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0xa0008488 - Access is denied MAC OS Agent

Level 2
I have not been able to figure this out. I have also already searched the forums for any similar issues. I am able to get a complete backup and restore to a MAC OS X machine, yet the job will have a final error message of 0xa0008488 - Access is denied. The job log shows this detail - Backup - ARTSERVER_LOCAL/SERVER Access denied to directory /.
Directory ARTSERVER_LOCAL/SERVER\ was not found, or could not be accessed.
None of the files or subdirectories contained within will be backed up. I have not been able to determine why it looks for this path, as that path does not appear to be selected.

I have also tried adding/changing login accounts, adding accounts to the MAC OS with admin rights, adding password with agent.cfg file and disabling password in agent.cfg file.

I should add that the Backupexec server is 9.1 build 4691.

Thanks for any assistance.Message was edited by:
Mike Peterson

Level 6

This error may occur if the VERITAS Backup Exec (tm) service account user does not have sufficient permissions to perform the backup operation.
Verify that the user name has at least "Read" access to the resource being backed up/restored.

Please refer to the following technotes:-
The backup job log displays the error "Access Denied or could not be accessed" for some folders.

Troubleshooting basic "access denied" and "access is denied" messages in Backup Exec 9.x



Level 2
Thank you for your response.

I have followed the procedure and created a new Backup Exec account. This was on the media server within the Windows 2003 Domain. I also added the exact name (added new logon account with admin rights) to the standalone MAC OS computer. Should this be sufficient? As the resource is a MAC OS 10 X the agent.cfg file is the only way to control access rights and I have ensured that the publishes the directories with out passwords.

Thanks again for your assistance.

Level 6
Hello mike,

Do you still get the Error Message?
If yes, please Update us on the latest State of the Problem.


Level 2
Yes - I wasnt able to ever get the message to stop. Despite the annoying message, and my backups ending in a failed state due to this error message, but I have verified the the data is being backed up and I have done sucessful restores from the data as well.