V-5-1-6466 Data volumes are in use. Before restarting replication a complete synchronization of the secondary data volumes must be performed.

Start Replication

-bash-3.2$ sudo vradmin -g diskgroup -a startrep home-rvg

Message from Primary:

VxVM VVR vxrlink WARNING V-5-1-3359 Attaching rlink to non-empty rvg. Autosync will be performed.

VxVM VVR vxrlink INFO V-5-1-3614 Secondary data volumes detected with rvg home-rvg as parent:

VxVM VVR vxrlink INFO V-5-1-6183 home:         len=624951296            primary_datavol=home

VxVM VVR vxrlink INFO V-5-1-3365 Autosync operation has started


Verify status of Rlink from vxprint

-bash-3.2$ vxprint

Disk group: diskgroup


dg diskgroup   diskgroup   -        -        -        -        -       -

dm diskgroup01 sdb          -        625071264 -       -        -       -

dm diskgroup02 sdc          -        156230304 -       -        -       -

rv home-rvg     -            ENABLED  -        -        ACTIVE   -       -

rl rlk_192.168.1.x_home-rvg home-rvg CONNECT - -      ACTIVE   -       -

v  home         home-rvg     ENABLED  624951296 -       ACTIVE   -       -

pl home-01      home         ENABLED  624951296 -       ACTIVE   -       -

sd diskgroup01-01 home-01   ENABLED  624951296 0       -        -       -

pl home-02      home         ENABLED  LOGONLY  -        ACTIVE   -       -

sd diskgroup01-02 home-02   ENABLED  512      LOG      -        -       -

pl home-03      home         ENABLED  LOGONLY  -        ACTIVE   -       -

sd diskgroup02-01 home-03   ENABLED  512      LOG      -        -       -

v  home-srl     home-rvg     ENABLED  20971520 SRL      ACTIVE   -       -

pl home-srl-01  home-srl     ENABLED  20971520 -        ACTIVE   -       -

sd diskgroup02-02 home-srl-01 ENABLED 20971520 0       -        -       -

Verify Replication Status

-bash-3.2$ sudo vradmin -g diskgroup repstatus home-rvg

Replicated Data Set: home-rvg


  Host name:                   192.168.1.x

  RVG name:                   home-rvg

  DG name:                     diskgroup

  RVG state:                    enabled for I/O

  Data volumes:               1

  VSets:                          0

  SRL name:                    home-srl

  SRL size:                      10.00 G

  Total secondaries:         1


  Host name:         

  RVG name:                   home-rvg

  DG name:                     diskgroup

  Data status:                  inconsistent

  Replication status:         resync in progress (autosync)

  Current mode:                asynchronous

  Logging to:                  DCM (contains 294709440 Kbytes) (autosync)

  Timestamp Information:  N/A



Level 6

Thank you Gaurav,


Before trying this , I can see that there are couple of volumes in RVG that are showing status

as Enabled/ NeedSYNC, however both plexes of these volumes  are in  Enabled/ Active.

There is no effect of these volumes in RVG state as RVG state is Enabled/ Active.

 Still I want to make these couple of volumes Enabled /Active before restarting replication.


How can I make the state Enabled /Activie?

   VIP    Certified

Have provided answer to your query in forum thread


Version history
Last update:
‎01-08-2013 11:20 AM
Updated by: