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0xa000fe30 - communications failure has occurred - Netware Backup

Level 3
I have a regular backup job that hits multiple servers. (Several windows 2000 and a Netware 6 server)

I have a problem that I first saw 2 weeks ago. My backup jobs fail with a 0xa000fe30 error.

The consistent error is that my job log reports these errors when trying to hit my NetWare server:
0xa000fe30 - A communications failure has occurred
The connection to target system has been lost. Backup set canceled.

Also I find the thread RB_wrk_a7921040 running on the server consuming the majority of the used (40%) cpu cycles.

2 weeks ago it forced me to restart my server since files were locked. After the restart it worked fine for a week. The only symptom this time besides a failed backup is the high CPU utilization. I also noticed a cache memory allocator out of memory error when the job failed � 2 hours after it began to try to bckup my netware server.

My server is a nw6 sp5 server. I have made no software additions for at least 6 months.

Has anyone seen this before?

Any ideas on what to do?


Employee Accredited

Can you type the following at the server console:


This will produce sys:\system\config.txt. Please post a copy of this file here - remember to remove all public ip addresses, passwords and serial numbers before posting.


Level 3
Here is the content of the config.txt file.

Novell File Server Configuration Report For Server: NWA01
Novell File Server Configuration Report Created: Fri, Jul 28, 2006 5:57 pm
Novell File Server Configuration Report.

Novell NetWare 5.60.05 May 27, 2004
(C) Copyright 1983-2003 Novell Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Server name...............: NWA01
OS Version................: v5.60
OS revision number........: 5
Product Version...........: v6.00
Product Revision Number...: 5
Server Up Time(D:H:M:Sec).: 14:20:00:00
Serial number.............: XXXXXXXX
Internal Net. Addr........: 0E199D5Ah
Security Restriction Level: 1
SFT Level.................: 2
Engine Type...............: NATIVE
TTS Level.................: 1
Total Server memory.......: 3071.60 MB or -1074162688 Bytes
Processor speed rating....: 251212
Original cache buffers....: 785375
Current Cache Buffers.....: 339932
LRU Sitting Time(D:H:M:S).: 14:20:00:00
Current FSP's.............: 13
Current MP FSP's..........: 100
Current Receive Buffers...: 2000
Directory cache buffers...: 0
Workstations Connected....: 169
Max Workstations Connected: 389
Server language...........: ENGLISH (4)
Timesync active...........: Yes
Time is synchronized......: Yes
Total Processors..........: 2
Server DOS Country ID.....: 1
Server DOS Code Page......: 437

Top of Modules List 267 Modules Loaded.
BACKUPCR.NLM v10553.32 Sep. 9, 2004 eDirectory Management Tool Box DSBackup eMTool
BACKUPTL.NLM v10553.19 Aug. 16, 2004 eDirectory Management Tool Box DSBackup eMTool
BEREMOTE.NLM v8.50 Sep. 24, 2001 Backup Exec - Agent Accelerator(TM) Module
BKUPEXEC.NLM v8.50 Sep. 25, 2003 Backup Exec SureStart
BROKER.NLM v3.00.09 May. 11, 2004 NDPS Broker
BSDSOCK.NLM v6.10.04 Jun. 18, 2004 Novell BSDSOCK Module
BSPXCOM.NLM v7.90 Apr. 15, 2003 BSPXCOM.NLM v7.90.000, Build 253
BTCPCOM.NLM v7.90 Jul. 9, 2003 BTCPCOM.NLM v7.90.000, Build 253
BTRIEVE.NLM v7.90 Mar. 21, 2001 BTRIEVE.NLM v7.90.000
CALNLM32.NLM v6.00 Jun. 3, 2004 NetWare NWCalls Runtime Library
CCS.NLM v26410.05 Nov. 10, 2003 Controlled Cryptography Services from Novell, Inc.
CDBE.NLM v6.00 May. 10, 2004 NetWare Configuration DB Engine
CLIB.NLM v5.90.10 Feb. 24, 2004 (Legacy) Standard C Runtime Library for NLMs
CLNNLM32.NLM v6.00 Jun. 3, 2004 NetWare NWClient Runtime Library
CLXNLM32.NLM v6.00 Jun. 3, 2004 NetWare NWCLX Runtime Library
COMN.NSS v3.05 May. 19, 2004 NSS Common Support Layer (COMN) (Build 2350 MP)
CONFIG.NLM v3.10.07 Apr. 19, 2004 NetWare Server Configuration Reader
CONLOG.NLM v3.00.02 Nov. 26, 2002 System Console Logger
CONNAUD.NLM v3.15 May. 12, 2004 NLS - Connection Metering
CONNMGR.NLM v5.60 Jun. 16, 2004 NetWare Connection Manager NLM
CPQACA.NLM v1.06 May. 12, 2003 hp ProLiant ACPI Component Architecture (ACA) for NetWare 6.x
CPQACMGR.NLM v1.06 May. 12, 2003 hp ProLiant ACPI Component Driver Manager for NetWare 6.x
CPQACPI.PSM v1.06 May. 12, 2003 hp ProLiant ACPI Platform Support Module for NetWare 6.x
CPQACPWR.NLM v1.06 May. 12, 2003 hp ProLiant ACPI Component Driver for Power Management for NetWare 6.x
CPQASL.NLM v1.06 May. 12, 2003 hp ProLiant Architecture Services Library (ASL) for NetWare 6.x
CPQASM.NLM v1.08 Jun. 9, 2003 hp ProLiant Server Health Driver Tier 2 v1.08
CPQBSSA.NLM v6.40 Jun. 13, 2003 HP Insight Management Base System Agent
CPQCI.NLM v1.02 Sep. 9, 2002 hp ProLiant iLO Management Interface Driver
CPQDASA.NLM v6.40 Jun. 7, 2003 HP Management Array Subsystem Agent
CPQFCASA.NLM v6.40 Jun. 7, 2003 HP Management Fibre Channel Array Agent
CPQHLTH.NLM v5.08 Jun. 9, 2003 hp ProLiant Server Health Driver Tier 1 v5.08
CPQHMMO.NLM v3.92 Jun. 10, 2003 Compaq HMMO Services Provider for NetWare
CPQHOST.NLM v6.40 Jun. 12, 2003 HP Management Host Agent
CPQHTHSA.NLM v6.40 Jun. 13, 2003 HP Health Agent
CPQIDESA.NLM v6.40 Jun. 7, 2003 HP Management IDE Subsystem Agent
CPQIML.NLM v1.23 Nov. 11, 2002 hp ProLiant Integrated Management Log Viewer
CPQNCSA.NLM v6.40 May. 16, 2003 NIC Management Agent
CPQRAID.HAM v2.11 May. 10, 2004 HP Unified RAID driver
CPQRISA.NLM v6.40 Jun. 13, 2003 HP Remote Insight Management Agent
CPQSBD.NLM v3.19 Sep. 8, 2003 hp ProLiant System Bus Driver for PCI Hot Plug
CPQSCSA.NLM v6.40 Jun. 7, 2003 HP Management SCSI Subsystem Agent
CPQSHD.CDM v2.02 Mar. 22, 2004 HP NWPA SCSI Disk Driver
CPQSSSA.NLM v6.40 Jun. 7, 2003 HP Management Storage Box Subsystem Agent
CPQTHRSA.NLM v6.40 Jun. 12, 2003 HP Management Threshold Agent
CPQWEBAG.NLM v6.40 Jun. 12, 2003 HP Web Based Management Agent
CPUCHECK.NLM v5.60.01 May. 7, 2003 NetWare Processor Checking Utility
CRLSM.NLM v2.03.05 Nov. 22, 2004 Novell Challenge/Response LSM
CSATPXY.NLM v1.02 Nov. 17, 1999 CS Audit Trail Proxy Agent
CSAUDIT.NLM v3.05 Apr. 5, 1999 CSLIB: Audit Trail Facility
CSL.NLM v2.06.02 Jan. 13, 2000 NetWare Call Support Layer For NetWare
CSSYSMSG.NLM v1.01.08 Mar. 18, 1999 CSLIB: System Messages Facility
DBSRV7.NLM v7.00.02 Mar. 20, 2002 Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere
DFSLIB.NLM v3.05 May. 19, 2004 DFS Common Library (Build 281 MP)
DHCPSRVR.NLM v3.13.04 Apr. 30, 2004 DHCP Server
DHOST.NLM v10010.94 Nov. 3, 2003 Novell DHost Portability Interface 1.0.0 SMP
DIAG500.NLM v3.00 May. 11, 2004 Diagnostic/coredump utility for NetWare 5.x/6.x
DPLSV386.NLM v1.11 May. 21, 2004 NetWare 5.x, 6.x Distributed Print Library - DPLSV386
DPRPCNLM.NLM v3.00.14 Jun. 11, 2003 Novell NDPS RPC Library NLM
DS.NLM v10551.29 Aug. 24, 2004 Novell eDirectory Version SMP
DSAPI.NLM v5.05.09 Oct. 28, 2003 NetWare NWNet Runtime Library
DSEVENT.NLM v5.05.09 Oct. 28, 2003 NetWare DSEvent Runtime Library
DSLOADER.NLM v10551.29 Aug. 24, 2004 Novell eDirectory Version 8.7.3 Loader SMP
EMBOX.NLM v10553.32 Sep. 9, 2004 eDirectory Management Tool Box Engine
EMBOXMGR.NLM v10553.32 Sep. 9, 2004 eDirectory Management Tool Box Manager
EMBOXMSG.NLM v10553.32 Sep. 9, 2004 eDirectory Management Tool Box Message API
EMSECURE.NLM v10553.32 Sep. 9, 2004 eDirectory Management Tool Box Security Service
ETHERTSM.NLM v3.89 Jan. 27, 2003 Novell Ethernet Topology Specific Module
FILESYS.NLM v5.13 Apr. 2, 2004 NetWare File System NLM
FPSM.NLM v5.90.01 Dec. 12, 2000 Novell Floating-Point Support Module for NLMs
FTPIF.NLM v2.07.14 Oct. 29, 2003 Interface Module for NetWare FTP Server and Statistics
GAMS.NLM v1.20 Aug. 5, 2004 Graded Authentication Management Service
HOSTMIB.NLM v5.00.13 Apr. 27, 2004 NetWare 5.x/6.x Host Resources MIB
HT2SOAP.NLM v10553.32 Sep. 9, 2004 eDirectory Management Tool Box HTTP to SOAP shim
HTTPSTK.NLM v2.02 Mar. 26, 2004 Novell Small Http Interface
HWDETECT.NLM v1.18.07 Jun. 24, 2003 Novell Hardware Insertion/Removal Detection
IDEATA.HAM v4.15 Jun. 4, 2004 Novell ATA/IDE/ATAPI Host Adapter Module
IDECD.CDM v4.00 Apr. 24, 2004 Novell ATAPI CD-ROM/DVD-ROM Custom Device Module
IMGSERV.NLM v4.01 Jan. 16, 2003 ZENworks Imaging Server
IPCLINFO.NLM v1.11.01 Dec. 17, 1999 IP Client Info Module 17Dec99
IPPSRVR.NLM v3.00.03 Jun. 11, 2004 Novell IPP Server
IPXRTR.NLM v6.70.01 Dec. 3, 2001 IPX NLSP Router Production_02Dec2001
IPXRTRNM.NLM v6.60 Jun. 24, 1998 IPX Router Network Management
IPXS.NLM v4.10.01 Feb. 12, 1998 NetWare STREAMS IPX Protocol
IPXSPX.NLM v5.60 Nov. 21, 2001 NetWare IPX/SPX Protocol Stack NLM
JAVA.NLM v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Novell JVM Version 1.3.1_10 Build 04061602
JNCPV2.NLM v1.10 Nov. 13, 2003 Native Wrapper Java Class Libraries for NetWare
JNET.NLM v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java net (based on 1.3)
JSMSG.NLM v3.05 May. 19, 2004 Jetstream Message Layer (Build 376 MP)
JSOCK.NLM v1.31.02 Jun. 16, 2004 Support For Java Sockets
JSOCK6X.NLM v1.31.02 Jun. 16, 2004 NetWare 6.x Support For Java Sockets
JSTCP.NLM v3.05 May. 19, 2004 Jetstream TCP Transport Layer (Build 368 MP)
JVM.NLM v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java jvm (based on 1.3)
JVMLIB.NLM v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java jvmlib (based on 1.3)
LANGMAN.NLM v10210.40 Nov. 10, 2003 Novell Cross-Platform Language Manager
LANGMANI.NLM v10210.40 Nov. 10, 2003 Novell Cross-Platform Language Manager
LBURP.NLM v10552.36 Dec. 2, 2003 LDAP Bulkload Update/Replication Protocol service extension for Novell eDirectory 8.7.
LCMCIFS2.NLM v2.00.09 Nov. 29, 2005 Windows Native File Access Login Methods (Build 84 SP)
LDAPSDK.NLM v3.01 Nov. 13, 2003 LDAP SDK Library (Clib version)
LDAPXS.NLM v3.01 Nov. 13, 2003 (Clib version)
LFS.NLM v5.12 Jan. 23, 2004 NetWare Logical File System NLM
LIB0.NLM v5.90.10 Feb. 24, 2004 Novell Ring 0 Library for NLMs
LIBC.NLM v7.05 Jun. 23, 2004 Standard C Runtime Library for NLMs
LIBNSS.NLM v3.05 May. 10, 2004 Generic Library used by NSS (Build 95 MP)
LLDAPSDK.NLM v3.01 Nov. 13, 2003 LDAP SDK Library (LibC version)
LOCNLM32.NLM v6.00 Jun. 3, 2004 NetWare NWLocale Runtime Library
LOGGER.NLM v10553.32 Sep. 9, 2004 eDirectory Management Tool Box Logger
LPR2NDPS.NLM v3.00.03 Jul. 31, 2002 NDPS Utility to accept UNIX jobs via LPR
LSAPI.NLM v5.02 Jan. 7, 2003 NLS LSAPI Library
LSL.NLM v4.81 May. 7, 2004 Novell NetWare Link Support Layer
LSMAFP.NLM v1.02 May. 6, 2003 NMAS Login Server Method for the Apple Filing Protocol
LSMAFP3.NLM v2.00.11 Jan. 3, 2005 Macintosh Native File Access Login Methods (Build 106 SP)
LSMCIFS.NLM v1.00 Aug. 30, 2001 NMAS Login Server Module for CIFS - MS Windows File System for NetWare
LSMCIFS2.NLM v2.00.07 Nov. 29, 2005 Windows Native File Access Login Methods (Build 95 SP)
MAL.NSS v3.05 May. 19, 2004 NSS Media Access Layer (MAL) (Build 458 MP)
MALHLP.NLM v3.05 May. 10, 2004 NSS Configure help messages (Build 340 MP)
MANAGE.NSS v3.05 May. 19, 2004 NSS Management Functions (Build 265 MP)
MASV.NLM v1.39.01 Mar. 13, 2002 Mandatory Access Control Service
MATHLIB.NLM v4.21 Oct. 14, 1999 NetWare Math Library Auto-Load Stub
MERGECR.NLM v10553.32 Sep. 9, 2004 eDirectory Management Tool Box DSMerge eMTool
MERGETL.NLM v10553.32 Sep. 9, 2004 eDirectory Management Tool Box DSMerge eMTool
MLIB.NLM v2.00.01 Jun. 16, 2004 MLIB - Java 1.3 Media Library
MM.NLM v3.03 May. 17, 2004 NetWare 6 Media Manager
MONITOR.NLM v12.01.09 May. 5, 2004 NetWare Console Monitor
MSM.NLM v4.10 Jan. 24, 2003 Novell Multi-Processor Media Support Module
NAMED.NLM v5.12.06 May. 11, 2004 Novell DNS Server
NAWT.NLM v1.00.01 Jun. 16, 2004 NAWT - 1.1 Graphics
NBI.NLM v2.35.16 Jun. 9, 2004 NetWare Bus Interface
NCM.NLM v1.14.03 May. 7, 2003 Novell Configuration Manager
NCP.NLM v5.60 Feb. 26, 2004 NetWare Core Protocol (NCP) Engine
NCPIP.NLM v5.64 May. 11, 2004 NetWare NCP Services over IP
NCPIPX.NLM v5.60 Jan. 22, 2004 Novell NCP/IPX Stack NLM
NCPNLM32.NLM v6.00 Jun. 3, 2004 NetWare NWNCP Runtime Library
NDPSGW.NLM v3.01.06 Oct. 21, 2004 NDPS Gateway for NetWare Servers PTF v1.00 (041021) CSP12 NW65SP3 SSA
NDPSM.NLM v3.01.09 Dec. 14, 2004 NDPS Manager PTF v1.11 (041214) CSP11
NDSAUDIT.NLM v2.09 May. 22, 2003 Directory Services Audit
NDSIMON.NLM v20210.61 Jun. 2, 2004 NDS iMonitor 2.3
NEB.NLM v5.61 Dec. 11, 2002 Novell Event Bus
NETDB.NLM v4.10.26 Jun. 27, 2003 Network Database Access Module
NETLIB.NLM v6.03.01 Oct. 7, 2002 Novell TCPIP NETLIB Module CSP9_Rel
NETNLM32.NLM v5.05.09 Oct. 28, 2003 NetWare NWNet Runtime Library
NICISDI.NLM v26410.05 Nov. 10, 2003 Security Domain Infrastructure
NILE.NLM v6.05.03 Sep. 20, 2004 Novell Secure Socket Services NLM
NIPPED.NLM v1.03.04 May. 28, 2004 NetWare 5.x, 6.x INF File Editing Library - NIPPED
NIPPZLIB.NLM v1.00.01 Dec. 20, 2002 General Purpose ZIP File Library for NetWare
NIT.NLM v5.90.10 Feb. 24, 2004 NetWare Interface Tools Library for NLMs
NLDAP.NLM v10552.93 Aug. 23, 2004 LDAP Agent for Novell eDirectory
NLMLIB.NLM v5.90.10 Feb. 24, 2004 Novell NLM Runtime Library
NLSADAPT.NLM v1.02 Nov. 15, 2001 NLSAPI Remote Adapter for NetConsole
NLSADPT2.NLM v2.00 Sep. 9, 2003 NLS and Metering adapter for iManager 2.0 plugin
NLSAPI.NLM v5.02 Aug. 7, 2003 NLSAPI
NLSLRUP.NLM v4.01.06 Mar. 16, 2004 NLS - Usage Metering
NLSLSP.NLM v5.02 Mar. 16, 2004 NLS - License Service Provider
NLSMETER.NLM v3.41 Feb. 19, 2004 NLS - Software Usage Metering Database
NLSTRAP.NLM v5.02 Feb. 19, 2004 NetWare License Server Trap
NMAS.NLM v20040908.00 Sep. 8, 2004 Novell Modular Authentication Service
NMASGPXY.NLM v20040908.00 Sep. 8, 2004 NMAS Generic Proxy
NMASLDAP.NLM v20040908.00 Sep. 8, 2004 NMAS LDAP Extensions
NPKIAPI.NLM v2.74 Sep. 15, 2004 Public Key Infrastructure Services
NPKIT.NLM v2.74 Sep. 15, 2004 Public Key Infrastructure Services
NSPDNS.NLM v6.20.03 Sep. 8, 2003 NetWare Winsock 2.0 NSPDNS.NLM Name Service Providers
NSPNDS.NLM v6.20 Nov. 12, 2001 NetWare Winsock 2.0 NSPNDS.NLM Name Service Provider
NSPSAP.NLM v6.20.02 Sep. 8, 2003 NetWare Winsock 2.0 NLM NSPSAP.NLM Name Service Provider
NSPSLP.NLM v6.20.02 Sep. 8, 2003 NetWare Winsock 2.0 NSPSLP.NLM Name Service Provider
NSS.NLM v3.05 May. 10, 2004 NSS (Novell Storage Services) (Build 666 MP)
NSSIDK.NSS v3.05 May. 19, 2004 NSS Pool Configuration Manager (Build 242 MP)
NSSWIN.NLM v3.05 May. 10, 2004 NSS ASCI Window API Library (Build 189 MP)
NTFYDPOP.ENM v2.00.03 Feb. 26, 1999 Directed Pop-Up Delivery Method
NTFYLOG.ENM v2.00.03 May. 25, 1999 Log File Delivery Method
NTFYPOP.ENM v2.00.03 May. 21, 1999 Pop Up Delivery Method
NTFYRPC.ENM v2.00.03 Feb. 26, 1999 RPC Delivery Method
NTFYSPX.ENM v2.00.03 Feb. 26, 1999 SPX Delivery Method
NTFYSRVR.NLM v3.00.05 Aug. 7, 2002 NDPS Notification Server
NTFYWSOC.ENM v2.00.03 Feb. 26, 1999 Winsock Delivery Method
NTLS.NLM v10812.53 Sep. 9, 2004 Novell TLS Library
NWAIF103.NLM v7.90 Aug. 8, 2001 nwaif103.nlm v7.90, Build 245 ()
NWBSRVCM.NLM v7.90 Mar. 20, 2001 NWBSRVCM.NLM v7.90.000, Build 230
NWENC103.NLM v7.90 Feb. 24, 2001 NWENC103.NLM v7.90.000 (Text Encoding Conversion Library)
NWFTPD.NLM v5.04.20 May. 25, 2004 NetWare FTP Server
NWI.NLM v2.50.04 Sep. 19, 2003 NetWare Install (NWI) Module
NWIDK.NLM v3.01.01 Sep. 19, 2003 CDWare Volume Module
NWKCFG.NLM v2.16 Sep. 2, 2003 NetWare Kernel Config NLM
NWMKDE.NLM v7.90 Mar. 21, 2001 NWMKDE.NLM v7.90.230.000
NWPA.NLM v3.12.08 May. 6, 2004 NetWare 6 NetWare Peripheral Architecture NLM
NWPALOAD.NLM v3.00 Jul. 10, 2000 NetWare 5 NWPA Load Utility
NWSA.NSS v3.05 May. 19, 2004 NSS NetWare Semantic Agent (NWSA) (Build 1074 MP)
NWSNUT.NLM v7.00 Jun. 22, 2004 NetWare NLM Utility User Interface
NWUCMGR.NLM v1.05 Mar. 14, 2001 NWUCMGR.NLM v1.5 Build 230
NWUTIL.NLM v1.03.05 Nov. 14, 2003 Novell Utility Library NLM ()
ODINEB.NLM v1.10 Aug. 13, 1999 Novell ODI to Novell Event Bus Interface Module
OHCIDRV.NLM v1.01.05 Jun. 24, 2003 Novell Universal Serial Bus OHCI Driver
PARTAPI.NLM v1.21 Mar. 17, 2000 Partition APIs
PKI.NLM v2.74 Sep. 15, 2004 Novell Certificate Server
PKIAPI.NLM v2.23.08 Apr. 1, 2004 Public Key Infrastructure Services
PMLODR.NLM v1.20 Jan. 23, 2003 PMLodr for NW6
POLIMGR.NLM v6.22 Feb. 27, 2004 NetWare License Policy Manager
PORTAL.NLM v2.00.04 May. 27, 2004 NetWare Remote Manager NLM
PSVCS.NLM v230.00 Feb. 24, 2001 Portability Services
PVER500.NLM v3.00 Feb. 27, 2003 NetWare 6.XX Version Library
PWDLCM.NLM v1.00 Jun. 7, 2001 Simple Password LCM
PWDLSM.NLM v2.02 Jun. 7, 2001 Simple Password LSM
Q57.LAN v7.63 Nov. 23, 2004 HP NC10xx/NC67xx/NC77xx Gigabit Server Adapter
QUEUE.NLM v5.60 Mar. 19, 2002 NetWare Queue Services NLM
RCONAG6.NLM v6.10.06 May. 27, 2004 RConsole Agent for Netware
REGSRVR.NLM v3.00.06 Mar. 25, 2002 NDPS Service Registry
REPAIRCR.NLM v10553.32 Sep. 9, 2004 eDirectory Management Tool Box DSRepair eMTool
REPAIRTL.NLM v10553.32 Sep. 9, 2004 eDirectory Management Tool Box DSRepair eMTool
REQUESTR.NLM v5.90.10 Feb. 24, 2004 Novell NCP Requestor for NLMs
RMANSRVR.NLM v3.04 May. 21, 2004 NDPS Resource Manager
ROLLCALL.NLM v5.00 Jul. 27, 1998 RollCall NLM (101, API 1.0)
RSS.NLM v10553.32 Sep. 9, 2004 eDirectory Management Tool Box Remote Subscription Service
SAL.NLM v20350.78 Aug. 17, 2004 Novell System Abstraction Layer Version 2.3.1
SAS.NLM v1.75 Mar. 13, 2004 Secure Authentication Services
SASDFM.NLM v26410.05 Nov. 10, 2003 SAS Data Flow Manager
SASL.NLM v20040908.00 Sep. 8, 2004 Simple Authentication and Security Layer
SCHEMACR.NLM v10553.32 Sep. 9, 2004 eDirectory Management Tool Box Schema eMTool
SCHEMATL.NLM v10553.32 Sep. 9, 2004 eDirectory Management Tool Box Schema eMTool
SERVICTL.NLM v10553.32 Sep. 9, 2004 eDirectory Management Tool Box DSService eMTool
SERVINST.NLM v5.00.10 Sep. 26, 2003 NetWare 5.x/6.x Instrumentation
SGUID.NLM v5.61 Mar. 4, 2003 NetWare 5 GUID Services
SMDR.NLM v6.54.01 Jun. 11, 2004 SMS - Storage Data Requestor
SMSUT.NLM v1.01 May. 31, 2005 SMS - Utility Library for NetWare 6.X
SNMP.NLM v4.17 Jan. 23, 2004 Netware 4.x/5.x/6.x SNMP Service
SPMDCLNT.NLM v20040908.00 Sep. 8, 2004 Novell SPM Client for DClient
SPMNWCC.NLM v20040908.00 Sep. 8, 2004 Novell SPM Client for NWCC
SPXS.NLM v5.14 Jan. 18, 2000 NetWare SPX/SPXII Protocol (PTF)
STATUSLG.NLM v1.00 Aug. 8, 2003 Report and Notification Service
STREAMS.NLM v6.00.03 Jan. 18, 2002 NetWare STREAMS PTF
SURVEY.NLM v2.54 Jun. 12, 2003 Compaq Survey Utility for NetWare
SURVEYCW.NLM v1.00 Oct. 10, 2000 SurveyCW.nlm
SYMCJIT.NLM v3.10.21 Oct. 21, 2002 Symantec Java JIT for Netware Java 1.3.x
TCP.NLM v6.10.02 Mar. 23, 2004 Novell TCP/IP Stack - Transport module (NULL encryption)
TCPIP.NLM v6.10.06 Jun. 2, 2004 Novell TCP/IP Stack - Network module (NULL encryption)
TCPSTATS.NLM v6.00.16 Nov. 12, 2003 Web Interface for Protocol Monitoring
THREADS.NLM v5.90.10 Feb. 24, 2004 Novell Threads Package for NLMs
TIMESYNC.NLM v6.04.08 May. 19, 2004 NetWare Time Synchronization Services
TLI.NLM v4.30.02 Dec. 19, 2000 NetWare Transport Level Interface Library
TSAFS.NLM v6.51 May. 31, 2005 SMS - File System Agent for NetWare 6.X
TSANDS.NLM v10551.44.05 Feb. 3, 2004 TSA for Novell eDirectory 7.x, 8.x
UKBDSHIM.NLM v1.00 Mar. 27, 2002 Novell USB Keyboard Shim
UMSSHIM.NLM v1.01 Dec. 17, 2001 Novell USB Mouse Shim
UNICODE.NLM v7.00 Jun. 3, 2004 NetWare Unicode Runtime Library (UniLib-based)
USBIO.NLM v1.01.01 Apr. 5, 2002 Novell USB IO System
USBSHIM.NLM v1.01 Sep. 11, 2002 Novell USB Platform Shim
VERIFY.NLM v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java verify (based on 1.3)
VOLMN.NSS v3.05 May. 19, 2004 NSS Distributed Volume Manager (Build 184 MP)
WS2_32.NLM v6.21.06 Jun. 15, 2004 NetWare Winsock 2.0 NLM
WSPIP.NLM v6.21.04 Jun. 4, 2004 NetWare Winsock Service 1.0 NLM for TCP and UDP
WSPIPX.NLM v6.21 Mar. 22, 2004 NetWare Winsock Service 1.0 NLM for IPX and SPX
WSPSSL.NLM v6.21 Mar. 22, 2004 NetWare Winsock Service 1.0 NLM for SSL
XENGEXP.NLM v26410.05 Nov. 10, 2003 NICI Import Restricted XENG from Novell, Inc.
XENGNUL.NLM v26410.05 Nov. 10, 2003 NICI NULL XENG from Novell, Inc.
XENGUSC.NLM v26410.05 Nov. 10, 2003 NICI U.S./Worldwide XENG from Novell, Inc.
XI18N.NLM v10210.40 Nov. 10, 2003 Novell Cross-Platform Internationalization Package
XIM.XLM v26410.05 Nov. 10, 2003 Novell NICI Signed Loader
XIS11.NLM v1.00.01 Nov. 7, 2003 XML Integration Service
XLIB.NLM v11.06.01 May. 23, 2002 XFree86 4.X X11R6 Library Build 020523
XMGR.NLM v26410.05 Nov. 10, 2003 NICI XMGR from Novell, Inc.
XNGAUSC.NLM v26410.05 Nov. 10, 2003 NICI U.S./Worldwide XMGR Assistant XENG from Novell, Inc.
XSUP.NLM v26410.05 Nov. 10, 2003 NICI XSUP from Novell, Inc.
ZENIMGDS.NLM v4.01.02 Mar. 12, 2003 ZENworks Imaging DS Library
ZENWS.NLM v1.00 Jul. 29, 2002 Zen Workstation Utility NLM
ZIP.NLM v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java zip (based on 1.3)
ZLIB.NLM v1.01.04 Dec. 20, 2002 ZLIB 1.1.4 General Purpose Compression Library for NetWare
ZLSS.NSS v3.05 May. 19, 2004 NSS Journaled Storage System (ZLSS) (Build 1485 MP)
End of Modules List 267 Modules Loaded.

Top of LAN Driver Configuration Listing

Signature.....: HardwareDriverMLID
CFG Version...: 1.15
Node Address..: 000E7F21A734
Board Number..: 1
Board Instance: 1
Media Type....: ETHERNET_II
MLID Version..: 7.63
Slot..........: 10017
I/O...........: None
Memory........: F06E0000h -> F06EFFFFh
IRQ...........: 15
DMA...........: None
Logical Name..: Q57_2_EII_EII

Signature.....: HardwareDriverMLID
CFG Version...: 1.15
Node Address..: 000E7F21A734
Board Number..: 2
Board Instance: 1
Media Type....: ETHERNET_802.2
MLID Version..: 7.63
Slot..........: 10017
I/O...........: None
Memory........: F06E0000h -> F06EFFFFh
IRQ...........: 15
DMA...........: None
Logical Name..: Q57_2_EII_E82

End of LAN Driver Configuration Listing

Top of Boot Drive Information

SERVER.EXE loaded from...........: C:\NWSERVER\
SERVER.EXE version...............: 1393461 bytes 05-27-2004 07:37pm
Total Space on Drive.............: 1999 MB
Available Space..................: 1939 MB

End of Boot Drive Information

Top of Storage Device Configuration Information

Storage Device Summary:
0x0000 Novell ATA/IDE Host Adapter Module
0x0001 TEAC CD-224E 9.9A
0x0002 HP Unified RAID Driver
0x0003 HP Smart Array 5i Slot 0 ID 0 LUN 0
0x0004 DOS Partitioned Media
0x0011 Free Partition Space
0x0005 Big DOS; OS/2; Win95 Partition
0x0006 NSS Partition
0x0007 Hotfixed Partition
0x0008 Non-Mirrored Partition
0x0009 NSS Partition
0x000A Hotfixed Partition
0x000B Non-Mirrored Partition
0x000D NSS Partition
0x000E Hotfixed Partition
0x000F Non-Mirrored Partition
0x0010 Free Partition Space

Storage Device Details:
Novell ATA/IDE Host Adapter Module
Media Manager object ID..: 0x0000
Media Manager Object Type: Adapter
Driver name..............: IDEATA.HAM
Assigned driver ID.......: 37
Adapter number...........: 0
Primary port address.....: 1F0
Primary port length......: 8
Secondary port address...: Not used
Secondary port length....: Not used
Interrupt 0..............: E
Interrupt 1..............: Not used
Slot.....................: 0
DMA0.....................: Not used
DMA1.....................: Not used
Memory 0 address.........: Not used
Memory 0 length..........: Not used
Memory 1 address.........: Not used
Memory 1 length..........: Not used

TEAC CD-224E 9.9A
Media manager object ID.....: 0x0001
Media manager Object Type...: Device
Device type.................: CD-ROM
Capacity....................: Unavailable
Unit Size, in bytes.........: 512
Sectors.....................: 0
Heads.......................: 0
Cylinders...................: 0
Block size, in bytes........: 134215680
Activated...................: No
Registered..................: Yes
Functional..................: Yes
Writable....................: Yes
Write protected.............: No
Reserved....................: No
Removable...................: Yes
Read Handicap...............: No
Offline.....................: No
Controller Number...........: 0
Device Number...............: 0
Adapter Number..............: 0
System Type.................: 0x90000
Read after write verify.....: Not supported
Removable drive mount status: Dismounted
Removable drive lock status.: Not locked

HP Unified RAID Driver
Media Manager object ID..: 0x0002
Media Manager Object Type: Adapter
Driver name..............: CPQRAID.HAM
Assigned driver ID.......: 1284
Adapter number...........: 1
Primary port address.....: Not used
Primary port length......: Not used
Secondary port address...: Not used
Secondary port length....: Not used
Interrupt 0..............: A
Interrupt 1..............: Not used
Slot.....................: 10015
DMA0.....................: Not used
DMA1.....................: Not used
Memory 0 address.........: 0000
Memory 0 length..........: 4000
Memory 1 address.........: Not used
Memory 1 length..........: Not used

HP Smart Array 5i Slot 0 ID 0 LUN 0
Media manager object ID.....: 0x0003
Media manager Object Type...: Device
Device type.................: Magnetic disk
Capacity....................: 279552 MB
Unit Size, in bytes.........: 512
Sectors.....................: 63
Heads.......................: 255
Cylinders...................: 35697
Block size, in bytes........: 131072
Activated...................: Yes
Registered..................: Yes
Functional..................: Yes
Writable....................: Yes
Write protected.............: No
Reserved....................: No
Removable...................: No
Read Handicap...............: No
Offline.....................: No
Controller Number...........: 0
Device Number...............: 0
Adapter Number..............: 1
System Type.................: 0x90000
Read after write verify.....: Not supported

DOS Partitioned Media
Media Manager object ID..: 0x0004
Media Manager Object Type: Media
Media type...............: IBM partition

Free Partition Space
Media Manager object ID......: 0x0011
Media Manager Object Type....: Partition
Activated....................: Yes
Registered...................: Yes
Functional...................: Yes
Reserved.....................: No
Logical partition............: No
Beginning sector of partition: 505806525
Size, in sectors.............: 67665780

Big DOS; OS/2; Win95 Partition
Media Manager object ID......: 0x0005
Media Manager Object Type....: Partition
Activated....................: Yes
Registered...................: Yes
Functional...................: Yes
Reserved.....................: No
Logical partition............: No
Beginning sector of partition: 63
Size, in sectors.............: 4096512

NSS Partition
Media Manager object ID......: 0x0006
Media Manager Object Type....: Partition
Activated....................: Yes
Registered...................: Yes
Functional...................: Yes
Reserved.....................: No
Logical partition............: No
Beginning sector of partition: 4096575
Size, in sectors.............: 8212480

Hotfixed Partition
Media Manager object ID...........: 0x0007
Media Manager Object Type.........: Hotfix
Activated.........................: Yes
Registered........................: Yes
Functional........................: Yes
Reserved..........................: No
Logical partition.................: No
Hot Fix offset....................: 9104
Hot Fix identifier................: 0x30CA5638
Total Hot Fix blocks available....: 1138
Used Hot Fix blocks...............: 0
Number of available Hot Fix blocks: 1110
System Hot Fix blocks.............: 28

Non-Mirrored Partition
Media Manager object ID..........: 0x0008
Media Manager Object Type........: Mirror
Activated........................: Yes
Registered.......................: Yes
Functional.......................: Yes
Reserved.........................: Yes
Logical partition................: Yes
Remirroring......................: No
Mirror identifier................: 0x34FC8F31
Number of members in mirror group: 1
Mirror member....................: 0x0007
Mirror Synchronization...........: 100%

Volume Segment
Volume name.....................: SYS
Starting unit...................: 0
Number of units.................: 8203376
Segment size....................: 4005 MB
Volume status...................: Mounted

NSS Partition
Media Manager object ID......: 0x0009
Media Manager Object Type....: Partition
Activated....................: Yes
Registered...................: Yes
Functional...................: Yes
Reserved.....................: No
Logical partition............: No
Beginning sector of partition: 12309055
Size, in sectors.............: 409600000

Hotfixed Partition
Media Manager object ID...........: 0x000A
Media Manager Object Type.........: Hotfix
Activated.........................: Yes
Registered........................: Yes
Functional........................: Yes
Reserved..........................: No
Logical partition.................: No
Hot Fix offset....................: 224
Hot Fix identifier................: 0x30CC95F2
Total Hot Fix blocks available....: 28
Used Hot Fix blocks...............: 0
Number of available Hot Fix blocks: 4
System Hot Fix blocks.............: 24

Non-Mirrored Partition
Media Manager object ID..........: 0x000B
Media Manager Object Type........: Mirror
Activated........................: Yes
Registered.......................: Yes
Functional.......................: Yes
Reserved.........................: No
Logical partition................: No
Remirroring......................: No
Mirror identifier................: 0x32705923
Number of members in mirror group: 1
Mirror member....................: 0x000A
Mirror Synchronization...........: 100%

NSS Partition
Media Manager object ID......: 0x000D
Media Manager Object Type....: Partition
Activated....................: Yes
Registered...................: Yes
Functional...................: Yes
Reserved.....................: No
Logical partition............: No
Beginning sector of partition: 421909055
Size, in sectors.............: 83886080

Hotfixed Partition
Media Manager object ID...........: 0x000E
Media Manager Object Type.........: Hotfix
Activated.........................: Yes
Registered........................: Yes
Functional........................: Yes
Reserved..........................: No
Logical partition.................: No
Hot Fix offset....................: 224
Hot Fix identifier................: 0x32705954
Total Hot Fix blocks available....: 28
Used Hot Fix blocks...............: 0
Number of available Hot Fix blocks: 4
System Hot Fix blocks.............: 24

Non-Mirrored Partition
Media Manager object ID..........: 0x000F
Media Manager Object Type........: Mirror
Activated........................: Yes
Registered.......................: Yes
Functional.......................: Yes
Reserved.........................: No
Logical partition................: No
Remirroring......................: No
Mirror identifier................: 0x32705955
Number of members in mirror group: 1
Mirror member....................: 0x000E
Mirror Synchronization...........: 100%

Free Partition Space
Media Manager object ID......: 0x0010
Media Manager Object Type....: Partition
Activated....................: Yes
Registered...................: Yes
Functional...................: Yes
Reserved.....................: No
Logical partition............: No
Beginning sector of partition: 505795135
Size, in sectors.............: 11390

End of Storage Device Configuration Information

* Volume Statistics for SYS *
File System................: NSSIDK (Novell Storage Services)
Volume Size................: 3940 MB
Block Size.................: 4 KB
Total Blocks...............: 1008691
Free Blocks................: 215061
Purgable Blocks............: 113613
Not Yet Purgable Blocks....: 0
Total Directory Entries....: 2147483647
Available Directory Entries: 2147427566
Sectors per Block..........: 8
Free Disk Space............: 840 MB
Purgable Disk Space........: 443 MB
Suballocation..............: OFF
Compression................: OFF
Migration..................: OFF

Segment on Logical Partition....: 0x0008
Starting Unit...................: 0
Number of Units.................: 8203376
Segment Size....................: 4005 MB

* Volume Statistics for _ADMIN *
File System................: Unknown
Volume Size................: 4 MB
Block Size.................: 4 KB
Total Blocks...............: 1024
Free Blocks................: 1024
Purgable Blocks............: 0
Not Yet Purgable Blocks....: 0
Total Directory Entries....: 2147483647
Available Directory Entries: 2147483647
Sectors per Block..........: 8
Free Disk Space............: 4 MB
Purgable Disk Space........: 0 MB
Suballocation..............: OFF
Compression................: OFF
Migration..................: OFF

* Volume Statistics for DATA *
File System................: NSSIDK (Novell Storage Services)
Volume Size................: 240243 MB
Block Size.................: 4 KB
Total Blocks...............: 61502345
Free Blocks................: 6939714
Purgable Blocks............: 4289941470
Not Yet Purgable Blocks....: 0
Total Directory Entries....: 2147483647
Available Directory Entries: 2146867571
Sectors per Block..........: 8
Free Disk Space............: 27108 MB
Purgable Disk Space........: 2077519 MB
Suballocation..............: OFF
Compression................: OFF
Migration..................: OFF

Segment on Logical Partition....: 0x000B
Starting Unit...................: 0
Number of Units.................: 409599776
Segment Size....................: 199999 MB
Segment on Logical Partition....: 0x000F
Starting Unit...................: 0
Number of Units.................: 83885856
Segment Size....................: 40959 MB

Volume Name Name Spaces Loaded
----------------- --------------------------------

Top of NDS/eDirectory Configuration Listing

NDS Tree Name............: FHSC_TREE
NDS Server Name..........: CN=NWA01.OU=anc.OU=wmw.O=fhsc.T=FHSC_TREE
NDS Version..............: v10551.29
sys:_netware attributes..: Hidden System SubDir ImmediatePurge

*.NDS files..........: 1501 (27458866 bytes)
*.DSD files..........: 2 (0 bytes)
*.DSB files..........: 0 (0 bytes)
NDS.* files..........: 4 (18284544 bytes)
NDS*.LOG files.......: 0 (0 bytes)
NDO.* files..........: 3 (18612224 bytes)
NDO*.LOG files.......: 0 (0 bytes)
*.41X files..........: 0 (0 bytes)
*.OLD files..........: 0 (0 bytes)
*.DOD files..........: 0 (0 bytes)
*.DOB files..........: 0 (0 bytes)
*.__D files..........: 0 (0 bytes)
*.__B files..........: 0 (0 bytes)
*.DTD files..........: 0 (0 bytes)
*.DTB files..........: 0 (0 bytes)
*.TAO files..........: 0 (0 bytes)
*.WBQ files..........: 0 (0 bytes)

End of NDS/eDirectory Configuration Listing

Top of Installed Product List

Product ID...........: C1RPTING
Product Version......: 1.3.6
Product Description..: Reporting Snapin

Product ID...........: CANWAG
Product Version......: 9.0.0
Product Description..: BrightStor ARCserve Backup NetWare Agent

Product ID...........: CONSOLE1
Product Version......: 1.3.6
Product Description..: ConsoleOne 1.3.6

Product ID...........: EDIR
Product Version......: 87.3.0
Product Description..: eDirectory (tm) 8.7.3

Product ID...........: LDAP
Product Version......: 87.3.0
Product Description..: LDAP Services

Product ID...........: NAAS
Product Version......: 1.0.3
Product Description..: Novell Advanced Audit Services

Product ID...........: NDPS
Product Version......: 3.0.5
Product Description..: iPrint/NDPS

Product ID...........: NDS8
Product Version......: 87.3.0
Product Description..: eDirectory (tm) 8.7.3

Product ID...........: NICI
Product Version......: 2.6.4
Product Description..: Novell International Cryptographic Infrastructure (NICI)

Product ID...........: NICIU0
Product Version......: 2.6.4
Product Description..: NICI U.S./Canada (128bit) Crypto XENG

Product ID...........: NLS
Product Version......: 5.0.3
Product Description..: Novell Licensing Services

Product ID...........: NMAS
Product Version......: 2.3.5
Product Description..: NMAS 2.3.5

Product ID...........: NTLS
Product Version......: 1.8.1
Product Description..: Novell TLS Library

Product ID...........: NWFTP
Product Version......: 1.0.10
Product Description..: NetWare FTP Server

Product ID...........: NWWebAdm
Product Version......: 3.6.1
Product Description..: NetWare Web Manager

Product ID...........: PERVASIV
Product Version......: 7.9.0
Product Description..: Pervasive SQL 2000i

Product ID...........: PKIS
Product Version......: 2.7.4
Product Description..: Novell Certificate Server v2.7.4

Product ID...........: PORTAL
Product Version......: 2.2.0
Product Description..: NetWare Remote Manager

Product ID...........: PortRes
Product Version......: 1.0.1
Product Description..: NetWare Port Resolver

Product ID...........: SAS
Product Version......: 1.7.4
Product Description..: SSL Security Authentication Services

Product ID...........: SMS
Product Version......: 1.0.9
Product Description..: Storage Management Services

Product ID...........: SPACK
Product Version......: 6.0.5
Product Description..: v5.0 Support Pack for NetWare 6.0

Product ID...........: SUpd
Product Version......: 6.0.1
Product Description..: Security Update 6a

Product ID...........: WANMAN
Product Version......: 1.0.3
Product Description..: WAN Traffic Manager Services

Product ID...........: eMFrame
Product Version......: 1.2.2
Product Description..: eDirectory iManager Service

Product ID...........: iManager
Product Version......: 1.2.2
Product Description..: eDirectory iManager Service

Product ID...........: iMonitor
Product Version......: 2.3.0
Product Description..: NDS iMonitor Services

End of Installed Product List

Top of Running Java Processes 5 Processes Running

Class Name...........:
Class ID.............: 539
Class State..........: Running

Class Name...........: com.novell.zenworks.desktop.inventory.servercommon.ZENWorksInventoryServiceManager
Class ID.............: 541
Class State..........: Running

Class Name...........: com.novell.zenworks.desktop.remotewakeup.ZENWorksWOLServiceManager
Class ID.............: 553
Class State..........: Running

Class Name...........: com.novell.application.zenworks.autowsmanagement.wsimport.ImportWorkstations
Class ID.............: 584
Class State..........: Running

Class Name...........: com.novell.application.zenworks.autowsmanagement.wsremoval.RemoveWorkstations
Class ID.............: 586
Class State..........: Running

End of Running Java Processes

Top of Server Memory Statistics

Allocated Memory.................: 915.4 MB
Cache Buffer Memory..............: 1327.9 MB
Cache Moveable Memory............: 0.0 MB
Cache Non-moveable Memory........: 0.1 MB
Code Memory......................: 31.9 MB
Data Memory......................: 16.0 MB
Total Work Memory................: 2291.3 MB
Other Cache Pages Memory.........: 120.0 MB
System Memory Under 4GB..........: 3071.6 MB

End of Server Memory Statistics

Top of SM BIOS Information

BIOS Information
Vendor.........................: HP
Version........................: P29
Starting Address Segment.......: F000h
Release Date...................: 07/25/2003
ROM Size.......................: 1984 kB
ISA Supported..................: No
MCA Supported..................: No
EISA Supported.................: No
PCI Supported..................: Yes
PC Card (PCMCIA) Supported.....: No
Plug and Play Supported........: Yes
APM Supported..................: No
Flash BIOS.....................: Yes
BIOS Shadowing Allowed.........: Yes
VL-VESA Supported..............: No
ESCD Supported.................: Yes
Boot From CD Supported.........: Yes
Selectable Boot Supported......: Yes
BIOS ROM Socketed..............: No
Boot From PC Card Supported....: No
EDD Supported..................: No
ACPI Supported.................: Yes
Legacy USB Supported...........: Yes
AGP Supported..................: No
I2O Boot Supported.............: No
LS-120 Boot Supported..........: No
ZIP Drive Boot Supported.......: No
1394 Boot Supported............: No
Smart Battery Supported........: No
BIOS Boot Spec. Supported......: Yes
Network Boot Supported.........: No

System Information
Manufacturer...................: HP
Product Name...................: ProLiant DL380 G3
Version........................: N/A
Serial Number..................: EA2BLDN324
Universal Unique ID............: 45413242 4C444E33 32342020 20202020
Wake-up Type...................: Power Switch

System Enclosure
Manufacturer...................: HP
Type...........................: Rack Mount Chassis
Version........................: N/A
Serial Number..................: EA2BLDN324
Asset Tag Number...............:
Bootup State...................: Unknown
Power Supply State.............: Unknown
Thermal State..................: Unknown
Security Status................: Unknown

Processor Information
Socket Designation.............: Proc 1
Processor Type.................: Central Processor
Processor Family...............: Intel Xeon
Processor Manufacturer.........: Intel
Processor ID...................: BFEBFBFF 00000F25
Processor Version..............: N/A
Voltage........................: 1 V
External Clock.................: 533 MHz
Max Speed......................: 3600 MHz
Current Speed..................: 3066 MHz
Socket Populated...............: Yes
Status.........................: Idle
Processor Upgrade..............: ZIF Socket
L1 Cache.......................: 8 kB
L2 Cache.......................: 512 kB
L3 Cache.......................: 1024 kB

Processor Information
Socket Designation.............: Proc 2
Processor Type.................: Central Processor
Processor Family...............: Intel Xeon
Processor Manufacturer.........: Intel
Processor ID...................: BFEBFBFF 00000F25
Processor Version..............: N/A
Voltage........................: 1 V
External Clock.................: 533 MHz
Max Speed......................: 3600 MHz
Current Speed..................: 3066 MHz
Socket Populated...............: Yes
Status.........................: Enabled
Processor Upgrade..............: ZIF Socket
L1 Cache.......................: 8 kB
L2 Cache.......................: 512 kB
L3 Cache.......................: 1024 kB

Cache Information
Socket Designation.............: Processor 1 Internal L1 Cache
Operational Mode...............: Write Back
Enabled........................: Yes
Location.......................: Internal
Socketed.......................: No
Cache Level....................: 1
Maximum Size...................: 32 kB
Installed Size.................: 8 kB
Supported SRAM Type............: Burst
Current SRAM Type..............: Burst
Cache Speed....................: N/A
Error Correction Type..........: Unknown
System Cache Type..............: Unknown
Associativity..................: 4-way Set-Associative

Cache Information
Socket Designation.............: Processor 2 Internal L1 Cache
Operational Mode...............: Write Back
Enabled........................: Yes
Location.......................: Internal
Socketed.......................: No
Cache Level....................: 1
Maximum Size...................: 32 kB
Installed Size.................: 8 kB
Supported SRAM Type............: Burst
Current SRAM Type..............: Burst
Cache Speed....................: N/A
Error Correction Type..........: Unknown
System Cache Type..............: Unknown
Associativity..................: 4-way Set-Associative

Cache Information
Socket Designation.............: Processor 1 Internal L2 Cache
Operational Mode...............: Write Back
Enabled........................: Yes
Location.......................: Internal
Socketed.......................: No
Cache Level....................: 2
Maximum Size...................: 2048 kB
Installed Size.................: 512 kB
Supported SRAM Type............: Burst
Current SRAM Type..............: Burst
Cache Speed....................: N/A
Error Correction Type..........: Unknown
System Cache Type..............: Unknown
Associativity..................: Other

Cache Information
Socket Designation.............: Processor 2 Internal L2 Cache
Operational Mode...............: Write Back
Enabled........................: Yes
Location.......................: Internal
Socketed.......................: No
Cache Level....................: 2
Maximum Size...................: 2048 kB
Installed Size.................: 512 kB
Supported SRAM Type............: Burst
Current SRAM Type..............: Burst
Cache Speed....................: N/A
Error Correction Type..........: Unknown
System Cache Type..............: Unknown
Associativity..................: Other

Cache Information
Socket Designation.............: Processor 1 Internal L3 Cache
Operational Mode...............: Write Back
Enabled........................: Yes
Location.......................: Internal
Socketed.......................: No
Cache Level....................: 3
Maximum Size...................: 1024 kB
Installed Size.................: 1024 kB
Supported SRAM Type............: Burst
Current SRAM Type..............: Burst
Cache Speed....................: N/A
Error Correction Type..........: Unknown
System Cache Type..............: Unknown
Associativity..................: Other

Cache Information
Socket Designation.............: Processor 2 Internal L3 Cache
Operational Mode...............: Write Back
Enabled........................: Yes
Location.......................: Internal
Socketed.......................: No
Cache Level....................: 3
Maximum Size...................: 1024 kB
Installed Size.................: 1024 kB
Supported SRAM Type............: Burst
Current SRAM Type..............: Burst
Cache Speed....................: N/A
Error Correction Type..........: Unknown
System Cache Type..............: Unknown
Associativity..................: Other

Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator..: J58
Internal Connector Type........: Access Bus (USB)
External Reference Designator..: USB Port 1
External Connector Type........: Access Bus (USB)
Port Type......................: USB

Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator..: J58
Internal Connector Type........: Access Bus (USB)
External Reference Designator..: USB Port 2
External Connector Type........: Access Bus (USB)
Port Type......................: USB

System Slots
Slot Designation...............: PCI Slot 1
Slot Type......................: PCI-X
Slot Data Bus Width............: 64 bit
Current Usage..................: Available
Slot Length....................: Long
Provides 5.0 Volts.............: No
Provides 3.3 Volts.............: Yes
Shared Slot....................: No
Hot-plug Devices Supported.....: No

System Slots
Slot Designation...............: PCI Slot 2
Slot Type......................: PCI-X
Slot Data Bus Width............: 64 bit
Current Usage..................: Available
Slot Length....................: Long
Provides 5.0 Volts.............: No
Provides 3.3 Volts.............: Yes
Shared Slot....................: No
Hot-plug Devices Supported.....: Yes

System Slots
Slot Designation...............: PCI Slot 3
Slot Type......................: PCI-X
Slot Data Bus Width............: 64 bit
Current Usage..................: Available
Slot Length....................: Long
Provides 5.0 Volts.............: No
Provides 3.3 Volts.............: Yes
Shared Slot....................: No
Hot-plug Devices Supported.....: Yes

Physical Memory Array
Location.......................: System Board or Motherboard
Use............................: System Memory
Memory Error Correction........: Single-bit ECC
Maximum Capacity...............: 12288 MB
Error Detected.................: N/A
Number of Memory Devices.......: 6

Memory Device
Error Detected.................: N/A
Total Width....................: 72 bits
Data Width.....................: 64 bits
Size...........................: 512 MB
Form Factor....................: DIMM
Device Locator.................: DIMM 01
Bank Locator...................: N/A
Memory Type....................: DDR
Memory Type Details............: CMOS
Speed..........................: 266 MHz

Memory Device
Error Detected.................: N/A
Total Width....................: 72 bits
Data Width.....................: 64 bits
Size...........................: 512 MB
Form Factor....................: DIMM
Device Locator.................: DIMM 02
Bank Locator...................: N/A
Memory Type....................: DDR
Memory Type Details............: CMOS
Speed..........................: 266 MHz

Memory Device
Error Detected.................: N/A
Total Width....................: 72 bits
Data Width.....................: 64 bits
Size...........................: 512 MB
Form Factor....................: DIMM
Device Locator.................: DIMM 03
Bank Locator...................: N/A
Memory Type....................: DDR
Memory Type Details............: CMOS
Speed..........................: 266 MHz

Memory Device
Error Detected.................: N/A
Total Width....................: 72 bits
Data Width.....................: 64 bits
Size...........................: 512 MB
Form Factor....................: DIMM
Device Locator.................: DIMM 04
Bank Locator...................: N/A
Memory Type....................: DDR
Memory Type Details............: CMOS
Speed..........................: 266 MHz

Memory Device
Error Detected.................: N/A
Total Width....................: 72 bits
Data Width.....................: 64 bits
Size...........................: 512 MB
Form Factor....................: DIMM
Device Locator.................: DIMM 05
Bank Locator...................: N/A
Memory Type....................: DDR
Memory Type Details............: CMOS
Speed..........................: 266 MHz

Memory Device
Error Detected.................: N/A
Total Width....................: 72 bits
Data Width.....................: 64 bits
Size...........................: 512 MB
Form Factor....................: DIMM
Device Locator.................: DIMM 06
Bank Locator...................: N/A
Memory Type....................: DDR
Memory Type Details............: CMOS
Speed..........................: 266 MHz

End of SM BIOS Info

Top of file.
Net 0 Gateway Metric 1 Passive

End of file.

Top of file.
# Mappings of host names and host aliases to IP address.
# loopback lb localhost # normal loopback address

# examples from Novell network
# ta tahiti loghost osd-frog frog sj-in5 in5 sj-in1 in1

# interesting addresses on the Internet
# nic simtel20

End of file.

Top of file.

End of file.

Top of file.
#! This file was created by the Internetworking Configuration Console.
#! It is intended to be modified ONLY by the configurator (INETCFG.NLM).
#! Tampering with this file may cause severe malfunctioning of the system.
#! The configurator will check for tampering and abort if it is detected.
#! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#Transferred from AUTOEXEC.NCF
#Transferred from AUTOEXEC.NCF
#:LOAD Q57 NAME=Q57_1_EII_EII FRAME=ETHERNET_II SLOT=10016 Speed=100FD RxBuffers=200
#Transferred from AUTOEXEC.NCF
#Transferred from AUTOEXEC.NCF
LOAD Q57 NAME=Q57_2_EII_EII FRAME=ETHERNET_II SLOT=10017 Speed=AUTO RxBuffers=200 Poll=0
LOAD Q57 NAME=Q57_2_EII_E82 FRAME=Ethernet_802.2 SLOT=10017 Speed=AUTO RxBuffers=200 Poll=0
LOAD Tcpip RIP=No Static=Yes LoadSharing=No Forward=No
BIND IP Q57_2_EII_EII ARP=Yes Mask= Address=10.X.X.X
#:BIND IP Q57_1_EII_EII ARP=Yes Mask= Address=10.X.X.X
SET Reply To Get Nearest Server=ON
LOAD SPXCONFG Q=1 A=540 V=54 W=108 R=10 S=1000 I=1200
SET IPX NetBIOS Replication Option=1
SET Load Balance Local LAN=OFF
BIND IPX Q57_2_EII_E82 net=9950301a seq=1

End of file.

Top of file.
nameserver 10.X.X.X

End of file.

Top of file.
; This is a sample of the slp configuration file.
; Two types of entries can be made: 1) DA entries, 2) SA Register Filters.
; The DA entry allows static configuration of a known DA. This would be used
; when the DA was out of multicast range and DHCP was not being used to
; configure the DA.
; The static DA configuration format is as follows 'DA , '.
; The first word must be "DA". The addr type is the address type. Currently, only
; IPV4 has been defined. IPV6 will be defined in the future. The addr is
; the address specified.
; The following is an example of a static DA.
; The SA Register Filter would be used when the administrator wanted all services
; of a specific service type being mapped to a single scope. For example,
; the administrator wanted all "lpr" printers being registered to scope "printer".
; The format is as follows: 'REGISTER TYPE "" to SCOPE ""'.
; The parser will look for REGISTER, TYPE, and SCOPE as keywords followed by quote on
; a single line. Example:
; REGISTER TYPE "lpr" to SCOPE "eng"
; The last line must contain a line feed and char return. A semi-colon specifies a
; comment.

End of file.

Top of file.
AutonomousSystem 0
Protocol rip off {
Interface {
Address 10.X.X.X
Port Q57_2_EII_EII
Status on
Cost 1
Poison off
SplitHorizon on
UpdateTime 30
GarbageTime 120
ExpireTime 180
OriginateDefault off
Version ripI
Mode normal
Interface {
Address 10.X.X.X
Port Q57_1_EII_EII
Status on
Cost 1
Poison off
SplitHorizon on
UpdateTime 30
GarbageTime 120
ExpireTime 180
OriginateDefault off
Version ripI
Mode normal
Protocol egp off {
Protocol ospf off {
Interface {
Address 10.X.X.X
Port Q57_2_EII_EII
Status on
Cost 1
Priority 1
RetransmissionInterval 5
TransitDelay 1
HelloInterval 10
RouterDeadInterval 40
Nbma {
PollInterval 120
Neighbor {
Interface {
Address 10.X.X.X
Port Q57_1_EII_EII
Status on
Cost 1
Priority 1
RetransmissionInterval 5
TransitDelay 1
HelloInterval 10
RouterDeadInterval 40
Nbma {
PollInterval 120
Neighbor {
Interface {
Address 10.X.X.X
Port Q57_2_EII_EII
Type lan
RouterDiscovery no
SolicitationAddress multicast
NATStatus Disabled
TOSStatus Disabled
TOSValue 0
ARPTimerStatus Disabled
ARPCacheUpdateTimeout 300
ARPCacheStaleTimeout 300
GroupedInterface yes
PrimaryInterface yes
LBPolicy 0
Arpable yes
Interface {
Address 10.X.X.X
Port Q57_1_EII_EII
Type lan
RouterDiscovery no
SolicitationAddress multicast
NATStatus Disabled
TOSStatus Disabled
TOSValue 0
ARPTimerStatus Disabled
ARPCacheUpdateTimeout 300
ARPCacheStaleTimeout 300
GroupedInterface yes
PrimaryInterface no
LBPolicy 0
Arpable yes
ForwardIPSourceRouting off
NATFiltering off
Deadgatewaydetection off {
LoadBalancing on {
LBInterval 30
FaultTolerance on {
FTInterval 2
FTMinError 20
Network {
LBStatus Enabled
LBLevel 0
FTStatus Enabled

End of file.

Top of file.

End of file.

Top of file.
File size is 919828 bytes.
Only last 200 kbytes of file was scanned.

Server NWA01 halted Monday, June 26, 2006 6:09:09.764 am
Abend 3 on P00: Server-5.60.05-0: KiClearKernelSetJmp: Passed in setjmp structure not at head of list.

CS = 0008 DS = 0010 ES = 0010 FS = 0010 GS = 0010 SS = 0010
EAX = AA8F5EE8 EBX = CD10A240 ECX = 00000010 EDX = AA8F5EE8
ESI = 00000000 EDI = AAA92260 EBP = 00000000 ESP = AA8F5DD0
EIP = 0032CD5D FLAGS = 00000286
0032CD5D 83C404 ADD ESP,00000004
EIP in SERVER.NLM at code start +00124F1Dh

The violation occurred while processing the following instruction:
0032CD5D 83C404 ADD ESP,00000004
0032CD60 C3 RET
0032CD61 8B542404 MOV EDX,
0032CD65 895A08 MOV ,EBX
0032CD68 89720C MOV ,ESI
0032CD6B 897A10 MOV ,EDI
0032CD6E 896A14 MOV ,EBP
0032CD71 896218 MOV ,ESP
0032CD74 8B0424 MOV EAX,
0032CD77 89421C MOV ,EAX

Running process: JSOCK6X.NLM 1 Process
Thread Owned by NLM: JSOCK6X.NLM
Stack pointer: AA8F59F0
OS Stack limit: AA8F2500
CPU 0 (Thread AAA920A0) is in a NO SLEEP state
Scheduling priority: 67371008
Wait state: 5050090 Wait for interrupt
Stack: -00453C30 (SERVER.NLM|classicWorkToDoPreCheckFlag+16C)
0029792D (SERVER.NLM|EventReport+331)
--AA8F5EE8 ?
--00000002 ?
--00000050 ?
--AA8F5F10 ?
--6D657473 ?
--41522373 ?
--41204449 ?
--79617272 ?
--6F745320 ?
--65676172 ?
--73795320 ?
--736D6574 ?
-CB1381D5 (NCP.NLM|(Data Start)+1D5)
--0000000A ?
--20202020 ?
--7261703C ?
--6E206D61 ?
--3D656D61 ?
--636F4C22 ?
--20226C61 ?
-CB13818E (NCP.NLM|(Data Start)+18E)
--2F223D65 ?
00226F5F (SERVER.NLM|kGetLibraryTCO+1B)
--AAA3D3E0 ?
--C8D36900 ?
--00000003 ?
--00000003 ?
--00000046 ?
002976B3 (SERVER.NLM|EventReport+B7)
-00440CA4 (SERVER.NLM|total_event_generated_counter+0)
--00000046 ?
--00000246 ?
00262FE6 (SERVER.NLM|FreeMemoryDefault+C2)
--CB5864E4 (NSSIDK.NSS|__U8LS+664B)
--00000246 ?
--00000038 ?
-A81DEBA8 (NCPIP.NLM|registeredAddresses+8)
--00000038 ?
--AA8F5F3C ?
--A822E000 ?
00262EC8 (SERVER.NLM|Free+1E8)
--A822E078 ?
002D193D (SERVER.NLM|OutputToString+2369)
--C8042040 ?
--00000018 ?
--00000020 ?
--00000030 ?
--00000007 ?
--70797420 ?
--74223D65 ?
--00000003 ?
--00000010 ?
00297835 (SERVER.NLM|EventReport+239)
--FFFFFFFF (LOADER.EXE|KernelTempAliasesEnd+FFF)
--00000000 ?
--AA8F6020 ?
--A82035C0 ?
--AAA92260 (JSTCP.NLM|JSTCP_ThreadList+3090)
--AAA92260 (JSTCP.NLM|JSTCP_ThreadList+3090)
--00000000 ?
002CEEFA (SERVER.NLM|INWsprintf+15E)
-CB1381D2 (NCP.NLM|(Data Start)+1D2)
--AA8F5EEC ?
002D01CC (SERVER.NLM|OutputToString+BF8)
--AA8F5EF0 ?
--AA8F5EEC ?
--A822E040 ?
--A822E080 ?
002CEEFA (SERVER.NLM|INWsprintf+15E)
--00000000 ?
--AA8F5F51 ?
-CB1381D5 (NCP.NLM|(Data Start)+1D5)
--AA8F5EF4 ?
-CB1381D0 (NCP.NLM|(Data Start)+1D0)
--A822E086 ?
--00000006 ?
--AA8F5F41 ?
CB119383 (NCP.NLM|FormatNCPAddress+14B)
--AA8F5F4C ?
-CB1381D0 (NCP.NLM|(Data Start)+1D0)
CB1189B1 (NCP.NLM|DeRegisterNCPServiceForNetwork+101)
--00000000 ?
--00000001 ?
-A81DEBA8 (NCPIP.NLM|registeredAddresses+8)
--AA8F5F42 ?
--00000000 ?
CB1189B1 (NCP.NLM|DeRegisterNCPServiceForNetwork+101)
--0000006F ?
--00000001 ?
--20504455 ?
--2E303120 ?
--392E3134 ?
--38302E38 ?
--3235303A ?
--00000034 ?
0026244F (SERVER.NLM|AllocMemoryDefault+11F)
--CF67DE24 ?
--00000246 ?

Server NWA01 halted Monday, June 26, 2006 6:19:33.030 am
Abend 1 on P00: Server-5.60.05-3603: CDestroyProcess called on thread not created by CMakeProcess

CS = 0008 DS = 0010 ES = 0010 FS = 0010 GS = 0010 SS = 0010
EAX = 00000000 EBX = FCE20637 ECX = CDD63C48 EDX = 00000000
ESI = C8962180 EDI = 00000246 EBP = AB356200 ESP = AB03074C
EIP = 0021A757 FLAGS = 00000293
0021A757 83C404 ADD ESP,00000004
EIP in SERVER.NLM at code start +0001A617h

The violation occurred while processing the following instruction:
0021A757 83C404 ADD ESP,00000004
0021A75A 833D0010C0FB00 CMP =00000000,00000
0021A761 7527 JNZ 0021A78A
0021A763 9C PUSHFD
0021A764 58 POP EAX
0021A765 FA CLI
0021A766 56 PUSH ESI
0021A767 89C3 MOV EBX,EAX
0021A769 E86A060000 CALL 0021ADD8
0021A76E 83C404 ADD ESP,00000004

Running process: NDPSM_Main Process
Thread Owned by NLM: NDPSM.NLM
Stack pointer: AB030724
OS Stack limit: AB02AF60
Scheduling priority: 67371008
Wait state: 5050100 Delayed
Stack: --FCE20637 ?
--AB356200 ?
--C8962180 (IDEATA.HAM|IfYouSeeThisYoureWayPastTheIDEDriver+9870)
--00000246 ?
CDD47452 (THREADS.NLM|_DestroyThread+57A)
--C8962180 (IDEATA.HAM|IfYouSeeThisYoureWayPastTheIDEDriver+9870)
--00000046 ?
--AB3573E0 ?
--00000000 ?
--AB00CAC0 ?
--00000000 ?
--B094A500 ?
--AB00CAC0 ?
--AB00CAC0 ?
--AB19E0A0 ?
--AB356200 ?
CDD4754A (THREADS.NLM|_DestroyThreadGroup+A2)
--B08CCC40 ?
--AB19E0A0 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--436E5478 ?
--A76F3D60 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--AB356200 ?
--AB00CAC0 ?
--AB19E0A0 ?
--00000000 ?
CDD5AEE1 (THREADS.NLM|_TerminateNLM+461)
--AB356200 ?
--AB19E0A0 ?
--00000000 ?
--AB356120 ?
--00000100 ?
--AB356120 ?
--AB037700 ?
--AB00CAC0 ?
--00000003 ?
--00000001 ?
--00000050 ?
--00000003 ?
--00000001 ?
--00000001 ?
--00000001 ?
--00000001 ?
--AB19E0A0 ?
--AB19E0A0 ?
CDD4AB81 (THREADS.NLM|exit+81)
--AB19E0A0 ?
--AB3573E0 ?
--00000001 ?
--AB03084C ?
--FFFFFD6D (LOADER.EXE|KernelTempAliasesEnd+D6D)
--00000117 ?
AB36EA44 ?
--00000001 ?
--FFFFFD6D (LOADER.EXE|KernelTempAliasesEnd+D6D)
--00000001 ?
--AB030EA4 ?
AB3B4229 ?
--00000117 ?
--00000003 ?
--FFFFFD6D (LOADER.EXE|KernelTempAliasesEnd+D6D)
--AB1A0640 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--AB030BB0 ?
--0000000A ?
--00000000 ?
--00000001 ?
--00000246 ?
0025B2E6 (SERVER.NLM|FreeMemoryDefault+C2)
--AAC7DB64 ?
--00000246 ?
--00001218 ?
--00000055 ?
--00001218 ?
--00000000 ?
--AB04C000 ?
0025B1C8 (SERVER.NLM|Free+1E8)
--AB04C058 ?
--00000003 ?
--00000009 ?
--00000008 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000003 ?
--00000009 ?
--00000008 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
CDEAAA82 (NETNLM32.NLM|NWDSGetReplicaReferenceRootID+C12)
--AB030E4C ?
--AB04C0CC ?

Server NWA01 halted Monday, June 26, 2006 6:25:38.222 am
Abend 2 on P00: Server-5.60.05-1937: CPU Hog Detected by Timer

CS = 0008 DS = 0010 ES = 0010 FS = 0010 GS = 0010 SS = 0010
EAX = FCE17833 EBX = 00000000 ECX = 00000006 EDX = 00000000
ESI = 00000006 EDI = 00000000 EBP = 00000024 ESP = B0497CE8
EIP = 00000000 FLAGS = 00000086

Running process: DHCP Server 5 Process
Thread Owned by NLM: DHCPSRVR.NLM
Stack pointer: B0497C24
OS Stack limit: B0493D40
CPU 0 (Thread B08C54A0) is in a NO SLEEP state
Scheduling priority: 67371008
Wait state: 5050190 Blocked on a kernel CV
Stack: --FCE17833 ?
CDDC8769 (NLMLIB.NLM|recvfrom+D)
--B0497D64 ?
--00000010 ?
--B0497D08 ?
--00000001 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--B0497D34 ?
--00000032 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000006 ?
AAF19EA7 ?
--00000006 ?
--B0497D34 ?
--00000032 ?
--00000000 ?
--B0497D64 ?
--B0497D74 ?
--00000010 ?
--AF03B400 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
CDDC6DE7 (NLMLIB.NLM|select+173)
--00000010 ?
--AF03B400 ?
CDDC92CD (NLMLIB.NLM|bsd_fd_isset+11)
--00000000 ?
--00000008 ?
--AAF3C940 ?
AAF1A677 ?
--00000008 ?
--AF03B400 ?
--00000000 ?
CDDC92CD (NLMLIB.NLM|bsd_fd_isset+11)
--00000010 ?
--AF03B400 ?
--AF03B360 ?
--00000006 ?
--AF03B400 ?
AAF1B560 ?
--00000002 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
AAF1B47C ?
--B081FE60 ?
--AA878C80 (JSOCK.NLM|_argc+AC10)
CDD44306 (THREADS.NLM|getcmd+21E)
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000246 ?
--B08C54A0 ?
--00000000 ?
CDD44144 (THREADS.NLM|getcmd+5C)
--B0587C40 ?
--00000000 ?
CDD4413C (THREADS.NLM|getcmd+54)
--B0587C40 ?
--00000000 ?
--B08C54A0 ?
--00000000 ?
--B08C54A0 ?
-CDD5F72C (THREADS.NLM|(Data Start)+272C)
0021BFE8 (SERVER.NLM|TcoNewSystemThreadEntryPoint+3C)
--B08C54A0 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--B0493000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?

Server NWA01 halted Monday, June 26, 2006 6:25:38.277 am
Abend 3 on P00: Server-5.60.05-0: Deadlock detected waiting for spinlock currently owned by CPU 00

CS = 0008 DS = 0010 ES = 0010 FS = 0010 GS = 0010 SS = 0010
EAX = 00000030 EBX = 00000001 ECX = AAA44D90 EDX = 00000030
ESI = 00130C93 EDI = 0000000A EBP = AF881464 ESP = AF881424
EIP = 00111822 FLAGS = 00000206
00111822 83C404 ADD ESP,00000004
EIP in UNKNOWN memory area

The violation occurred while processing the following instruction:
00111822 83C404 ADD ESP,00000004
00111825 BAE8030000 MOV EDX,000003E8
0011182A 33C0 XOR EAX,EAX
0011182C 4A DEC EDX
0011182D 78A3 JS 001117D2
0011182F F390 ***REP**NOP
00111831 3901 CMP ,EAX
00111833 75F7 JNZ 0011182C
00111835 5D POP EBP
00111836 C3 RET

Running process: Java_516 XMLTimer Process
Thread Owned by NLM: JAVA.NLM
Stack pointer: AF881374
OS Stack limit: AF861DA0
CPU 0 (Thread AF860600) is in a NO SLEEP state
Scheduling priority: 67371008
Wait state: 5050030 Blocked on Semaphore
Stack: -00130C55 (LOADER.EXE|AlternateKeyboardHandler+105)
0011165D (LOADER.EXE|kSpinLock+8D)
AAA3C4F3 (JSOCK6X.NLM|GetVMInstance+13)
-AAA44D90 (JSOCK6X.NLM|VMIspinLock+0)
--D04724D0 ?
--00000001 ?
AAA3B20F (JSOCK6X.NLM|sysSocket+3F)
--FFFFFFFF (LOADER.EXE|KernelTempAliasesEnd+FFF)
--AF881464 ?
--D00070B2 (SERVER.NLM|KernelAddressSpaceEnd+70B2)
--D04724D0 ?
--AF709280 ?
AEE4A9BB (JNET.NLM|Java_java_net_PlainSocketImpl_socketCreate+5B)
--00000002 ?
--00000001 ?
--00000000 ?
--AF881490 ?
--D00070B2 (SERVER.NLM|KernelAddressSpaceEnd+70B2)
--D047249C ?
--D00070B2 (SERVER.NLM|KernelAddressSpaceEnd+70B2)
AAA0B261 (JVM.NLM|sysInvokeNative+99)
--AF709280 ?
--D0472494 ?
--00000001 ?
--D03BE1C0 ?
--00000001 ?
--AF709280 ?
--D047246C ?
AA9D1155 (JVM.NLM|invokeJNINativeMethod+195)
--AF709280 ?
AEE4A960 (JNET.NLM|Java_java_net_PlainSocketImpl_socketCreate+0)
--D0472494 ?
--D00070B0 (SERVER.NLM|KernelAddressSpaceEnd+70B0)
--0000000C ?
--00000000 ?
--D5997200 ?
--D008479C ?
--00000000 ?
--D0472494 ?
--D0472464 ?
--D0472494 ?
--D03BE605 ?
--D047246C ?
AAA11B59 (JVM.NLM|__irem_trap6+1565)
--D5997728 ?
--D03BE1C0 ?
--00000002 ?
--AF709280 ?
--AF881510 ?
--AF709280 ?
--AF881548 ?
--FABFD260 ?
--D03BD00C ?
--D0472144 ?
--AF88153C ?
AE92CDF8 (SYMCJIT.NLM|?ExecuteJava%JitInterface%%SAHPAEPAUexecenv%%%Z+18)
--D036AD9C ?
--AF709280 ?
--D036A8FC ?
--AF88153C ?
AE92CD1C (SYMCJIT.NLM|JitInvokeJavaMethodFromJitCStack+14C)
--D036AD9C ?
--AF709280 ?
--AF881590 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000007 ?
--D036A8FC ?
--AF881578 ?
--AF881998 ?
--AF881598 ?
--AF881578 ?
AE9816F5 (SYMCJIT.NLM|JitInvokeMethod+25)
--AF881548 ?
--AF709280 ?
--00000000 ?
--D0472008 ?
--D0472130 ?
--D030E464 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
--D036A8FC ?
--AF881590 ?
--00000002 ?
--D598A188 ?
--D5997B20 ?
--D5997B20 ?
--D5997B20 ?
--D598A188 ?
--D5A74B18 ?
--00000000 ?
--D59851C0 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000109 ?
--01000119 ?
--AF709300 ?
-00433544 (SERVER.NLM|AllocSizeTable+C)
--00000038 ?
-00433544 (SERVER.NLM|AllocSizeTable+C)
--AA93C060 ?
--AA93C064 ?

End of file.

Top of file.
# TimeSync.Cfg is now updated automatically,
# when changes are made on the System Console

# TIMESYNC Configuration Parameters

Configured Sources =ON
Polling Count =3
Polling Interval =600
Service Advertising =ON
Synchronization Radius =2000
NTP Client Port =0

# TIMESYNC Configured time source list


End of file.

Top of file.
set bindery context = anc.wmw.fhsc
set End Of Daylight Savings Time = (OCTOBER SUNDAY LAST 2:00:00 AM)

# Note: The Time zone information mentioned above
# should always precede the SERVER name.
# If you change the name of this server, you must update
# all the licenses that are assigned to this server. Using
# NWAdmin, double-click on a license object and click on
# the Assignments button. If the old name of
# this server appears, you must delete it and then add the
# new server name. Do this for all license objects.

load conlog maximum=1000 entire=yes archive=yes

; Network driver LOADs and BINDs are initiated via
; INITSYS.NCF. The actual LOAD and BIND commands
; are contained in INITSYS.NCF and NETINFO.CFG.
; These files are in SYS:ETC.
#BIND IP Q57_1_EII addr=10.X.X.X mask= gate=
#BIND IP Q57_2_EII addr= mask= gate=




Load HTTPSTK.NLM /SSL /keyfile:"SSL CertificateIP"

; This will load the HotPlug User Interface Module

# Storage Management Services components required for Backup

# Load Compaq Management Agents


load SURVEY -w10 -cWed.12,7
#RCONAG6.NLM is required by RConsoleJ
#LOAD RCONAG6 2034 16800 2036


# NW FTP Server

# DHCP Server
dhcpsrvr -d1

load ndsimon.nlm

REM Load NDPS Broker
Load broker "ndps-broker.anc.wmw.fhsc"

REM Load NDPS Manager
Load NDPSM "ndps-manager"

load embox.nlm

# --The following line should be uncommented if the SNMP subagent is desired
#load dssnmpsa.nlm

; eTrust Antivirus Installation - invariably causes abends in minirpc

# --Adds secondary IP address that belonged to FHSC_AKM



named -v

;ZENworks Database Settings

;ZENworks Inventory Settings
End of file.

Top of file.

End of file.

Top of file.
server -nl

End of file.

Top of file.
######## End PSM Drivers ########
######## End CDM Drivers ########
######## End HAM Drivers ########

End of file.

Top of SET Parameters.

* Communications *

IPX CMD Mode Routing = OFF
Do Not Initialize IPXCP = OFF
RIP Track Log = OFF
SAP Track Log = OFF
Always Pace SAP = OFF
IPXCP Support = OFF
Required Network For Services = OFF
IPX WAN Client Validation = OFF
Load Balance Local LAN = OFF
ISLL Delay = OFF
Force RIP SAP Updates = OFF
NLSP Packet Drop Rate = 0
NLSP Update Bindery = ON
Global Reset Router = OFF
NLSP Mem Fail Rate = 0
ISLL EnterDebugger = OFF
IPX Exit Node =
IPX WAN Client Spoofing Time = 14 MIN 59.7 SEC
ISDB Debug = 0
RIP Debug = 0
ISUL Debug = 0
ISLL Debug = OFF
SPX Maximum Window Size = 0
SPXS Clear Blocked Queue = 30
SPXS Debug All Messages = 0
SPXS Connection Tear Down Debug = 1
SPXS Connection Setup Debug = 1
Maximum Pending TCP Connection Requests = 128
BSD Socket default Buffer Size in Bytes = 32768
Tcp Sockets Debug = 0
IPSEC maximum incoming queue length = 0
IPSEC maximum incoming WorkToDos = 0
Discard Oversized Ping Packets = ON
Largest Ping Packet Size = 10240
Tcp IPCP Debug = 0
Tcp WAN Debug = 0
Tcp ICMP Debug = 0
Tcp ECB Debug = 0
Tcp IP Debug = 0
Maximum Interface MTU = 576
IP Load Sharing = ON
RIP2 aggregation override = OFF
Always Allow IP Fragmentation = OFF
UDP Debug = 0
Tcp RIP Debug = 0
Tcp Arp Debug = OFF
Use Specified MTU = OFF
ip address management override = OFF
Allow IP Address Duplicates = OFF
Allow non local broadcasts = 0
TOS for IP packets = 0
Arp entry update time = 300
Arp entry expiry time = 300
Tcp Ip Maximum Small ECBs = 1024
ICMP Redirect Timeout = 3
Maximum Wait States = 0
Largest UDP Packet Size = 16384
Discard Oversized UDP Packets = ON
TCP UDP Diagnostic Services = OFF
Tcp Maximum Packet Retransmission = 12
TCP Path MTU Black Hole Detection and Recovery = OFF
Tcp Minimum Retransmission Timeout = 2
Tcp Maximum Initial Window = 4
Tcp Connection Establishment timeout = 335
Tcp Trace = 0
TCP Max Port Limit = 54999
Tcp 2MSL Timeout = 60
Tcp Timer Schedule Rate = 3
TCP Minshall Algorithm = OFF
TCP Nagle Algorithm = ON
TCP Delayed Acknowledgement = OFF
Tcp Number Of Preallocated PCBs = 1024
TCP Sack Option = ON
TCP Large Window Option = ON
TCP Defend Land Attacks = ON
TCP Secure ISN = ON
Netlib Maximum Small ECBs = 1024
TCPIP Scheduler Inactive = OFF
Enable Packet Burst Statistics Screen = OFF
Maximum RIP SAP Events = 100
Allow IPXRTR load in CMD Mode = ON
Allow IPX Bind in CMD Mode = OFF
IPX Router Broadcast Delay = 0
Reply To Get Nearest Server = ON
IPX NetBIOS Replication Option = 1
Use Old Watchdog Packet Type = OFF
Connection Table Expansion Count = 16
Dead Connection Timeout = 4.9 SEC
Enable Connection Manager Screen = OFF
Maximum Connection Object Reuse Count = 32
Disable Broadcast Notifications Process = OFF
Disable Watchdog Process = OFF
Enable Watchdog Screen = OFF
Number Of Watchdog Packets = 10
Delay Between Watchdog Packets = 59.3 SEC
Delay Before First Watchdog Packet = 4 MIN 56.6 SEC
Console Display Watchdog Logouts = OFF
Maximum Packet Receive Buffers = 20000
Minimum Packet Receive Buffers = 2000
Maximum Physical Receive Packet Size = 4224
New Packet Receive Buffer Wait Time = 0.1 SEC
Maximum Interrupt Events = 10

* Memory *

Cache Pool Control Type = 1
File Cache Maximum Size = 3489660928
VM Garbage Collector Period = 4 MIN 59.9 SEC
VM Garbage Collector Looks = 10000
Interactive Screen Timeout = 59 MIN 58.7 SEC
Wakeup Page Cleaner Delay = 25
Max Page Cleaner Outstanding IOs = 50
Max Page Cleaner Pushes = 1000
Max Page Cleaner Looks = 1000
VM Allocation Information = OFF
VM Cache Pool Percentage = 70
VM Cache Pool Maximum Pages Percentage = 0
VM Cache Pool Free Minimum Pages = 64
VM Cache Pool Free Lots of Pages = 96
VM Cache Pool Free Desired Pages = 80
VM Cache Pool Minimum Pages = 10
VM Cache Pool Maximum Pages = 4294967295
Upper Page IO Threshold = 32
Maximum RSS Pages = 5000
Max Deficit = 256
FS Cache Pool Transfer In Yield Type = 0
FS Cache Pool Minimum Percentage To Transfer Out = 4
FS Cache Pool Minimum Percentage To Transfer In = 4
FS Cache Pool Minimum Pages To Transfer Out = 5
FS Cache Pool Minimum Pages To Transfer In = 5
FS Cache Pool Minimum Pages = 1000
FS Cache Pool Maximum Percentage To Transfer Out = 10
FS Cache Pool Maximum Percentage To Transfer In = 10
FS Cache Pool Maximum Pages To Transfer Out = 20000
FS Cache Pool Maximum Pages To Transfer In = 2000
FS Cache Pool LRU Medium = 30
FS Cache Pool LRU Low = 45
FS Cache Pool LRU High = 60
FS Cache Pool Lots of Pages = 1500
FS Cache Pool Desired Pages = 1250
FS Cache Pool Constrain Transfer Out Type = 1
FS Cache Pool Constrain Transfer In Type = 1
FS Cache Pool Blocks Transferred In Before Yield = 10
External Judge Autoload Threshold = 1073741824
Dynamic VM Versus Cache Subsystem Differential = OFF
Dynamic Maximum RSS = OFF
Desired VM Versus Cache Subsystem Differential = 0
Deficit Age = 10
Cache Pool Thread Yield Type = 0
Cache Pool Thread Timeout = 5
Cache Pool Pages Transferred Before Yield = 100
Cache Pool Minimum Percentage To Transfer Out = 4
Cache Pool Minimum Percentage To Transfer In = 4
Cache Pool Minimum Pages To Transfer Out = 5
Cache Pool Minimum Pages To Transfer In = 5
Cache Pool Maximum Percentage To Transfer Out = 10
Cache Pool Maximum Percentage To Transfer In = 10
Cache Pool Maximum Pages To Transfer Out = 20000
Cache Pool Maximum Pages To Transfer In = 10000
Constrain Pages To Transfer Out Type = 0
Constrain Pages To Transfer = 0
Cache Pool Block Transfer Mode = ON
Average Page In Alert Threshold = 2000
Min Age Quantum = 1
Max Age Quantum = 60
Init Age Quantum = 5
Elapse Time Ager Interval = 144
Nonlocked Minimum Pages = 5
Low Grow Rate = 2
High Grow Rate = 8
Maximum Pages To Trim = 10
Dynamic Age Quantum = OFF
Engage Ager = ON
APT Free Dirty Page Threshold = 1000
APT Free Clean Page Threshold = 50
VM Debug Screen = OFF
Restart Server on Address Space Cleanup Failure = OFF
Memory Protection Abend After Restart Count = OFF
Memory Protection Restart Count = 1
Memory Protection No Restart Interval = 1
Memory Protection Fault Cleanup = ON
File Service Memory Optimization = 1
Logical Space Compression = ON
Garbage Collection Interval = 5 MIN
Alloc Memory Check Flag = OFF
Reserved Buffers Below 16 Meg = 300
Jiggle Memory = OFF
Check Cache = OFF

* Traditional File System *

Volume Log File State = 1
Volume TTS Log File State = 1
Volume Log File Overflow Size = 4194304
Volume TTS Log File Overflow Size = 4194304
TTS Screen = OFF
Auto TTS Backout Flag = ON
TTS Abort Dump Flag = OFF
TTS UnWritten Cache Wait Time = 1 MIN 5.9 SEC
TTS Backout File Truncation Wait Time = 59 MIN 19.2 SEC
Dirty Directory Cache Delay Time = 0.5 SEC
Directory Cache Allocation Wait Time = 2.2 SEC
Directory Cache Buffer NonReferenced Delay = 5.5 SEC
Maximum Directory Cache Buffers = 2000
Minimum Directory Cache Buffers = 500
Maximum Number Of Internal Directory Handles = 100
Maximum Number Of Directory Handles = 20
Open Callback Timeout = 29.7 SEC
Maximum Record Locks Per Connection = 500
Maximum File Locks Per Connection = 2500
Maximum Record Locks = 20000
Maximum File Locks = 200000
Maximum Rights Vector Entry Pool = 128
Read Ahead Enabled = ON
Read Ahead LRU Sitting Time Threshold = 10 SEC
Minimum File Cache Buffers = 20
Maximum Concurrent Disk Cache Writes = 750
Dirty Disk Cache Delay Time = 3.3 SEC
Minimum File Cache Report Threshold = 20
Maximum Concurrent opens per file and connection = 10000
Maximum Wait Time For Limbo Space during Volume Mount = 19.8 SEC
Automatically Repair Bad Volumes = ON
Check SubAllocation = OFF
Minimum File Delete Wait Time = 1 MIN 5.9 SEC
File Delete Wait Time = 5 MIN 29.6 SEC
Allow Deletion Of Active Directories = ON
Maximum Percent of Volume Space allowed for Extended Attributes = 10
Maximum Extended Attributes per File or Path = 16
Purge Files On Dismount = OFF
Fast Volume Mounts = ON
Maximum Percent Of Volume Used By Directory = 13
Maximum Subdirectory Tree Depth = 25
Volume Low Warn All Users = ON
Volume Low Warning Reset Threshold = 256
Volume Low Warning Threshold = 256
Turbo FAT Re-Use Wait Time = 5 MIN 29.6 SEC
Compress Screen = OFF
Allow Unowned Files To Be Extended = ON
Auto Mount Mirrored Volume Containing Inactive Device = ON

* Common File System *

Maximum Transactions = 10000
Maximum Concurrent Directory Cache Writes = 75
Immediate Purge Of Deleted Files = OFF
Compression Daily Check Stop Hour = 6
Compression Daily Check Starting Hour = 0
Minimum Compression Percentage Gain = 20
Enable File Compression = ON
Maximum Concurrent Compressions = 2
Convert Compressed To Uncompressed Option = 1
Decompress Percent Disk Space Free To Allow Commit = 10
Decompress Free Space Warning Interval = 31 MIN 18.5 SEC
Deleted Files Compression Option = 1
Days Untouched Before Compression = 14

* Novell Storage Services *

Emulate Classic NetWare Directory Quotas = OFF
NSS Work To Do Count = 50
NSS Maximum Cache Balance Buffers Per Session = 1024
NSS Cache Balance Timer = 30
NSS Cache Balance Percent = 60
NSS Cache Balance Enable = ON
NSS Buffer Flush Timer = 1
NSS Minimum OS Cache Buffers = 256
NSS Minimum Cache Buffers = 512
NSS File Flush Timer = 10
NSS Closed File Cache Size = 50000
NSS Open File Hash Shift = 16
NSS Auth Cache Size = 1024
NSS ASCII Name Cache Enable = ON
NSS Name Cache Enable = ON
NSS Name Cache Size = 2111
NSS Low Volume Space Alerts = ON
NSS Low Volume Space Warning Reset Threshold = 15
NSS Low Volume Space Warning Threshold = 10

* Disk *

Auto scan for devices = ON
Auto load of CDM modules = ON
Sequential Elevator Depth = 8
Enable IO Handicap Attribute = OFF
Mirrored Devices Are Out Of Sync Message Frequency = 28
Remirror Block Size = 1
Concurrent Remirror Requests = 32
Ignore Partition Ownership = OFF
Ignore Disk Geometry = OFF
Multi-path Support = OFF
Enable Hardware Write Back = OFF
Enable Disk Read After Write Verify = OFF

* Time *

Start Of Daylight Savings Time = (APRIL SUNDAY FIRST 2:00:00 AM)
End Of Daylight Savings Time = (OCTOBER SUNDAY LAST 2:00:00 AM)
Daylight Savings Time Offset = +1:00:00
TIMESYNC Correction Floor = 1
TIMESYNC Configured Sources = ON
TIMESYNC Immediate Synchronization = OFF
TIMESYNC Maximum Offset = 600
TIMESYNC Offset Ceiling = 315532800
TIMESYNC Polling Count = 3
TIMESYNC Polling Interval = 600
TIMESYNC Restart Flag = OFF
TIMESYNC Service Advertising = ON
TIMESYNC Short Interval = 10
TIMESYNC Synchronization Radius = 2000
TIMESYNC Time Adjustment = None scheduled.
TIMESYNC Time Sources = 10. X.X.X; 10. X.X.X
TIMESYNC Max Log File Size = 1048576
TIMESYNC NTP Client Port = 0
Time Zone = AKST9AKDT
Default Time Server Type = SECONDARY

* NCP *

NCP Exclude IP Addresses = NONE
NCP Include IP Addresses = ALL
NCP over UDP = ON
NCP TCP keep alive interval = 9 MIN 53.2 SEC
Minimum NCP TCP receive window to advertise = 4096
NCP TCP receive window = 23360
Enable UDP Checksums on NCP packets = 1
Enable IPX Checksums = 1
Enable task zero checking = OFF
NCP Packet Signature Option = 1
Level 2 OpLocks Enabled = ON
Client File Caching Enabled = ON
NCP Protocol Preferences =
NCP File Commit = ON
Display NCP Bad Component Warnings = OFF
Reject NCP Packets with bad components = OFF
Display NCP Bad Length Warnings = OFF
Reject NCP Packets with bad lengths = OFF
Maximum Outstanding NCP Searches = 51
Allow Remote Command Line Processing = 0
Allow Change To Client Rights = ON
Allow LIP = ON

* Miscellaneous *

Server Failure Notification Name =
RollCall Trace Screen = OFF
Display Incomplete IPX Packet Alerts = ON
Allow Audit Passwords = OFF
CDBE Flush Time = 4 MIN 56.6 SEC
Enable Event Report Screen = OFF
Command Line Prompt Default Choice = ON
Command Line Prompt Time out = 10
Sound Bell For Alerts = ON
Replace Console Prompt With Server Name = ON
Alert Message Nodes = 20
Classic Work To Do Pre Check Flag = 20
Worker Thread Execute In A Row Count = 10
Halt System On Invalid Parameters = OFF
Display Relinquish Control Alerts = OFF
Display Old API Names = OFF
CPU Hog Timeout Amount = 1 MIN
Developer Option = OFF
Display Spurious Interrupt Alerts Threshold = 200
Display Lost Interrupt Alerts Threshold = 10
Display Spurious Interrupt Alerts = OFF
Display Lost Interrupt Alerts = OFF
Pseudo Preemption Count = 40
Global Pseudo Preemption = ON
Minimum Service Processes = 100
Maximum Service Processes = 500
Allow Unencrypted Passwords = OFF

* Error Handling *

Server Log File State = 1
Server Log File Overflow Size = 4194304
Boot Error Log File State = 3
Boot Error Log File Overflow Size = 4194304
Boot Error Log = ON
Hung Unload Wait Delay = 30 SEC
Auto Restart Down Timeout = 180
Auto Restart After Abend Delay Time = 2
Auto Restart After Abend = 1

* Directory Services *

NDS trace to screen = OFF
NDS trace to file = OFF
NDS Enable Login Updates = ON
ttf = OFF
DSTrace =
Bindery Context = anc.wmw.fhsc
NDS external reference life span = 192
NDS inactivity synchronization interval = 60
NDS synchronization restrictions = OFF
NDS servers status = UP/DOWN
NDS janitor interval = 720
NDS Distributed reference link interval = 780
NDS Login Updates Delay = 5
NDS Bindery QOS mask = 8
NDS Bindery QOS delay = 150
NDS backlink interval = 780
NDS trace file length to zero = OFF
NDS bootstrap address =
Check Equivalent To Me = OFF
Default Tree Name = TEMP_TREE

* Multiprocessor *

System Threshold = 1536
Auto Clear Interrupt Statistics = ON
Auto Start Processors = ON

* Service Location Protocol *

SLP Exclude IP Addresses = NONE
SLP Include IP Addresses = ALL
SLP Agent IP Address = FIRST
SLP API Handicap = 50
SLP Maximum Memory Percent = 15
SLP Cache Timeout = 120
SLP Enable UA Multicast = ON
SLP Version Mode = 0
SLP Register nwserver = ON
SLP nwserver NLM names = OFF
SLP Maximum WTD = 32
SLP Maximum WTD Queue = 15000
SLP Reset = OFF
SLP Static Scope List = ON
SLP Close Idle TCP Connections Time = 300
SLP DA Heart Beat Time = 10800
SLP DA Event Timeout = 15
SLP MCA Timeout = 16
SLP SA Default Lifetime = 3600
SLP Retry Count = 3
SLP Debug = 0
SLP Rediscover Inactive Directory Agents = 60
SLP Multicast Radius = 255
SLP DA Discovery Options = 15
SLP MTU Size = 1450
SLP Broadcast = OFF

* Licensing Services *

NLS Search Type = 0
Store NetWare 5 Conn SCL MLA usage in NDS = OFF

* Acpi *

Acpi Auto Power Down Delay Time = 30 SEC
Acpi Auto Power Down = 30 SEC

End of SET Parameters.

Top of search paths

Search 2: SYS:\SYSTEM\
Search 3: C:\NWSERVER\ (default directory)
Search 4: SYS:\JAVA\BIN\
Search 5: SYS:\NI\BIN\
Search 6: SYS:\JAVA\NWGFX\

End of search paths

Top of directory.
BEDIAG.NLM 27469 10-07-2003 0:15am
v8.50 Jun. 29, 2000 Backup Exec Diagnostic Utility Module
BEREMOTE.NLM 181576 10-07-2003 0:15am
v8.50 Sep. 24, 2001 Backup Exec - Agent Accelerator(TM) Module
BKUPEXEC.NLM 141248 10-07-2003 0:15am
v8.50 Sep. 25, 2003 Backup Exec SureStart
End of directory.

Top of directory.
$HWNDS.BAK 6-13-2004 9:20am
$SVNDS.BAK 12-12-2004 0:29am
NWA01 6-28-2004 3:53pm
BACKSP5 11-14-2004 9:39pm
BENW_TMP 1-19-2006 10:08pm
CERTSERV 6-13-2004 5:18pm
COMPAQ 6-10-2004 11:17pm
CPQMGMT 6-10-2004 11:14pm
CSLIB 6-13-2004 10:42pm
DRIVERS.NEW 11-14-2004 9:48pm
DSTMP 12-12-2004 5:55pm
EMBOX 12-12-2004 5:58pm
ICE 12-12-2004 5:35pm
LANG 12-12-2004 5:39pm
MKDE 6-10-2004 2:53pm
NDSIMON 12-12-2004 5:39pm
NICI 6-13-2004 9:19pm
NICIUPD 12-12-2004 5:26pm
NLS 6-10-2004 11:06pm
NMA 12-07-2004 1:39pm
NMASTMP 12-12-2004 6:04pm
NMX 11-14-2004 9:49pm
NUW30 6-13-2004 9:20pm
NW5SAVE 12-12-2004 5:31pm
OLDEDIR 12-12-2004 5:58pm
OLDNMAS 12-12-2004 6:04pm
OLDSEC6 12-12-2004 6:03pm
SCHEMA 12-12-2004 5:26pm
SCRATCH 6-10-2004 11:17pm
STATLOG 12-12-2004 5:49pm
TCPIP 11-14-2004 9:49pm
TSA 7-27-2006 10:13pm
UTILS 6-10-2004 2:53pm
3C90XC.LAN 52719 10-21-2002 3:01pm
v5.44.01 Oct. 21, 2002 3COM Etherlink PCI
3C90XC.LDI 7486 6-05-2003 7:30pm
3C980.LAN 62470 9-24-2001 11:30pm
v2.01.05 Sep. 24, 2001 3COM Etherlink PCI
3C980.LDI 32562 9-24-2001 11:25pm
3C986.LAN 365946 2-14-2001 4:35pm
v2.00.02 Feb. 14, 2001 3COM Gigabit Ethernet Server NIC (SX/TX)
3C986.LDI 9432 7-24-2001 2:45pm
3C99X.LAN 79405 5-13-2002 3:12pm
v9.01 May. 13, 2002 3Com 10/100 Secure Network Interface Cards
3C99X.LDI 22059 5-13-2002 2:49pm
8733.LOG 252 12-12-2004 5:58pm
A2P.NLM 328908 1-13-2004 11:49pm
v3.20.02 Jan. 14, 2004 Perl 5.8.0 - Awk to Perl Translator
A3112.NLM 15906 10-24-1999 8:46pm
v4.18 Oct. 25, 1999 OS Support For NetWare 4.x NLMs
ABEND.LOG 919828 6-25-2006 10:38pm
ADAGENT.NLM 176653 2-24-2003 7:51pm
v1.02.10 Feb. 24, 2003 Novell Advanced Audit Service Agent
ADAGTSET.NLM 77329 12-02-2002 7:28pm
v1.02.04 Dec. 2, 2002 Novell Advanced Audit Service Agent Initialization NLM
ADDENUMS.NCF 231 9-06-2002 8:11pm
ADMATTRS.NLM 94937 6-08-2001 3:10pm
v1.00 Jun. 8, 2001 ADM Attribute Creation Utility
ADSERVER.NLM 133716 2-24-2003 7:54pm
v1.02.09 Feb. 24, 2003 Novell Advanced Audit Service Server
ADSP.NLM 76201 11-11-1997 5:49pm
v5.11.02 Nov. 11, 1997 AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol MOAB.B21
ADSRVSET.NLM 77330 12-02-2002 7:29pm
v1.02.04 Dec. 2, 2002 Novell Advanced Audit Service Server Initialization NLM
AFREECON.NLM 13976 8-14-2003 2:53pm
v4.00.05 Aug. 14, 2003 AdRem Free Remote Console (NCPE)
AFTER311.NLM 16127 10-24-1999 8:46pm
v4.15 Oct. 25, 1999 Locale Support For NetWare 4.x NLMs
AIO.NLM 486038 11-17-2003 1:36pm
v7.00.07 Nov. 17, 2003 NetWare Asynchronous I/O Library
AIOCOMX.ADI 2014 11-24-2000 4:48pm
AIOCOMX.DOC 24654 9-23-1997 5:55pm
AIOCOMX.NLM 27953 12-14-2000 3:21pm
v2.18 Dec. 14, 2000 Novell AIO Serial Port Driver
AIOCON.NLM 102236 5-12-1998 8:29pm
v4.01.16 May. 12, 1998 AIO Port Configuration MOAB.B39
AM8111NW.LAN 38184 6-30-2003 3:22pm
v2.50 Jun. 30, 2003 AMD-8111 10/100 Integrated Ethernet Controller
AM8111NW.LDI 42746 6-30-2003 2:49pm
APPLETLK.NLM 384877 9-07-1999 5:35pm
v5.11.02 Sep. 7, 1999 AppleTalk Stack/Router ndn19206
APPLETLK.PDI 192 6-29-1993 10:57pm
AT29XX.LAN 83315 9-19-2002 3:03pm
v1.32 Sep. 19, 2002 Allied Telesyn AT-29xx Series Gigabit Ethernet
AT29XX.LDI 16461 9-09-2002 2:17pm
ATCFG.NLM 168569 3-16-1998 5:37pm
v5.01 Mar. 16, 1998 AppleTalk Configuration Console MOAB_NDK_1
ATCON.NLM 109822 11-11-1997 5:51pm
v5.11.01 Nov. 11, 1997 SMILE/PTUI AppleTalk Console MOAB.B21
ATFLT.NLM 1069 11-11-1997 5:49pm
v5.10 Nov. 11, 1997 AppleTalk Filter Support Module MOAB.B21
AUDNLM32.NLM 10592 6-03-2004 12:02pm
v6.00 Jun. 3, 2004 NetWare NWAud Runtime Library
AURP.NLM 80634 11-11-1997 5:53pm
v5.10 Nov. 11, 1997 AppleTalk Update-Based Routing Protocol MOAB.B21
AUTHSER.DAT 75 7-25-2006 12:21pm
AUTOEXEC.BAK 2358 12-12-2004 4:41pm
AUTOEXEC.BK2 2375 12-12-2004 5:35pm
AUTOEXEC.CPQ 1374 6-10-2004 11:09pm
AUTOEXEC.INO 2450 12-12-2004 6:06pm
AUTOEXEC.LDP 1892 6-13-2004 5:17pm
AUTOEXEC.MIG 1662 6-13-2004 4:39pm
AUTOEXEC.NCF 2888 7-25-2006 10:01pm
AUTOEXEC.NPP 2358 12-12-2004 4:41pm
AUTOEXEC.OLD 2869 8-03-2005 11:24pm
AUTOEXEC.ORG 2676 4-13-2005 7:26pm
AUTOEX~2.NCF 2658 8-04-2005 12:27pm
AUTOEX~3.NCF 2706 9-13-2005 5:06pm
AUTOEX~4.NCF 2706 9-13-2005 5:06pm
B57.LAN 138577 4-23-2004 2:55pm
v7.57 Apr. 23, 2004 Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Driver
B57.LDI 12227 4-23-2004 2:54pm
BACKUPCR.NLM 31269 9-09-2004 6:45pm
v10553.32 Sep. 9, 2004 eDirectory Management Tool Box DSBackup eMTool
BASP.LAN 241437 8-21-2003 3:26pm
v2.24 Aug. 21, 2003 Broadcom Virtual Adapter Driver with Advanced Server Features
BASP.LDI 1792 2-13-2003 8:37pm
BASPREAD.TXT 15939 8-21-2003 3:24pm
BCALLCFG.NLM 23984 3-16-1998 5:32pm
v3.00 Mar. 16, 1998 Backup Call Configuration Console
BCALLSRV.NLM 26670 8-18-1998 3:17pm
v1.02.01 Aug. 18, 1998 Backup Call Server MOAB_NDK2
BDROUTER.NLM 21484 11-03-1994 8:06pm
v6.10.05 Nov. 3, 1994 BDROUTER v6.10e
BESTART.NCF 54 1-19-2006 10:08pm
BESTART.ORG 54 8-03-2005 1:18pm
BESTOP.NCF 41 1-19-2006 10:08pm
BESTOP.ORG 41 8-03-2005 1:18pm
BMALMGR.NLM 5161 8-21-2002 5:52pm
v1.00.03 Aug. 21, 2002 BorderManager Audit Log Manager BM37SP1_21AUG2002
BMAPI.NLM 3815 10-30-2002 4:12pm
v1.04 Oct. 30, 2002 Broadcom Management API
BMAPI.TXT 495 2-13-2003 8:34pm
BMSFLOG.NLM 24440 12-05-2003 3:49pm
v1.00.07 Dec. 5, 2003 BorderManager Sequential File Logging Facility
BOOT$LOG.ERR 1317 7-27-2006 10:00pm
BOOTPFWD.NLM 12150 4-14-1998 8:49pm
v4.00.02 Apr. 14, 1998 BOOTP Forwarder
BPSTART.NCF 87 5-19-2005 7:46pm
BPSTOP.NCF 109 5-19-2005 7:46pm
BREBUILD.NLM 42132 2-23-2001 5:05pm
v7.00 Feb. 24, 2001 BREBUILD.NLM v7.0.0 Build 230
BRGCFG.NLM 51628 3-16-1998 5:42pm
v1.01 Mar. 16, 1998 Source Route Bridge Configuration Console MOAB_NDK_1
BRGCON.NLM 31256 5-29-1997 9:18pm
v3.00 May. 29, 1997 MPR Bridge Console IP0200.G01
BRGLANM.NLM 64289 5-29-1997 9:24pm
v1.01 May. 29, 1997 NetWare MPR SR Bridge LAN Manager IP0200.G01
BRIDGE.NLM 34031 5-29-1997 9:16pm
v3.03.02 May. 29, 1997 NetWare MPR SR/T Bridge IP0200.G01
BROKER.NLM 58464 5-11-2004 3:24pm
v3.00.09 May. 11, 2004 NDPS Broker
BROKEROP.LOG 1470 6-26-2006 5:54pm
BROUTER.NLM 27492 2-23-2001 4:38pm
v7.90 Feb. 24, 2001 BROUTER.NLM v7.90.000, Build 230
BSDSOCK.NLM 108088 6-18-2004 6:23pm
v6.10.04 Jun. 18, 2004 Novell BSDSOCK Module
BSNMP.NLM 10583 1-13-2003 6:10pm
v1.03 Jan. 13, 2003 Broadcom IA
BSNMP.TXT 1467 2-13-2003 8:34pm
BSPXCOM.NLM 32192 4-15-2003 2:12pm
v7.90 Apr. 15, 2003 BSPXCOM.NLM v7.90.000, Build 253
BSPXSTUB.NLM 1254 5-20-1993 7:51pm
v6.10.01 May. 20, 1993 BSPXSTUB
BSTART.NCF 121 11-07-2000 4:17pm
BSTOP.NCF 242 10-30-2000 11:51pm
BTCPCOM.NLM 28022 7-09-2003 12:36pm
v7.90 Jul. 9, 2003 BTCPCOM.NLM v7.90.000, Build 253
BTI.CFG 1300 6-26-2006 5:35pm
BTI.LCK 0 6-26-2006 5:46pm
BTI.TMP 0 6-26-2006 5:46pm
BTIMSG.NLM 62433 2-23-2001 4:59pm
v4.00 Feb. 24, 2001 BTIMSG.NLM v4.0.100 Build 230
BTRIEVE.NLM 10895 3-21-2001 2:38pm
v7.90 Mar. 21, 2001 BTRIEVE.NLM v7.90.000
BTRVSTUB.NLM 950 8-27-1993 2:38pm
v6.10.02 Aug. 27, 1993 SFT III IOEngine Btrieve
BULKLOAD.NLM 16237 8-04-2000 5:58pm
v85.00 Aug. 4, 2000 Bulkload
BUTIL.NLM 81747 2-23-2001 5:05pm
v7.00 Feb. 24, 2001 BUTIL.NLM v7.0.0 Build 230
C1ENV.NCF 1239 2-29-2000 5:48pm
C1START.NCF 59 7-01-2003 1:00pm
CAENV.INI 911 1-07-2005 12:06pm
CALNLM32.NLM 144558 6-03-2004 12:02pm
v6.00 Jun. 3, 2004 NetWare NWCalls Runtime Library
CATNIC.LAN 26550 1-07-2003 10:54pm
v2.02 Jan. 7, 2003 Allied Telesyn AT-2450/2700 Series PCI ODI Driver
CATNIC.LDI 16748 1-03-2003 4:05pm
CDINST.NLM 65579 7-28-1999 7:58pm
v3.00 Jul. 28, 1999 NetWare CD-ROM Install Support Module (Build 102 SP)
CDROM.NLM 3133 2-27-2004 11:07pm
v4.60 Feb. 27, 2004 NSS (Novell Storage Services) CD Support (Build 2 MP)
CE1000.LAN 117176 3-12-2004 5:58pm
v7.34 Mar. 12, 2004 Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Connections Driver
CE1000.LDI 34299 4-05-2004 1:16pm
CE100B.LAN 102198 2-05-2004 8:06pm
v8.06 Feb. 5, 2004 Intel(R) 8255x-based Network Connection
CE100B.LDI 52196 10-28-2003 8:15pm
CFGFILES.CFG 252 11-28-1995 7:56pm
CHECK.CK$ 36 12-12-2004 6:04pm
CHECKVIS.NLM 6695 5-24-2004 8:27pm
v3.05 May. 24, 2004 Check the visibility lists on an NSS volume (Build 30 MP)
CLASS16.INI 8525 12-18-2003 10:23pm
CLASS32.INI 8691 12-18-2003 10:25pm
CLI.NLM 5597 3-18-2001 9:22pm
v2.06 Mar. 19, 2001 License Install Library
CLNNLM32.NLM 12277 6-03-2004 12:01pm
v6.00 Jun. 3, 2004 NetWare NWClient Runtime Library
CLSTRLIB.NLM 190546 4-26-2004 9:11pm
v1.60.04 Apr. 26, 2004 Novell Cluster Configuration Library Build Number = 04426
CLXNLM32.NLM 7458 6-03-2004 12:02pm
v6.00 Jun. 3, 2004 NetWare NWCLX Runtime Library
CMA.NLM 59784 4-26-2004 9:11pm
v1.60.04 Apr. 26, 2004 Cluster Management Agent Build Number = 04426
CMON.NLM 14759 4-26-2004 9:11pm
v1.60.04 Apr. 26, 2004 Cluster Membership Monitor Build Number = 04426
CNE2000.LAN 14326 8-25-1998 8:46pm
v1.36 Aug. 25, 1998 Novell Ethernet NE2000
CNE2000.LDI 32429 5-13-1999 4:13pm
CNEAMD.LAN 20548 1-23-1998 3:50pm
v1.39 Jan. 23, 1998 Novell Ethernet NE1500/2100 and PCnet (ISA, ISA+, PCI, Fast)
CNEAMD.LDI 19878 5-13-1999 4:14pm
COLLATE.CFG 348160 3-21-2001 2:40pm
CONFIG.NLM 89097 4-20-2004 0:56pm
v3.10.07 Apr. 19, 2004 NetWare Server Configuration Reader
CONFIG.TXT 109809 7-28-2006 5:57pm
CONLOG.NLM 21199 11-26-2002 2:07pm
v3.00.02 Nov. 26, 2002 System Console Logger
CONNAUD.NLM 20114 5-12-2004 11:59pm
v3.15 May. 12, 2004 NLS - Connection Metering
CONNDATA.TDF 149464 7-28-2006 5:00pm
CONVINET.NLM 61684 10-25-1995 5:03pm
v1.00.03 Oct. 25, 1995 MPR 2.x-3.0 Conversion Utility
CP005144.NLM 340499 5-10-2005 8:17pm
v2.01.01 Jan. 26, 2004 HP ProLiant Support Pack Extraction Utility
CPECFG.NLM 17744 1-27-1998 8:39pm
v1.00.02 Jan. 27, 1998 CPE Configuration Console MOAB_NDK
CPQACA.NLM 431121 5-11-2003 10:06pm
v1.06 May. 12, 2003 hp ProLiant ACPI Component Architecture (ACA) for NetWare 6.x
CPQACMGR.NDI 48084 5-11-2003 10:06pm
CPQACMGR.NLM 14798 5-11-2003 10:06pm
v1.06 May. 12, 2003 hp ProLiant ACPI Component Driver Manager for NetWare 6.x
CPQACPWR.NLM 14652 5-11-2003 10:06pm
v1.06 May. 12, 2003 hp ProLiant ACPI Component Driver for Power Management for NetWare 6.x
CPQAGIN.NLM 113451 5-29-2003 9:40pm
v6.40 May. 30, 2003 HP Management Agents Installation and Configuration
CPQANS.LAN 125811 3-27-2003 3:17pm
v6.17 Mar. 27, 2003 HP Advanced Network Services
CPQANS.LDI 2618 3-11-2003 3:16pm
CPQASL.NLM 15781 5-11-2003 10:06pm
v1.06 May. 12, 2003 hp ProLiant Architecture Services Library (ASL) for NetWare 6.x
CPQASM.NLM 434077 6-08-2003 5:08pm
v1.08 Jun. 9, 2003 hp ProLiant Server Health Driver Tier 2 v1.08
CPQBSSA.CFG 16 6-10-2004 11:17pm
CPQBSSA.NLM 117064 6-12-2003 9:40pm
v6.40 Jun. 13, 2003 HP Insight Management Base System Agent
CPQBSSA.TXT 84426 6-12-2003 9:40pm
CPQCI.NLM 26700 9-08-2002 5:02pm
v1.02 Sep. 9, 2002 hp ProLiant iLO Management Interface Driver
CPQDASA.NLM 116874 6-05-2003 9:40pm
v6.40 Jun. 7, 2003 HP Management Array Subsystem Agent
CPQDSKSA.NLM 85305 5-31-1998 7:30pm
v3.30.03 Jun. 1, 1998 Compaq Insight Management Storage Subsystem Agent
CPQFCASA.NLM 182087 6-05-2003 9:40pm
v6.40 Jun. 7, 2003 HP Management Fibre Channel Array Agent
CPQFM.NLM 146422 2-07-2002 8:35pm
v2.13.07 Oct. 16, 2001 Compaq File Manager for NetWare
CPQHLTAG.NCF 487 5-29-2003 9:40pm
CPQHLTH.NLM 12481 6-08-2003 9:08pm
v5.08 Jun. 9, 2003 hp ProLiant Server Health Driver Tier 1 v5.08
CPQHMMO.NLM 349013 6-09-2003 11:54pm
v3.92 Jun. 10, 2003 Compaq HMMO Services Provider for NetWare
CPQHOST.NLM 51725 6-11-2003 9:40pm
v6.40 Jun. 12, 2003 HP Management Host Agent
CPQHTHSA.NLM 135332 6-12-2003 9:40pm
v6.40 Jun. 13, 2003 HP Health Agent
CPQIDESA.NLM 33872 6-05-2003 9:40pm
v6.40 Jun. 7, 2003 HP Management IDE Subsystem Agent
CPQIML.CFG 1044 7-13-2006 9:40pm
CPQIML.NLM 156290 11-10-2002 4:23pm
v1.23 Nov. 11, 2002 hp ProLiant Integrated Management Log Viewer
CPQLGCY.NLM 507856 3-31-2002 4:01pm
v1.01 Apr. 1, 2002 Compaq Server Health Driver Tier 2
CPQNCSA.CFG 16 6-10-2004 11:17pm
CPQNCSA.NLM 31023 5-15-2003 9:40pm
v6.40 May. 16, 2003 NIC Management Agent
CPQNF3.LAN 105987 10-19-2001 7:27pm
v2.47 Oct. 4, 2001 Compaq NetFlex-3 & Netelligent Ethernet HSM
CPQNF3.LDI 55670 11-13-2001 10:56pm
CPQONLIN.NLM 427162 2-03-2003 1:08pm
v2.70 Feb. 3, 2003 Smart Array Online Configuration Utility for NetWare
CPQRISA.NLM 51455 6-12-2003 9:40pm
v6.40 Jun. 13, 2003 HP Remote Insight Management Agent
CPQSBD.HDI 5038 5-05-2003 1:00pm
CPQSBD.NLM 80904 9-08-2003 3:19pm
v3.19 Sep. 8, 2003 hp ProLiant System Bus Driver for PCI Hot Plug
CPQSCSA.NLM 80420 6-05-2003 9:40pm
v6.40 Jun. 7, 2003 HP Management SCSI Subsystem Agent
CPQSNMP.NCF 609 6-10-2004 11:14pm
CPQSSSA.NLM 37792 6-05-2003 9:40pm
v6.40 Jun. 7, 2003 HP Management Storage Box Subsystem Agent
CPQTHRSA.CFG 37300 6-10-2004 11:17pm
CPQTHRSA.NLM 17785 6-11-2003 9:40pm
v6.40 Jun. 12, 2003 HP Management Threshold Agent
CPQTRODI.LAN 111571 10-13-1998 8:51pm
v2.21 Oct. 13, 1998 Compaq Token Ring C Hardware Support Module
CPQTRODI.LDI 13811 8-31-1999 2:58pm
CPQWEBAG.NLM 762188 6-11-2003 9:40pm
v6.40 Jun. 12, 2003 HP Web Based Management Agent
CRM.NLM 60192 4-26-2004 9:11pm
v1.60.04 Apr. 26, 2004 Novell Cluster Resource Manager Build Number = 04426
CRON.NLM 6518 6-08-1998 1:51pm
v1.70 Jun. 8, 1998 NetWare Scheduler
CSATPXY.NLM 14161 11-17-1999 7:35pm
v1.02 Nov. 17, 1999 CS Audit Trail Proxy Agent
CSAUDIT.NLM 64182 4-05-1999 10:41pm
v3.05 Apr. 5, 1999 CSLIB: Audit Trail Facility
CSL.NLM 76530 1-13-2000 2:10pm
v2.06.02 Jan. 13, 2000 NetWare Call Support Layer For NetWare
CSLCNVRT.NLM 17175 3-06-1998 10:44pm
v1.01.01 Mar. 6, 1998 CSL Conversion MOAB_NDK.2
CSLIND.NLM 11678 12-06-1999 4:15pm
v4.21 Dec. 7, 1999 TCPIP CSL INDEPENDENCE MODULE 7Dec99 7Dec99
CSS.NLM 39906 4-26-2004 9:12pm
v1.60.04 Apr. 26, 2004 "CLUSTER SYSTEM SERVICES" Build Number = 04426
CSSYSMSG.NLM 118345 9-07-1999 10:04pm
v1.01.08 Mar. 18, 1999 CSLIB: System Messages Facility
CVB.NLM 72734 4-26-2004 9:12pm
v1.60.04 Apr. 26, 2004 Novell Cluster Volume Broker Build Number = 04426
DBEXPORT.NCF 463 1-27-2003 12:48pm
DBG.LOG 7030 12-20-2005 10:41pm
DBGLOG.NLM 8046 8-08-1997 6:02pm
v1.00 Aug. 8, 1997 Utility that logs to sys:\system\dbg.log
DBNET6.NLM 209217 12-02-2003 4:58pm
v1.43.07 Dec. 2, 2003 Debug Network IO Support
DDCLIENT.NLM 137793 4-21-2000 11:53pm
v6.56 Feb. 10, 1998 NetWare 4.1 Direct Directory Client
DEBUG~1.PRO 37 2-18-2002 12:01pm
DEFPA.LAN 18451 5-24-2001 2:48pm
v3.50 May. 24, 2001 Digital Networks FDDIcontroller/PCI HSM
DEFPA.LDI 4506 5-24-2001 3:21pm
DELAY.NLM 1738 10-15-2001 4:46pm
v1.60 Oct. 15, 2001 Delay for specified amount of time (seconds). Build Number = 10152001
DELIM.NLM 53260 5-22-2004 12:37pm
v10552.40 May. 22, 2004 Novell Import Convert Export Utility
DFSLIB.NLM 2612 5-19-2004 9:53pm
v3.05 May. 19, 2004 DFS Common Library (Build 281 MP)
DHCPSRVR.NLM 221290 4-30-2004 3:36pm
v3.13.04 Apr. 30, 2004 DHCP Server
DHOST.NLM 25619 11-03-2003 5:16pm
v10010.94 Nov. 3, 2003 Novell DHost Portability Interface 1.0.0 SMP
DIBMIG.NLM 1004810 11-10-2003 8:48pm
v10111.51 Nov. 10, 2003 Dib Migration utility for Novell eDirectory 8.7
DIRLOAD.NLM 20591 5-22-2004 12:38pm
v10552.40 May. 22, 2004 Novell Import Convert Export Utility
DISKDATA.TDF 149464 7-28-2006 5:00pm
DISKIOS.TDF 149464 7-28-2006 5:00pm
DL2X.LAN 16401 11-22-2001 3:01pm
v1.16 Nov. 22, 2001 D-Link DL2000-based Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
DL2X.LDI 25557 12-28-2001 10:09pm
DLH5X.LAN 13602 10-04-2001 10:43pm
v2.08 Oct. 4, 2001 D-Link DL10050-based FAST Ethernet Adapter
DLH5X.LDI 15950 6-14-2001 2:07pm
DLKFET.LAN 57293 6-10-2002 6:17pm
v5.10 Jun. 10, 2002 D-Link DFE-530TX PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter Driver
DLKFET.LDI 61708 6-10-2002 6:17pm
DNIPINST.NLM 124680 5-10-2004 4:18pm
v1.10 May. 10, 2004 DNS/DHCP Install
DNS.NLM 52183 4-26-2000 7:53pm
v1.00.02 Apr. 26, 2000 Novell DNS/NDS Services Version 0
DNSADMIN.NLM 105866 4-16-1998 2:23pm
v5.01.01 Apr. 16, 1998 DNSADMIN
DNSCNVRT.NLM 17610 6-23-1998 6:39pm
v1.00.08 Jun. 23, 1998 DNS Btrieve-To-Text File Conversion Utility
DOSETUP.NCF 4465 6-13-2004 3:50pm
DOSGEN.EXE 11008 8-05-1993 4:26pm
DPLSV386.NLM 160670 5-21-2004 12:53pm
v1.11 May. 21, 2004 NetWare 5.x, 6.x Distributed Print Library - DPLSV386
DPLSV386.REG 276 6-26-2006 5:18pm
DPREPAIR.LOG 882 5-09-2005 5:30pm
DPRPCNLM.NLM 19258 6-11-2003 5:12pm
v3.00.14 Jun. 11, 2003 Novell NDPS RPC Library NLM
DS.NLM 1873734 8-25-2004 9:31pm
v10551.29 Aug. 24, 2004 Novell eDirectory Version SMP
DSAPI.NLM 784 10-27-2003 9:56pm
v5.05.09 Oct. 28, 2003 NetWare NWNet Runtime Library
DSBACKER.NLM 75161 12-02-2003 5:04pm
v10552.00 Dec. 2, 2003 Install for Novell eDirectory
DSBK.NLM 15008 8-30-2004 6:10pm
v10553.31 Aug. 27, 2004 eDirectory Management Tool Box DSBackup eMTool
DSBROWSE.NLM 115455 12-02-2003 5:19pm
v10410.73 Dec. 2, 2003 Browse utility for Novell eDirectory 8.7.1
DSCLONE.NLM 1843715 5-26-2004 6:41pm
v10551.13 May. 26, 2004 Novell eDirectory Clone Version 8.7.3 SMP
DSDIAG.NLM 11223 3-27-2003 2:56pm
v85.00 Mar. 27, 2003 DSDIAG
DSDUMP86.NLM 232066 6-13-2004 12:41pm
v101100.03.05 Sep. 26, 2001 DSDump Utility for Novell eDirectory 8.6
DSEVENT.NLM 3165 10-27-2003 9:56pm
v5.05.09 Oct. 28, 2003 NetWare DSEvent Runtime Library
DSI.NLM 139188 12-02-2003 5:04pm
v10552.00 Dec. 2, 2003 Install for Novell eDirectory
DSISCH.NLM 139154 12-02-2003 5:04pm
v10552.00 Dec. 2, 2003 Install for Novell eDirectory
DSMERGE.NLM 141287 12-02-2003 4:54pm
v10510.55 Dec. 2, 2003 Merge/Graft Utility for Novell eDirectory
DSMISC.LOG 298612 12-12-2004 5:35pm
DSREPAIR.LOG 711192 7-10-2006 9:42pm
DSREPAIR.NLM 326582 9-13-2004 6:35pm
v10550.80 Sep. 13, 2004 Repair utility for Novell eDirectory 8.6 -
DSSHIM.NLM 44066 10-01-2002 5:16pm
v1.02.06 Oct. 1, 2002 Novell Advanced Audit Service Shim for Novell eDirectory
DSSNMPSA.NLM 175359 8-25-2004 8:57pm
v10550.79 Aug. 25, 2004 SNMP support for Novell eDirectory
DSTRACE.CFG 604 12-12-2004 6:02pm
DSTRACE.NLM 30773 5-26-2004 6:41pm
v10551.13 May. 26, 2004 Trace utility for Novell eDirectory 8.7.3
DUPREM~1.NCF 4642 11-22-2002 1:52pm
ECHO.NLM 5544 1-13-2004 11:48pm
v3.20.02 Jan. 14, 2004 Perl 5.8.0 - DOS Echo emulation for Perl testing
EDIR.NCF 149 5-17-2000 11:30pm
EDIR2.NCF 147 5-17-2000 11:30pm
EDIRCLOS.NCF 258 5-16-2002 6:35pm
EDIRDOWN.NCF 281 5-16-2002 7:22pm
EDIRUTIL.NCF 72 3-06-2003 11:56pm
EMBOX.NLM 34190 9-09-2004 6:45pm
v10553.32 Sep. 9, 2004 eDirectory Management Tool Box Engine
EMBOXMSG.NLM 34030 9-09-2004 6:45pm
v10553.32 Sep. 9, 2004 eDirectory Management Tool Box Message API
ENUMSM~1.NCF 237 12-30-2002 12:36pm
ENVNISI.NC1 1320 11-19-2001 11:40pm
ENVNISI.NC2 1320 11-20-2001 9:40pm
ENVNISI.NCF 1320 11-20-2001 9:40pm
EPSONCFG.PD0 91522 4-27-2004 6:09pm
EPSONCON.NLM 70430 4-27-2004 6:12pm
v2.30 Apr. 27, 2004 Epson Printer Gateway Console
EPSONGW.NLM 626726 4-27-2004 6:12pm
v2.30 Apr. 27, 2004 Epson NDPS Gateway
EPSONLIB.NLM 217715 4-27-2004 6:09pm
v2.30 Apr. 27, 2004 Epson Printer Gateway Library
EPSONPAP.NLM 63675 4-27-2004 6:07pm
v2.30 Apr. 27, 2004 Epson Printer Gateway Plug and Print
ETHERTSM.NLM 13035 1-27-2003 11:34pm
v3.89 Jan. 27, 2003 Novell Ethernet Topology Specific Module
FDDITSM.NLM 13267 11-07-2000 0:49pm
v3.78 Nov. 7, 2000 Novell FDDI Topology Specific Module
FILECPY.NLM 1452 1-27-2003 7:47pm
v1.02.04 Jan. 27, 2003 Novell Advanced Audit Service NLM to copy file to secure location
FILTCFG.NLM 455458 8-01-2001 0:41pm
v6.00.01 Aug. 1, 2001 MPR Filter Configuration
FILTCONV.NLM 300867 2-24-1998 7:12pm
v1.00 Feb. 24, 1998 MPR Filter Convertion,
FILTSRV.NLM 82776 11-02-1998 3:47pm
v1.50 Oct. 5, 1998 Filter Services
FSSHIM.NLM 43210 3-04-2003 1:05pm
v1.02.09 Mar. 4, 2003 Novell Advanced Audit Service Shim for Legacy File System
FTPIF.NLM 3077 10-29-2003 7:07pm
v2.07.14 Oct. 29, 2003 Interface Module for NetWare FTP Server and Statistics
FTPSTAT.NLM 74332 11-13-2003 2:53pm
v3.03.10 Nov. 13, 2003 NetWare FTP Server Statistics Utility
FTPUPGRD.NLM 23776 10-29-2003 7:07pm
v5.00.26 Oct. 29, 2003 NetWare FTP Server Configuration Upgrade Utility
GAMS.NLM 67393 8-09-2004 1:16pm
v1.20 Aug. 5, 2004 Graded Authentication Management Service
GENCFG.NLM 17478 4-22-2002 2:32pm
v6.00.13 Apr. 22, 2002 Generic Configuration Console, Production_22Apr2002
GENERIC.PDI 224 7-14-1994 2:54pm
GESTEGW.NLM 442776 4-08-2002 11:41pm
v2.00 Apr. 8, 2002 Geste NDPS Gateway
GIPC.NLM 210942 4-26-2004 9:20pm
v1.60.04 Apr. 26, 2004 Group Protocol Build Number = 0426
HDSERIAL.REF 34419 6-10-2004 11:14pm
HEALTH.LOG 1239185 7-28-2006 3:34pm
HELP.INI 7176 5-16-2003 3:15pm
HPGATE.NLM 265558 6-26-2000 1:43pm
v2.10.01 Jun. 26, 2000 Hewlett-Packard NDPS Gateway
HPGCONFG.PD0 140738 6-26-2000 1:46pm
HPNDPS.INI 55 4-28-2005 4:07pm
HTTPSTK.NLM 85168 3-26-2004 2:46pm
v2.02 Mar. 26, 2004 Novell Small Http Interface
HTTPSTKS.NLM 58389 3-17-2000 2:53pm
v1.03 Mar. 17, 2000 Novell Small Http Interface with SSL Support
IANS.LAN 139564 9-29-2003 6:00pm
v8.00 Sep. 29, 2003 Intel(R) Advanced Network Services
IANS.LDI 1979 9-29-2003 5:30pm
IBMCOS.NLM 27414 5-25-1999 7:37pm
v1.01 Aug. 12, 1998 IBM Class of Service Set Manager
IBMRNIC.NLM 80729 3-19-2002 2:31pm
v2.54 Mar. 19, 2002 IBM Redundant NIC Utility
IBMSBD.HDI 5138 12-20-2001 12:26pm
IBMSBD.NLM 113656 3-27-2002 10:17pm
v1.08.03 Mar. 27, 2002 IBM Hot-Plug PCI System Bus Driver (Build 020327)
IBMTRPO.LAN 96593 9-16-2003 12:11pm
v2.50 Sep. 16, 2003 IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapter
IBMTRPO.LDI 47680 2-04-2001 2:37pm
IBMXSBD.HDI 5183 7-10-2002 10:54pm
IBMXSBD.NLM 79741 9-22-2003 1:56pm
v1.15 Sep. 22, 2003 Active PCI-X driver for IBM systems. Bld(02112115)
ICE.CFG 376 5-07-2002 6:46pm
ICE.NLM 510193 5-22-2004 12:36pm
v10552.40 May. 22, 2004 Novell Import Convert Export Utility
ICENATIV.NLM 20403 12-02-2003 4:21pm
v10552.36 Dec. 2, 2003 ICE ConsoleOne native interface for Novell eDirectory 8.7.
ICM_SPX.NLM 7724 6-24-1998 10:02pm
v6.60 Jun. 24, 1998 SPX Manual Connection Manager
IMGHOST.NLM 16105 7-15-2003 9:02pm
v1.20 Jul. 15, 2003 Coredump Image Receiver Host
IMGSERV.NLM 73821 1-16-2003 10:13pm
v4.01 Jan. 16, 2003 ZENworks Imaging Server
INETCFG.NLM 411312 3-17-2004 9:39pm
v6.00.24 Mar. 18, 2004 Internetworking Configuration
INETD.NLM 15566 7-20-2000 4:21pm
v3.04.01 Jul. 20, 2000 NetWare 386 INETD
INETLIB.NLM 52431 9-18-2002 7:03pm
v6.00.04 Mar. 28, 2002 NETINFO.CFG Maintenance Library Production_28Mar2002
INITNICI.NLM 54210 6-08-2001 4:46pm
v1.00 Jun. 8, 2001 NICI Initialization module
INITSDI.NLM 80824 1-05-2001 4:25pm
v2.00 Jan. 5, 2001 INITSDI from Novell, Inc.
INOENV.NCF 174 1-07-2005 12:06pm
INSTALPA.THS 1290 12-12-2004 6:04pm
INSTPROX.NLM 13214 7-31-2003 10:44pm
v1.05.07 Jul. 31, 2003 Installation Supplement
INVENV.NCF 2102 7-13-2002 2:52pm
INVENV~1.NCF 86 9-13-2005 5:06pm
INVJNI.NLM 151598 2-18-2003 1:17pm
v4.00.01 Feb. 18, 2003 InvJni (Inventory JNI Module)
INVSTOP.NCF 139 9-13-2005 5:06pm
IPC.MPM 1143 3-31-2004 4:41pm
IPCLINFO.NLM 6648 12-16-1999 8:45pm
v1.11.01 Dec. 17, 1999 IP Client Info Module 17Dec99
IPCU.NLM 21312 8-17-1998 9:17pm
v2.70 Aug. 17, 1998 NSS (Novell Storage Services) (Build 97)
IPFLT.NLM 1677 5-29-2003 3:53pm
v4.60.03 Dec. 10, 2002 Novell TCP/IP Filter Support Module
IPFLT31.NLM 199281 9-04-2003 7:54pm
v5.31.09 Sep. 4, 2003 Novell TCP/IP Filter Module
IPPSRVR.NLM 79128 6-11-2004 2:23pm
v3.00.03 Jun. 11, 2004 Novell IPP Server
IPRELAY.LAN 19573 10-05-1999 3:36pm
v3.22 Oct. 5, 1999 Novell IP Relay CSP3.100599
IPRELAY.LDI 175 2-19-1998 5:05pm
IPRELCFG.NLM 61815 6-24-1998 9:58pm
v6.60 Jun. 24, 1998 IPRELAY Configuration Console
IPTRACE.NLM 19494 10-16-2003 2:07pm
v6.00.07 Oct. 16, 2003 Trace Route Utility
IPTUNNEL.LAN 9312 10-05-1999 3:36pm
v3.22 Oct. 5, 1999 Novell IP Tunnel for IPX CSP3.100599
IPTUNNEL.LDI 4792 2-19-1998 5:05pm
IPX.PDI 173 6-29-1993 10:55pm
IPXCFG.NLM 354307 8-13-1998 8:43pm
v6.60 Aug. 13, 1998 IPX Configuration Console
IPXCON.NLM 412282 6-24-1998 9:15pm
v6.60 Jun. 24, 1998 IPX Router Management Console
IPXF.NLM 25464 5-19-1998 10:05pm
v3.10.01 May. 19, 1998 IPX Fragmentation Layer
IPXFLT.NLM 74439 6-24-1998 9:23pm
v6.60 Jun. 24, 1998 IPX NLSP Filter
IPXPING.NLM 46172 6-24-1998 9:38pm
v6.60 Jun. 24, 1998 IPX Ping Console
IPXRTR.NLM 453178 12-10-2001 1:20pm
v6.70.01 Dec. 3, 2001 IPX NLSP Router Production_02Dec2001
IPXRTRNM.NLM 76292 6-24-1998 8:55pm
v6.60 Jun. 24, 1998 IPX Router Network Management
IPXS.MPM 714 3-31-2004 4:41pm
IPXS.NLM 11194 2-12-1998 7:14pm
v4.10.01 Feb. 12, 1998 NetWare STREAMS IPX Protocol
IPXSPX.MPM 7591 3-31-2004 4:41pm
ISPLOGIN.LSC 575 9-25-1996 4:29pm
JADAGENT.NLM 120633 2-24-2003 7:52pm
v1.02.08 Feb. 24, 2003 JNI components for Novell Advanced Audit Service Agent
JCLNT.NLM 180916 12-02-2003 3:05pm
v1.03 Dec. 2, 2003 NetWare JClient-Native (Build 1.3.1172)
JCLNTR.NLM 13576 12-02-2003 3:05pm
v1.03 Dec. 2, 2003 NetWare JClient-Native Resources (Build 1.3.1172)
JNDPS.NLM 81941 5-15-2004 11:58pm
v4.00 May. 15, 2004 Native Wrapper Java Class Libraries for NDPS
JSAS.NLM 13699 5-09-2000 9:08pm
v2.00 May. 9, 2000 Java Secure Authentication Services for NetWare
JSMSG.NLM 18756 5-19-2004 9:53pm
v3.05 May. 19, 2004 Jetstream Message Layer (Build 376 MP)
JSTCP.NLM 15420 5-19-2004 9:53pm
v3.05 May. 19, 2004 Jetstream TCP Transport Layer (Build 368 MP)
KYCFG.PD0 79463 6-21-2001 6:14pm
KYCON.NLM 82996 6-21-2001 6:15pm
v1.20.08 Jun. 21, 2001 Kyocera Printer Gateway Console
KYGATE.NLM 402125 6-21-2001 6:15pm
v1.20.08 Jun. 21, 2001 Kyocera NDPS Gateway
KYLIB.NLM 247108 6-21-2001 6:14pm
v1.20.07 Jun. 21, 2001 Kyocera Printer Gateway Library
KYPNP.NLM 37761 6-21-2001 6:13pm
v1.20.07 Jun. 21, 2001 Kyocera Printer Gateway Plug and Print
LADD.NLM 21172 11-14-2003 7:15pm
v1.00 Nov. 13, 2003 ladd
LANBYTES.TDF 149464 7-28-2006 5:00pm
LANDATA.TDF 149464 7-28-2006 5:00pm
LANGMANI.NLM 25294 11-10-2003 3:23pm
v10210.40 Nov. 10, 2003 Novell Cross-Platform Language Manager
LANIEGW.NLM 442785 1-08-2002 5:51pm
v2.00 Jan. 8, 2002 Lanie NDPS Gateway
LBURP.NLM 4232 12-02-2003 4:21pm
v10552.36 Dec. 2, 2003 LDAP Bulkload Update/Replication Protocol service extension for Novell eDirectory 8.7.
LDAFREEC.NCF 19 6-18-2004 10:29pm
LDAPHDLR.NLM 52308 5-22-2004 12:37pm
v10552.40 May. 22, 2004 Novell Import Convert Export Utility
LDAPSDK.NLM 164436 11-14-2003 7:15pm
v3.01 Nov. 13, 2003 LDAP SDK Library (Clib version)
LDAPSSL.NLM 532812 11-14-2003 7:15pm
v3.01 Nov. 13, 2003 NetWare SSL Library for LDAP SDK (Clib version)
LDAPX.NLM 31964 11-14-2003 7:15pm
v3.01 Nov. 13, 2003 NetWare Extension APIs for LDAP SDK (Clib version)
LDAPXS.NLM 21924 11-14-2003 7:15pm
v3.01 Nov. 13, 2003 (Clib version)
LDELETE.NLM 12311 11-14-2003 7:15pm
v1.00 Nov. 13, 2003 ldelete
LDIF.NLM 33785 5-22-2004 12:37pm
v10552.40 May. 22, 2004 Novell Import Convert Export Utility
LDR-NEW.NCF 30 1-31-2005 1:00pm
LDRCONAG.NCF 67 1-31-2005 0:55pm
LDRCON~1.200 67 10-08-2003 4:48pm
LEXGATE.INI 626 5-31-2000 1:47pm
LEXGATE.NLM 112086 10-19-2000 4:37pm
v1.03 Oct. 19, 2000 Lexmark International NDPS Gateway
LICMAINT.NLM 14035 6-02-1997 5:54pm
v2.00 Jun. 2, 1997 License Maintenance IP0200.G01
LIC_API.NLM 10870 6-30-1997 4:47pm
v2.01 Jun. 30, 1997 License APIs IP020A.G03
LISTSER.NCF 187 3-06-2002 8:09pm
LLADD.NLM 22600 11-14-2003 7:22pm
v1.00 Nov. 13, 2003 lladd
LLC8022.NLM 21649 11-04-1998 5:42pm
v4.00 Nov. 2, 1998 Novell 802.2 Stack
LLDAPSDK.NLM 164656 11-14-2003 7:22pm
v3.01 Nov. 13, 2003 LDAP SDK Library (LibC version)
LLDAPSSL.NLM 532890 11-14-2003 7:23pm
v3.01 Nov. 13, 2003 NetWare SSL Library for LDAP SDK (LibC version)
LLDAPX.NLM 32412 11-14-2003 7:23pm
v3.01 Nov. 13, 2003 NetWare Extension APIs for LDAP SDK (LibC version)
LLDELETE.NLM 13762 11-14-2003 7:23pm
v1.00 Nov. 13, 2003 lldelete
LLMODIFY.NLM 22606 11-14-2003 7:23pm
v1.00 Nov. 13, 2003 llmodify
LLMODRDN.NLM 13909 11-14-2003 7:23pm
v1.00 Nov. 13, 2003 llmodrdn
LLSEARCH.NLM 24452 11-14-2003 7:23pm
v1.00 Nov. 13, 2003 llsearch
LMODIFY.NLM 21178 11-14-2003 7:15pm
v1.00 Nov. 13, 2003 lmodify
LMODRDN.NLM 12546 11-14-2003 7:15pm
v1.00 Nov. 13, 2003 lmodrdn
LNINDEX.NLM 15226 11-14-2003 7:23pm
v1.00 Nov. 13, 2003 lnindex
LOCNLM32.NLM 24737 6-03-2004 12:01pm
v6.00 Jun. 3, 2004 NetWare NWLocale Runtime Library
LPR2NDPS.NLM 13784 7-31-2002 2:53pm
v3.00.03 Jul. 31, 2002 NDPS Utility to accept UNIX jobs via LPR
LSAPI.NLM 54236 1-07-2003 3:24pm
v5.02 Jan. 7, 2003 NLS LSAPI Library
LSEARCH.NLM 22870 11-14-2003 7:15pm
v1.00 Nov. 13, 2003 lsearch
LSL.MPM 1959 3-31-2004 4:41pm
MACIPXGW.LAN 18663 11-11-1997 8:09pm
v5.10 Nov. 11, 1997 MacIPX Gateway for NetWare 4.0 MOAB.B21
MACIPXGW.LDI 7531 8-21-1996 2:52pm
MAP3XIDS.NLM 1971 4-08-1999 3:32pm
v1.04 Apr. 8, 1999 SMS NetWare 4.1x Map 3.1x Bindery IDs to NDS Names
MAPSER.DAT 0 6-13-2004 7:16pm
MASTER.TMP 1043 3-28-2005 12:39pm
MATHLIB.NLM 417 10-14-1999 3:06pm
MATHLIBC.NLM 426 10-14-1999 3:06pm
MDBLIB.NLM 22567 1-18-2002 1:57pm
v6.00.07 Jan. 18, 2002 Novonyx NDS/LDAP Access Layer
MEMDATA.TDF 149464 7-28-2006 5:00pm
MERGECR.NLM 89823 9-09-2004 6:45pm
v10553.32 Sep. 9, 2004 eDirectory Management Tool Box DSMerge eMTool
MGMTDBS.NCF 156 9-13-2005 5:06pm
MGRSTART.NCF 77 11-07-2000 4:15pm
MGRSTOP.NCF 30 9-20-1999 6:41pm
MIGERROR.LOG 0 6-13-2004 10:09pm
MIGLIB.NLM 2755 5-13-1999 6:52pm
v1.02 May. 13, 1999 Migration Library
MIMETYP.TXT 2437 1-29-2001 5:28pm
MISCICON.INI 4904 11-11-2002 1:17pm
MKC.NLM 80126 3-09-2001 6:32pm
v230.00 Mar. 9, 2001 MicroKernel Cursor Library
MQIGATEW.NLM 82237 11-15-2001 11:06pm
v1.00.04 Nov. 15, 2001 Minolta-QMS, Inc. NDPS Gateway NLM
MSM.NLM 100958 1-24-2003 10:51pm
v4.10 Jan. 24, 2003 Novell Multi-Processor Media Support Module
MSSNGRJP.DLL 152608 6-10-2004 11:14pm
MSSNGRUS.DLL 151072 6-10-2004 11:14pm
MWREG.NCF 29 9-14-1999 2:04pm
MWREGSRV.NLM 16025 3-10-2002 2:27pm
v1.00 Mar. 10, 2002 REGSRV NCP Registry Extension
N100.LAN 84714 10-15-2003 6:05pm
v7.05 Oct. 15, 2003 Fast Ethernet Adapter from HP
N100.LDI 19076 5-20-2003 1:46pm
N1000.LAN 116118 8-07-2003 0:01pm
v7.24 Aug. 7, 2003 HP Gigabit Adapter/Module
N1000.LDI 15577 8-05-2003 10:58pm
NAASKMO.NLM 4270 10-21-2002 7:10pm
v1.02.03 Oct. 21, 2002 Novell Advanced Audit Service NLM to create KMO
NAMED.NLM 244566 5-11-2004 8:53pm
v5.12.06 May. 11, 2004 Novell DNS Server
NAT.NLM 469159 2-23-2004 12:12pm
v7.00.07 Feb. 23, 2004 Novell Network Address Translator (NAT)
NBSYS.INI 29 10-27-1998 8:01pm
NBUNW.DIR 181 5-19-2005 7:46pm
NC.NLM 114106 7-16-1996 5:47pm
v3.00 Jul. 16, 1996 NControl - NLM Library
NCM.NLM 14610 5-07-2003 5:15pm
v1.14.03 May. 7, 2003 Novell Configuration Manager
NCMCON.CFG 12471 9-08-2003 9:48pm
NCMCON.NLM 28765 9-08-2003 4:01pm
v1.20.08 Sep. 8, 2003 Novell Configuration Manager Console
NCMSG.MSG 20157 1-10-1996 5:58pm
NCPNLM32.NLM 144925 6-03-2004 12:01pm
v6.00 Jun. 3, 2004 NetWare NWNCP Runtime Library
NCSPROXY.NLM 29471 4-26-2004 6:08pm
v1.02 Apr. 26, 2004 Installation Supplement
NCSSDK.NLM 28148 4-26-2004 9:21pm
v1.60.04 Apr. 26, 2004 Cluster API Build Number = 0426
NCUTIL.MSG 29740 10-05-1994 7:08pm
NDDPREFS.DAT 5201 11-27-2000 10:53pm
NDPDS.NLM 35950 7-17-2001 2:56pm
v3.00 Jul. 17, 2001 NDPS Print Device Subsystem for NetWare Servers
NDPS.NCF 114 5-09-2005 2:24pm
NDPSGW.NLM 80767 10-21-2004 10:13pm
v3.01.06 Oct. 21, 2004 NDPS Gateway for NetWare Servers PTF v1.00 (041021) CSP12 NW65SP3 SSA
NDPSGW~1.OLD 79778 5-05-2004 1:36pm
NDPSM.NLM 363946 12-14-2004 4:02pm
v3.01.09 Dec. 14, 2004 NDPS Manager PTF v1.11 (041214) CSP11
NDPSMN~1.OLD 363404 6-21-2004 3:56pm
NDS2LDAP.NLM 2231 6-13-2000 8:11pm
v84.00 Jun. 14, 2000 Novell Directory Services nds2ldap
NDS8.NCF 140 5-30-2002 3:13pm
NDSAUDIT.NLM 89971 5-22-2003 2:31pm
v2.09 May. 22, 2003 Directory Services Audit
NDSIMON.INI 8208 4-22-2004 6:11pm
NDSIMON.NLM 979796 6-02-2004 3:11pm
v20210.61 Jun. 2, 2004 NDS iMonitor 2.3
NDSIMO~1.INI 10920 11-18-2002 2:40pm
NETBASIC.NLM 24197 3-27-2002 1:46pm
v6.00.16 Mar. 27, 2002 NetBasic Runtime
NETDB.MPM 5200 3-31-2004 4:41pm
NETDB.NLM 117478 6-26-2003 11:59pm
v4.10.26 Jun. 27, 2003 Network Database Access Module
NETLIB.NLM 902375 10-07-2002 7:40pm
v6.03.01 Oct. 7, 2002 Novell TCPIP NETLIB Module CSP9_Rel
NETMON.NLM 55577 8-08-2002 2:11pm
v1.12.02 Aug. 8, 2002 Network Interface Monitor
NETNLM32.NLM 261641 10-27-2003 9:56pm
v5.05.09 Oct. 28, 2003 NetWare NWNet Runtime Library
NIAGENT.NLM 15416 1-11-2002 9:59pm
v1.00 Jan. 11, 2002 NIS Remote NLM Services
NIASMDM1.MDC 167484 5-04-1998 3:41pm
NIASMDM2.MDC 238467 5-04-1998 3:42pm
NICIFK 13440 10-30-2001 11:08pm
NICISDI.XLM 57510 11-10-2003 9:34pm
v26410.05 Nov. 10, 2003 Novell NICI Signed Loader
NIDELAY.NLM 9895 1-11-2002 0:59pm
v1.00 Jan. 11, 2002 NIS Delay
NINDEX.NLM 13815 11-14-2003 7:15pm
v1.00 Nov. 13, 2003 nindex
NIPPED.NLM 11376 5-28-2004 7:31pm
v1.03.04 May. 28, 2004 NetWare 5.x, 6.x INF File Editing Library - NIPPED
NIPPZLIB.NLM 6115 12-20-2002 1:50pm
v1.00.01 Dec. 20, 2002 General Purpose ZIP File Library for NetWare
NISETSI.NCF 167 6-13-2000 8:45pm
NISETSI0.NCF 1928 1-22-2003 12:44pm
NISETSI2.NCF 11 1-14-2000 5:07pm
NISP.NLM 69639 1-11-2002 9:59pm
v1.00 Jan. 11, 2002 NIS Service Provider
NLDAP.LOG 3434 12-12-2004 6:00pm
NLDAP.NLM 430197 8-23-2004 3:19pm
v10552.93 Aug. 23, 2004 LDAP Agent for Novell eDirectory
NLDAPI.NLM 10921 11-09-2000 5:43pm
v85.00 Nov. 9, 2000 nldapi
NLS.NLM 701 7-26-2001 0:20pm
v5.02 Jul. 26, 2001 NLS License Service Provider Loader
NLSADAPT.NLM 16404 11-19-2001 4:42pm
v1.02 Nov. 15, 2001 NLSAPI Remote Adapter for NetConsole
NLSADPT2.NLM 35414 9-09-2003 11:00pm
v2.00 Sep. 9, 2003 NLS and Metering adapter for iManager 2.0 plugin
NLSAPI.NLM 94123 8-07-2003 9:12pm
v5.02 Aug. 7, 2003 NLSAPI
NLSBTRV.NLM 47466 7-31-2001 1:42pm
v5.02 Jul. 31, 2001 NLS Btrieve Database Engine
NLSFLAIM.NLM 506865 7-31-2001 1:41pm
v5.02 Jul. 31, 2001 NLS FLAIM Database Engine
NLSI.DBG 1029 6-10-2004 11:06pm
NLSI.NLM 83760 4-03-2001 5:19pm
v5.02 Apr. 3, 2001 NLS Install Library
NLSINIT.NCF 35 6-04-2003 1:16pm
NLSLRUP.NLM 370928 3-16-2004 11:23pm
v4.01.06 Mar. 16, 2004 NLS - Usage Metering
NLSLSP.NLM 609771 3-16-2004 11:04pm
v5.02 Mar. 16, 2004 NLS - License Service Provider
NLSMETER.LOG 295496 7-28-2006 0:00pm
NLSMETER.NLM 98741 2-19-2004 11:11pm
v3.41 Feb. 19, 2004 NLS - Software Usage Metering Database
NLSPAUTO.NLM 7475 3-04-1998 1:24pm
v1.01 Mar. 4, 1998 AUTOEXEC.NCF/NETINFO.CFG Update Utility MOAB_NDK
NLSTRAP.NLM 19532 2-19-2004 10:37pm
v5.02 Feb. 19, 2004 NetWare License Server Trap
NMAS.NLM 276280 9-08-2004 2:40pm
v20040908.00 Sep. 8, 2004 Novell Modular Authentication Service
NMAS235.LOG 738 12-12-2004 6:04pm
NMASGPXY.NLM 5178 9-08-2004 2:41pm
v20040908.00 Sep. 8, 2004 NMAS Generic Proxy
NMASINST.NLM 112185 9-08-2004 6:17pm
v20040908.00 Sep. 8, 2004 NMAS Configuration
NMASLDAP.NLM 12355 9-08-2004 2:50pm
v20040908.00 Sep. 8, 2004 NMAS LDAP Extensions
NMASMON.NLM 4073 6-01-2004 2:09pm
v1.21 Jun. 1, 2004 NMAS Monitor
NMX.NLM 18919 3-27-2002 1:45pm
v6.00.16 Mar. 27, 2002 NMX Library Manager
NPKIAPI.NLM 303206 11-18-2004 4:23pm
v2.74 Sep. 15, 2004 Public Key Infrastructure Services
NPKIJNI.NLM 33212 11-18-2004 4:23pm
v2.74 Sep. 15, 2004 Public Key Infrastructure Services
NPKIT.NLM 255811 11-18-2004 4:23pm
v2.74 Sep. 15, 2004 Public Key Infrastructure Services
NPKITJNI.NLM 49726 11-18-2004 4:23pm
v2.74 Sep. 15, 2004 Public Key Infrastructure Services
NPRINTER.NLM 38091 1-20-1998 6:44pm
v4.17 Jan. 20, 1998 Network Printer Driver
NRGGW.NLM 442760 4-04-2002 6:25pm
v2.00 Apr. 4, 2002 Nrg NDPS Gateway
NS311.NLM 1897 8-17-1995 1:18pm
v3.00 Aug. 17, 1995 NControl NLM Slave 311 Specific Library
NSLCGI.NLM 63244 5-02-2001 2:23pm
v5.20 Apr. 9, 2001 LCGI support library
NSLOOKUP.NLM 100297 6-13-2003 1:42pm
v2.01 Jun. 13, 2003 NSLookup for NetWare
NSNINIT.NLM 18146 1-13-2004 10:18pm
v2.02.03 Jan. 13, 2004 NSN - Runtime
NSNSYS.INI 1015 7-28-1999 1:15pm
NSSSHIM.NLM 42292 3-04-2003 1:06pm
v1.02.09 Mar. 4, 2003 Novell Advanced Audit Service Shim for Novell Storage Service
NTFYDPOP.ENM 11827 2-26-1999 11:56pm
NTFYLOG.ENM 5670 5-25-1999 9:42pm
NTFYPOP.ENM 4889 5-21-1999 2:41pm
NTFYRPC.ENM 10184 2-26-1999 11:48pm
NTFYSMTP.ENM 8410 4-17-2002 1:13pm
NTFYSPX.ENM 10962 2-26-1999 11:51pm
NTFYSRVR.NLM 53909 8-07-2002 2:46pm
v3.00.05 Aug. 7, 2002 NDPS Notification Server
NTFYWSOC.ENM 11831 2-26-1999 11:52pm
NTLS.NLM 792845 11-18-2004 4:23pm
v10812.53 Sep. 9, 2004 Novell TLS Library
NUT.NLM 28519 10-15-1997 8:05pm
v3.14 Oct. 15, 1997 NetWare NLM Utility User Interface
NUWAGENT.NLM 60118 2-04-2004 11:44pm
v6.06 Feb. 4, 2004 NetWare Migration Wizard Agent
NUWNICI.NLM 86544 10-02-2003 10:19pm
v3.00 Oct. 3, 2003 NICI Migration Tool
NVXADMDN.NCF 154 6-15-2001 6:49pm
NVXADMUP.NCF 250 7-31-2001 4:23pm
NWAGENT.NCF 110 3-04-2005 1:09pm
NWAIF103.NLM 104225 8-08-2001 3:29pm
v7.90 Aug. 8, 2001 nwaif103.nlm v7.90, Build 245 ()
NWBSRVCM.NLM 33593 3-20-2001 3:53pm
v7.90 Mar. 20, 2001 NWBSRVCM.NLM v7.90.000, Build 230
NWCCSS.NLM 3676 1-07-1997 11:39pm
v3.03.14 Jan. 7, 1997 Character Code Set Support
NWCFGRST.NLM 941 10-07-1998 4:27pm
v1.00 Oct. 7, 1998 NetWare Restart NWCONFIG Module
NWENC103.NLM 2153927 2-23-2001 3:17pm
v7.90 Feb. 24, 2001 NWENC103.NLM v7.90.000 (Text Encoding Conversion Library)
NWFTPD.NLM 175799 5-25-2004 7:02pm
v5.04.20 May. 25, 2004 NetWare FTP Server
NWGLOBSM.NLM 213263 1-18-2002 1:47pm
v6.00.07 Jan. 18, 2002 nwglobsm Enterprise CGI Admin Server
NWICLOSE.NCF 19 1-20-2000 2:21pm
NWISTART.NCF 102 2-27-2001 11:52pm
NWMKDE.NLM 422144 6-10-2004 2:53pm
v7.90 Mar. 21, 2001 NWMKDE.NLM v7.90.230.000
NWPSRV.NLM 92696 5-01-1997 9:16pm
v4.15 May. 1, 1997 NetWare 4.15 Print Services Library - NWPSRV
NWRSA.NLM 17118 7-16-2003 3:40pm
v1.00 Jul. 16, 2003 NetWare Remote Server Access NLM
NWSDKERR.NLM 117597 1-13-2004 10:24pm
v2.02.03 Jan. 13, 2004 NSN - NetWare SDK Error Message Manager
NWSEC.INI 38 11-29-2001 10:09pm
NWSEC.NLM 23152 1-13-2004 10:31pm
v1.00.02 Jan. 13, 2004 Scripting - Security Library
NWSQLMGR.NLM 1398319 3-21-2001 2:07pm
v7.90 Mar. 21, 2001 Pervasive.SQL 2000i SQL Connection Manager
NWUCINIT.NLM 124605 3-14-2001 6:02pm
v1.05 Mar. 14, 2001 NWUCINIT.NLM v1.5 Build 230
NWUCMGR.NLM 111735 6-10-2004 2:53pm
v1.05 Mar. 14, 2001 NWUCMGR.NLM v1.5 Build 230
NWUCMGR.SYS 50 6-10-2004 2:53pm
NWUCONF.CSS 210 4-19-2001 9:04pm
NWUCONF.JS 2904 6-05-2001 8:23pm
NWUCUTIL.NLM 66511 6-10-2004 2:53pm
v1.05 Mar. 14, 2001 NWUCUTIL.NLM v1.5 Build 230
NWUSAGE.CSS 97 6-28-2001 2:16pm
NWUSAGE.JS 4462 4-23-2001 1:38pm
NWUTIL.CFG 0 6-13-2004 11:10pm
NWXLT101.NLM 493973 3-21-2001 2:40pm
v7.90 Mar. 21, 2001 NWXLT101.NLM
ODINEB.NLM 13016 8-13-1999 3:24pm
v1.10 Aug. 13, 1999 Novell ODI to Novell Event Bus Interface Module
PARSER.NLM 10265 6-26-1998 8:00pm
v3.05 Jun. 26, 1998 NetWare MPR Command Parser
PASRVNFO.DB 73728 7-25-2006 8:33pm
PCISINFO.NLM 19933 3-24-2000 1:11pm
v1.10 Mar. 24, 2000 PCI Slot Information for Portal
PCLUSTER.NLM 133856 4-26-2004 9:14pm
v1.60.04 Apr. 26, 2004 Novell Cluster Portal Interface Build Number = 04426
PCNTNW.LAN 27035 11-22-2000 3:35pm
v4.23 Nov. 22, 2000 AMD PCNTNW
PCNTNW.LDI 27756 11-22-2000 3:34pm
PDSCFG.PD0 9643 1-19-2000 10:17pm
PEDLL.DLL 17920 6-01-1999 5:01pm
PELDR.NLM 39804 6-01-1999 5:01pm
v1.01 Jun. 2, 1999 Portable Executable Loader
PERL.NLM 1207199 3-19-2004 2:38pm
v3.20.02 Mar. 19, 2004 Perl 5.8.0 - Script interpreter for NetWare
PFPLIB.NLM 22132 3-19-1999 9:37pm
v2.00.02 Mar. 19, 1999 NDPS PerfectFit Printing Library
PFPNPD.NLM 30770 4-29-1999 8:37pm
v2.00.03 Apr. 29, 1999 NDPS PerfectFit Printing Interface
PH.NLM 55061 5-27-2003 4:21pm
v3.00.02 May. 27, 2003 NDPS Port Handler for NetWare Servers
PHCFG.PH0 33346 11-02-1999 4:37pm
PHPSBD.HDI 4819 2-16-1999 5:19pm
PHPSBD.NLM 75328 6-24-1999 7:48pm
v1.10 Jun. 24, 1999 PCI Hot Plug System Bus Driver
PIM.NLM 44321 12-13-2001 1:14pm
v6.00.08 Dec. 13, 2001 Protocol Independent Multicast Routing DM Production_13Dec2001
PING.NLM 42920 1-24-2000 1:59pm
v4.23.02 Jan. 24, 2000 TCPIP Ping Utility 24Jan2000
PKI.NLM 917672 11-18-2004 4:23pm
v2.74 Sep. 15, 2004 Novell Certificate Server
PKIAPI.NLM 274240 11-18-2004 4:23pm
v2.23.08 Apr. 1, 2004 Public Key Infrastructure Services
PKTSCAN.INI 479 5-23-2004 1:21pm
PKTSCAN.NLM 105521 10-23-2003 4:20pm
v1.02 Oct. 23, 2003 Packet Scan Utility
PLSTNSRV.NLM 9016 2-26-1999 11:58pm
v2.00.03 Feb. 26, 1999 Novell NDPS Programmatic Event Notification Module
PORTAL.NLM 573028 5-27-2004 1:49pm
v2.00.04 May. 27, 2004 NetWare Remote Manager NLM
PRODAUD3.DB 5062656 7-28-2006 5:57pm
PRODAUD3.FLT 1030030 7-28-2006 0:00pm
PRODSYNC.NLM 116808 5-05-2003 11:18pm
v1.00.01 May. 5, 2003 Syncronize Products Database
PRODUCTS.DAT 58368 3-04-2005 1:09pm
PSERVER.NLM 84516 8-30-2000 4:15pm
v5.00 Aug. 30, 2000 NetWare Print Server PTF v1.12 (000830)
PSREGSVR.INI 548 7-10-2001 1:34pm
PSREGSVR.NLM 60352 2-23-2001 3:29pm
v230.00 Feb. 24, 2001 PCOM Server Registration Utility
PSRVCTYP.DB 40960 6-18-2006 2:13pm
PSVCS.NLM 136810 2-23-2001 3:27pm
v230.00 Feb. 24, 2001 Portability Services
PTRACE.NLM 72489 7-01-1998 0:01pm
v1.10 Jul. 1, 1998 P-Class Trace Console
PTRACE.TXT 5412 6-17-1998 4:57pm
PUPDATE.IPS 14474 5-07-2004 4:26pm
PURGE_NW.NLM 2127 6-24-2003 1:07pm
v3.20 Jun. 23, 2003 Netware File System API unit tests (Build 24 SP)
PVSW.LOG 57154 7-13-2006 10:07pm
Q57.LAN 151370 11-23-2004 5:11pm
v7.63 Nov. 23, 2004 HP NC10xx/NC67xx/NC77xx Gigabit Server Adapter
Q57.LDI 13560 8-16-2004 8:16pm
Q57LAN~1.200 143406 6-18-2004 3:51pm
Q57LDI~1.200 13560 8-16-2004 8:16pm
QASP.LAN 241275 2-13-2003 7:24pm
v2.19 Feb. 18, 2003 HP Virtual Adapter Driver with Advanced Server Features
QASP.LDI 1797 2-13-2003 7:24pm
QC.NLM 255635 1-15-1998 2:15pm
v0.01.01 Jan. 15, 1998 Connectix Test Program
QMAN.NLM 109152 4-11-2004 11:06pm
v6.00.06 Apr. 12, 2004 SMS - Backup Queue Manager
RCONAG6.NLM 49488 5-27-2004 1:41pm
v6.10.06 May. 27, 2004 RConsole Agent for Netware
RCONJ.NCF 1418 2-18-2004 2:11pm
RCONJZFS.NCF 1516 10-18-2001 12:39pm
RCONPRXY.NLM 12716 5-27-2004 1:41pm
v6.10.06 May. 27, 2004 RConsole proxy server for Netware
RDBHOST.NLM 93499 5-07-2004 4:46pm
v1.17.02 May. 7, 2004 Remote Debug Console Host
REGSRVR.NLM 25793 3-25-2002 4:26pm
v3.00.06 Mar. 25, 2002 NDPS Service Registry
REMOTE.NLM 36791 1-22-2003 4:26pm
v4.12.01 Jan. 22, 2003 NetWare Remote Console
REMOVESP.BAK 4 11-14-2004 9:52pm
REMOVESP.NCF 91 11-14-2004 9:52pm
REPAIRCR.NLM 171628 9-09-2004 6:45pm
v10553.32 Sep. 9, 2004 eDirectory Management Tool Box DSRepair eMTool
RESETJ.NCF 19 1-20-2000 2:21pm
RICOHGW.NLM 442784 2-08-2002 3:40pm
v2.00 Feb. 8, 2002 Ricoh NDPS Gateway
RMANNPD.NLM 88496 5-21-2004 3:40pm
v1.00 May. 21, 2004 NDPS Resource Manager - NPD Creation Library
RMANSRVR.NLM 74958 5-21-2004 3:41pm
v3.04 May. 21, 2004 NDPS Resource Manager
RMSPACK.NLM 6408 4-03-2001 5:01pm
v1.00 Apr. 3, 2001 SPack Remover NLM
ROLLCALL.NLM 2279 7-27-1998 3:56pm
v5.00 Jul. 27, 1998 RollCall NLM (101, API 1.0)
ROOTCERT.DER 1288 12-12-2004 5:45pm
ROUTE.NDI 48099 5-13-1999 4:28pm
ROUTE.NLM 5985 2-11-1999 5:44pm
v4.18 Feb. 11, 1999 Novell Source Routing NLM for NetWare Servers
RPL.NLM 6398 7-18-2002 3:09pm
v4.16 Jul. 18, 2002 NetWare RPL Stack
RSPX.NLM 31214 3-14-2001 2:58pm
v4.12 Mar. 15, 2001 NetWare Remote Console SPX Driver
RTDM.NLM 15848 12-17-2001 4:41pm
v5.60 Dec. 17, 2001 NetWare Real Time Data Migration NLM
RTSSRV.LAN 57090 6-26-2000 9:42pm
v3.29 Jun. 26, 2000 Realtek Fast Ethernet Driver
RTSSRV.LDI 9251 5-29-2000 7:46pm
RUN.NLM 8193 3-27-2002 1:45pm
v6.00.16 Mar. 27, 2002 NetBasic Script Wrapper
RUNSI.NCF 149 12-01-1999 7:02pm
SAL.NLM 21255 8-17-2004 5:09pm
v20350.78 Aug. 17, 2004 Novell System Abstraction Layer Version 2.3.1
SAS.NLM 539773 3-13-2004 2:42pm
v1.75 Mar. 13, 2004 Secure Authentication Services
SASDFM.XLM 25175 11-10-2003 10:34pm
v26410.05 Nov. 10, 2003 Novell NICI Signed Loader
SASI.NLM 43836 3-11-1999 8:21pm
v1.05 Mar. 11, 1999 Secure Authentication Services Install (SASI)
SASL.NLM 2777 9-08-2004 2:41pm
v20040908.00 Sep. 8, 2004 Simple Authentication and Security Layer
SAVINGW.NLM 442768 4-04-2002 6:31pm
v2.00 Apr. 4, 2002 Savin NDPS Gateway
SBCON.NLM 386595 4-11-2004 11:06pm
v6.00.06 Apr. 12, 2004 SMS - Backup Management Console
SBD.NLM 31102 4-26-2004 9:15pm
v1.60.04 Apr. 26, 2004 Cluster Split Brain Detector Build Number = 04426
SBDLIB.NLM 10845 4-02-2004 0:46pm
v1.60.04 Apr. 2, 2004 Cluster Split Brain Detector Library Build Number = 402
SBSC.NLM 172323 3-26-2002 11:33pm
v6.00.02 Mar. 27, 2002 NetWare Storage Management Services Console Communication Module
SCHEMACR.NLM 69932 9-09-2004 6:45pm
v10553.32 Sep. 9, 2004 eDirectory Management Tool Box Schema eMTool
SCHHDLR.NLM 23691 5-22-2004 12:38pm
v10552.40 May. 22, 2004 Novell Import Convert Export Utility
SCH_EXT.NLM 37808 10-21-2002 8:03pm
v1.02.02 Oct. 21, 2002 Novell Advanced Audit Service NLM for Schema Extension
SCMD.LAN 3452 1-17-2000 7:11pm
v5.20.06 Jan. 18, 2000 Lan driver for SCMD 18Jan2000
SCMD.LDI 2231 6-13-2002 10:36pm
SCMD.NLM 292876 3-07-2003 3:43pm
v6.50.01 Mar. 7, 2003 Compatibility Mode Driver
SCRSAVER.NLM 49245 4-14-2004 11:07pm
v6.01.05 Apr. 14, 2004 NetWare Screen Saver
SECFIX.NLM 7714 5-13-2002 12:14pm
v1.00 May. 13, 2002 CSP secfix
SECURE.NCF 6066 11-18-1999 4:22pm
SERVCFG.BAK 2098176 7-13-2006 2:05pm
SERVDATA.NDS 1405424 12-12-2004 0:29pm
SERVMAN.NLM 3078 3-24-1998 2:32pm
v1.00 Mar. 24, 1998 NetWare 5 ServMan Shim
SETEXEC.NLM 7013 1-18-2002 1:58pm
v6.00.07 Jan. 18, 2002 Set Execute Extended Attribute
SETUPNLS.NLM 17287 4-17-2001 7:44pm
v5.02 Apr. 17, 2001 NLS Setup
SILEXGW.NLM 54320 1-07-2003 7:58pm
v1.00 Jan. 7, 2003 silex technology NDPS Gateway
SINSTALL.DBG 28489 6-10-2004 11:14pm
SINSTALL.NLM 148582 6-10-2004 11:14pm
v2.54 Jun. 12, 2003 Installation Program for Compaq Survey Utility
SIS900.LAN 47596 7-23-2001 7:45pm
v1.12 Jul. 23, 2001 SiS 900/7016 PCI Adapters NetWare ODI32 Driver
SIS900.LDI 38116 6-22-2001 1:08pm
SK98NW.LAN 203232 7-23-2003 6:07pm
v6.07 Jul. 23, 2003 SysKonnect SK-98xx and SK-95xx Adapter families
SK98NW.LDI 106625 7-23-2003 6:07pm
SKFPNW.LAN 157455 7-09-2001 3:06pm
v4.22 Mar. 3, 2000 SysKonnect FDDI PCI HSM
SKFPNW.LDI 21966 7-09-2001 3:06pm
SLP.MPM 2156 3-31-2004 4:41pm
SMDR.NLM 251640 6-11-2004 5:06pm
v6.54.01 Jun. 11, 2004 SMS - Storage Data Requestor
SME.NLM 192875 4-11-2004 11:06pm
v6.00.06 Apr. 12, 2004 SMS - Backup Management Engine
SMSDI.NLM 145173 10-16-2002 0:51pm
v5.03.01 Oct. 16, 2002 SMS - Backup Device Interface
SMSSTART.000 31 6-13-2004 5:14pm
SMSSTART.001 31 11-14-2004 9:51pm
SMSSTART.NCF 49 10-05-2004 2:21pm
SMSSTOP.000 69 6-13-2004 5:14pm
SMSSTOP.001 69 11-14-2004 9:51pm
SMSSTOP.NCF 83 9-02-2004 11:11pm
SMSUT.NLM 82478 5-31-2005 3:40pm
v1.01 May. 31, 2005 SMS - Utility Library for NetWare 6.X
SNMP.MPM 4886 3-31-2004 4:41pm
SNMP.NLM 115148 1-23-2004 0:58pm
v4.17 Jan. 23, 2004 Netware 4.x/5.x/6.x SNMP Service
SNMPINST.NLM 81496 8-25-2004 8:57pm
v10550.79 Aug. 25, 2004 SNMPINST for Novell eDirectory
SNMPLOG.NLM 17660 1-23-2004 0:58pm
v2.12 Jan. 23, 2004 Netware 4.x/5.x/6.x SNMP Trap Logging Service
SOAPS11.NLM 126588 11-07-2003 9:49pm
v1.00.01 Nov. 7, 2003 XML Integration Service
SPACK.LOC 38 11-14-2004 9:39pm
SPACKLOG.TXT 1814 11-14-2004 9:53pm
SPMDCLNT.NLM 92410 9-08-2004 2:47pm
v20040908.00 Sep. 8, 2004 Novell SPM Client for DClient
SPMNWCC.NLM 81556 9-08-2004 2:48pm
v20040908.00 Sep. 8, 2004 Novell SPM Client for NWCC
SPUTIL.NLM 28797 2-18-2003 4:12pm
v1.00 Feb. 18, 2003 Support Pack Utility
SPUTILOG.TXT 6182151 11-14-2004 9:52pm
SPXCONFG.NLM 5357 7-24-1998 6:04pm
v4.10 Jul. 24, 1998 SPX Configuration Control Program
SPXS.MPM 714 3-31-2004 4:41pm
SPXS.NLM 56314 1-17-2000 6:45pm
v5.14 Jan. 18, 2000 NetWare SPX/SPXII Protocol (PTF)
SQLUTIL.NLM 35388 2-23-2001 5:45pm
v4.00 Feb. 24, 2001 SQLUTIL.NLM v4.0.200 Build 230
SRBRIDGE.LAN 4438 5-29-1997 9:16pm
v3.03 May. 29, 1997 Netware Virtual SR-Bridge LAN IP0200.G01
SRBRIDGE.LDI 8858 5-28-1997 8:02pm
SRBRIDGE.PDI 203 6-29-1993 10:57pm
SRCROUTE.PDI 204 8-27-1993 6:20pm
SRTCFG.NLM 13115 3-16-1998 5:55pm
v1.01 Mar. 16, 1998 Source Route Configuration Console, MOAB_NDK_1
SSIBACK.BAK 36493243 7-27-2006 10:00pm
SSIBACK.LOG 405002 7-27-2006 10:00pm
STANDARD.NCK 2800 5-26-1993 4:04pm
STARTINV.NCF 386 12-16-2002 10:17pm
STARTSER.NCF 467 3-06-2002 8:10pm
STARTWOL.NCF 238 1-24-2003 5:08pm
STARTZWS.NCF 106 9-10-2001 4:57pm
STATICON.NLM 278999 6-24-1998 9:32pm
v6.60 Jun. 24, 1998 IPX Static Route Configuration Utility
STATUSLG.NLM 504527 8-08-2003 4:15pm
v1.00 Aug. 8, 2003 Report and Notification Service
STOPDB.NCF 165 1-20-2003 1:57pm
STOPSER.NCF 545 3-06-2002 8:10pm
STOPWOL.NCF 122 4-09-2002 12:33pm
STREAMS.MPM 3693 3-31-2004 4:41pm
ST_AGENT.NCF 271 8-24-2001 11:06pm
ST_SRVR.NCF 499 2-08-2002 2:36pm
SU6.TXT 1302 12-12-2004 6:04pm
SURVEY.$X$ 85603 7-26-2006 12:00pm
SURVEY.CPT 1377 7-26-2006 12:00pm
SURVEY.IDI 542387 7-26-2006 12:00pm
SURVEY.INI 8989 6-10-2004 11:14pm
SURVEY.NLM 960032 6-10-2004 11:14pm
v2.54 Jun. 12, 2003 Compaq Survey Utility for NetWare
SURVEY.OUT 65536 7-26-2006 12:00pm
SURVEY.REF 90854 6-10-2004 11:14pm
SURVEY.TXT 60914 7-26-2006 12:00pm
SURVEYCW.NLM 132473 6-10-2004 11:14pm
v1.00 Oct. 10, 2000 SurveyCW.nlm
SYS$LOG.ERR 1946139 7-28-2006 9:24pm
SYSCALLS.NLM 53243 4-30-2004 1:50pm
v5.60 Apr. 30, 2004 NetWare Operating System Call and Marshalling Library
TAR.NLM 127887 7-21-1999 8:31pm
v1.11.11 Jul. 21, 1999 GNU Tar - Watcom
TBOX.CFG 997 6-13-2004 4:12pm
TC902X.LAN 16009 7-26-2001 7:44pm
v1.02 Jul. 26, 2001 TAMARACK TC902X Based 10/100/1000 Ethernet Adapter
TC902X.LDI 18313 7-31-2001 1:47pm
TCP.NLM 803753 3-23-2004 7:28pm
v6.10.02 Mar. 23, 2004 Novell TCP/IP Stack - Transport module (NULL encryption)
TCPCFG.NLM 350756 11-12-2003 1:56pm
v6.03.10 Nov. 12, 2003 Novell TCPIP Configuration
TCPCON.NLM 245828 1-07-2004 2:08pm
v6.00.12 Jan. 7, 2004 Novell TCPIP Monitoring Console
TCPIP.MPM 15856 3-31-2004 4:41pm
TCPIP.NLM 589925 6-02-2004 1:32pm
v6.10.06 Jun. 2, 2004 Novell TCP/IP Stack - Network module (NULL encryption)
TCPIP.PDI 179 5-28-1997 10:01pm
TCPSTATS.NLM 140991 11-12-2003 2:07pm
v6.00.16 Nov. 12, 2003 Web Interface for Protocol Monitoring
TECHWALK.NLM 43224 1-17-2000 4:04pm
v1.00 Jan. 17, 2000 MPR Technical Support Capture Utility For NetWare
TELNETD.NLM 23871 3-09-1999 5:06pm
v4.00.18 Mar. 9, 1999 Telnet daemon for XConsole and TN3270
THEJUDGE.NLM 3746 3-24-2000 0:50pm
v5.60 Mar. 24, 2000 NetWare Operating System Physical Memory Judge
TIMESERV.NCF 198 11-20-2002 8:47pm
TIMESYNC.CFG 406 7-13-2006 10:06pm
TIMESYNC.MIG 395 6-13-2004 9:15pm
TIMESYNC.NLM 40398 5-19-2004 3:16pm
v6.04.08 May. 19, 2004 NetWare Time Synchronization Services
TLI.MPM 8050 3-31-2004 4:41pm
TLI.NLM 24491 12-19-2000 7:37pm
v4.30.02 Dec. 19, 2000 NetWare Transport Level Interface Library
TOKENTSM.NLM 13185 11-07-2000 0:53pm
v3.84 Nov. 7, 2000 Novell Token-Ring Topology Specific Module
TOOLBOX.NLM 170213 8-28-2002 12:17pm
v2.16 Aug. 28, 2002 Utility Toolbox for NetWare 4 - 6
TPING.NLM 7901 4-03-2001 8:59pm
v6.00.01 Apr. 4, 2001 TCPIP TPING Utility MT_Feat_04Apr2001 MT_Feat_04Apr2001
TRUSTBAR.NLM 18275 4-02-2004 0:47pm
v1.00 Apr. 2, 2004 TrustBar
TRUSTEE.NLM 17102 12-16-2004 2:53pm
v1.10.05 Dec. 16, 2004 Trustee Management Tool
TSA600.NLM 297076 8-02-2005 10:54pm
v6.00.08 Sep. 11, 2003 SMS - File System Agent for NetWare 6.0
TSA600~1.OLD 297076 9-11-2003 6:44pm
TSAFS.NLM 500890 5-31-2005 3:40pm
v6.51 May. 31, 2005 SMS - File System Agent for NetWare 6.X
TSAFSN~1.OLD 480531 6-07-2004 2:26pm
TSANDS.NLM 52109 2-03-2004 12:01pm
v10551.44.05 Feb. 3, 2004 TSA for Novell eDirectory 7.x, 8.x
TSANDS~1.OLD 51902 12-02-2003 4:53pm
TSAPROXY.NLM 11600 6-11-2001 10:47pm
v6.00 Jun. 12, 2001 NetWare Windows Client Proxy Target Service Agent
TSATEST.NLM 69209 5-12-2004 4:12pm
v1.19 May. 12, 2004 SMS - TSA Statistical Analyzer
TUI.NLM 59333 5-28-1998 7:46pm
v1.05.03 May. 28, 1998 Textual User Interface MOAB_B40.528
TYPE.NLM 5692 1-13-2004 11:48pm
v3.20.02 Jan. 14, 2004 Perl 5.8.0 - DOS Type emulation for Perl testing
UCINST.LOG 63 6-10-2004 2:53pm
UCS.NCF 190 4-29-2004 3:51pm
UCS2JAVA.NLM 53942 1-13-2004 11:42pm
v2.00.03 Jan. 13, 2004 Novell UCS - Java Provider
UCS2RMT.NLM 67943 1-13-2004 11:42pm
v1.01.02 Jan. 13, 2004 Novell UCS - Remote ActiveX Provider
UCS2UCX.NLM 49426 4-29-2004 4:05pm
v1.01.02 Apr. 29, 2004 UCS - UCX Provider
UCSCORE.NLM 53321 1-13-2004 11:42pm
v1.01.02 Jan. 13, 2004 Novell UCS Core NLM
UCXMGR.NLM 77902 1-13-2004 10:26pm
v2.02.03 Jan. 13, 2004 NSN - UCX Library Manager
UNICODE.MPM 5059 1-28-2004 2:57pm
UNMWREG.NCF 19 8-22-1999 6:37pm
UNZIP.NLM 48494 10-17-2002 2:00pm
v6.00.03 Oct. 17, 2002 unzip utility
UPDNCF.NLM 6256 6-17-2002 11:13pm
v1.02.03 Jun. 17, 2002 Novell Advanced Audit Service NLM to update autoexec.ncf file
UPS_AIO.NLM 7083 10-27-1999 1:59pm
v1.12 Mar. 25, 1998 NetWare Serial Port UPS Monitor
USERLIB.NLM 13982 5-28-2004 10:55pm
v5.60 May. 28, 2004 NetWare Operating System Function Library
UTIL0.TDF 149464 7-28-2006 5:00pm
UTILALL.TDF 149464 7-28-2006 5:00pm
UWDIBMIG.LOG 21 6-13-2004 9:24pm
VCU.NLM 18434 5-19-2004 9:54pm
v3.05 May. 19, 2004 NSS Volume Copy Upgrade (Build 192 MP)
VDQAD.NLM 17518 5-19-2004 9:51pm
v3.05 May. 19, 2004 DFS Volume Location Database (VLDB) (Build 359 MP)
VERDUMP.NLM 7587 5-27-1997 9:07pm
v1.01 May. 27, 1997 VERDUMP - Version Display Utility
VIEW.NLM 4190 2-20-1998 9:00pm
v1.01.01 Feb. 20, 1998 VIEWing Module
VIPX.NLM 6819 4-26-2004 9:20pm
v1.60.04 Apr. 26, 2004 "VIRTUAL INTERFACE ARCHITECTURE EXTENSIONS" Build Number = 0426
VLDB.NLM 10623 5-19-2004 9:50pm
v3.05 May. 19, 2004 DFS Volume Location Database (VLDB) (Build 350 MP)
VLL.NLM 34609 4-26-2004 9:21pm
v1.60.04 Apr. 26, 2004 Novell VI Architecture Link Layer Build Number = 0426
VLMSG.NLM 19597 5-19-2004 9:51pm
v3.05 May. 19, 2004 DFS Volume Location Database (VLDB) (Build 368 MP)
VLRPC.NLM 8452 5-19-2004 9:51pm
v3.05 May. 19, 2004 DFS Volume Location Database (VLDB) RPC interface (Build 308 MP)
VLRPR.NLM 15137 5-19-2004 9:52pm
v3.05 May. 19, 2004 DFS Volume Location Database (VLDB) Repair (Build 356 MP)
VMRPC.NLM 6291 5-19-2004 9:52pm
v3.05 May. 19, 2004 DFS Volume Manager RPC interface (Build 163 MP)
VOLAGENT.NLM 17204 7-20-1998 2:10pm
v1.00.03 Jul. 20, 1998 NetWare 5.0 Directory Services Volume Agent
VOLDATA.TDF 149464 7-28-2006 5:00pm
VPTUNNEL.LAN 28292 7-18-2003 9:02pm
v7.00.04 Jul. 18, 2003 VPN SERVER COMPONENT - NetWare VPN Tunnel Driver
VPTUNNEL.LDI 263 8-29-2003 8:51pm
WNICSMEM.NLM 1546 3-02-1998 6:31pm
v3.00 Mar. 2, 1998 WNIC Shared Memory Utility MOAB_NDK
WOLENV.NCF 1017 6-10-2002 10:34pm
WOLSET~1.NCF 47 9-13-2005 5:07pm
WTM.NLM 138684 12-02-2003 5:11pm
v1.03 Dec. 2, 2003 NetWare WAN Traffic Management Utility
WUCINST.EXE 106272 9-03-1999 2:12pm
XCONSOLE.NLM 7897 6-30-2000 0:40pm
v4.02.10 Jun. 30, 2000 NetWare - Xconsole Loader
XCONSSRV.NLM 133094 8-21-2001 5:16pm
v9.00.06 Aug. 21, 2001 XConsole: Remote Administration Utility
XEROXCFG.PD0 43473 12-12-2001 8:21pm
XEROXPNP.NLM 56785 4-23-2002 11:20pm
v1.20 Apr. 23, 2002 NDPS Plug and Print FOR XEROX PRINTERS
XGATEWAY.NLM 93178 4-29-2002 12:40pm
XI18N.NLM 178278 11-10-2003 3:23pm
v10210.40 Nov. 10, 2003 Novell Cross-Platform Internationalization Package
XINITLD.NCF 69 6-10-2004 2:42pm
XIS11.NLM 1347156 11-07-2003 10:49pm
v1.00.01 Nov. 7, 2003 XML Integration Service
XISERR.XML 233 11-01-2000 5:52pm
XPRNDRV.NLM 8665 4-24-2002 1:52pm
v1.04 Apr. 24, 2002 Xerox Print Driver Un/Installer for NetWare
XPRNDRV.XFG 147050 4-29-2002 11:16pm
YUKONNW.LAN 203274 9-19-2003 6:08pm
v6.08 Sep. 19, 2003 Marvell Yukon Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000Base-T Adapter
YUKONNW.LDI 58629 9-19-2003 6:08pm
ZENIMGDS.NLM 73986 3-12-2003 7:19pm
v4.01.02 Mar. 12, 2003 ZENworks Imaging DS Library
ZENWOR~1.PRO 579 9-13-2005 5:07pm
ZENWSIMP.NCF 477 2-22-2006 5:19pm
ZENWSREM.NCF 480 9-14-2005 8:42pm
ZFDSTART.NCF 252 9-14-2005 8:42pm
ZFDSTOP.NCF 159 9-14-2005 8:42pm
ZFS2JV~1.NLM 21954 10-31-2002 9:34pm
v1.00 Jan. 14, 2002 ZFS NetWare JVM Patch NLM
ZFSMIG.NLM 8141 12-12-2002 10:43pm
v1.00 Dec. 12, 2002 NLM Stationery
ZIMGLOG.XML 20403 7-21-2006 12:29pm
ZLIB.NLM 22126 12-20-2002 1:47pm
v1.01.04 Dec. 20, 2002 ZLIB 1.1.4 General Purpose Compression Library for NetWare
ZWSSEA~1.NCF 31 9-13-2005 5:06pm
ZWSSTART.NCF 28 9-13-2005 5:06pm
_LDNCS.NCF 280 9-19-2003 6:02pm
_LDNCSS.NCF 296 9-19-2003 6:02pm
_ULDNCS.NCF 668 9-19-2003 6:01pm
_ULDNCSS.NCF 705 9-19-2003 6:01pm
End of directory.

Top of directory.
BACKSP5 7-26-2004 2:47pm
DRIVERS 6-10-2004 10:43pm
NLS 6-10-2004 10:43pm
NW5SAVE 12-12-2004 4:46pm
ACPIASL.NLM 4486 6-01-2004 10:40pm
v1.00.18 Jun. 1, 2004 ACPI Architecture Services Layer for ACPI compliant systems
ACPICA.NLM 151227 6-01-2004 10:39pm
v1.01 Jun. 1, 2004 ACPI Component Architecture for ACPI compliant systems
ACPICMGR.NLM 4227 6-01-2004 10:40pm
v1.00.18 Jun. 1, 2004 ACPI Component Manager for ACPI compliant systems
ACPIDRV.MDI 17045 3-25-2003 0:28pm
ACPIDRV.PSM 36865 6-01-2004 10:40pm
v1.01 Jun. 1, 2004 ACPI Platform Support Module for ACPI compliant systems
ACPIPWR.NLM 4713 6-01-2004 10:40pm
v1.00.19 Jun. 1, 2004 ACPI Power Management Driver for ACPI compliant systems
ADDLANG.ILS 481 7-21-1998 2:59pm
BG5HN16X.FNT 4096 10-17-1997 11:35pm
BG5ZN16X.FNT 516160 7-17-1999 11:57pm
BTRIEVE.ILS 6050 10-31-2001 6:20pm
CCS.XLM 133838 11-10-2003 6:34pm
v26410.05 Nov. 10, 2003 Novell NICI Signed Loader
CD9660.NSS 23226 6-11-2004 11:27pm
v3.05 Jun. 11, 2004 NSS Loadable Storage System (LSS) for standard ISO 9660 CDs (Build 678 MP)
CDBE.NLM 189995 5-11-2004 0:21pm
v6.00 May. 10, 2004 NetWare Configuration DB Engine
CDHFS.NSS 25388 5-19-2004 5:47pm
v3.05 May. 19, 2004 NSS Loadable Storage System (LSS) for Apple Mac HFS CDs (Build 602 MP)
CHARSET.NLM 51786 8-21-1998 11:21pm
v1.00 Aug. 21, 1998 Display Character Set Support For NetWare
CHGLANG.ILS 514 7-21-1998 3:00pm
CLIB.NLM 67156 2-24-2004 10:49pm
v5.90.10 Feb. 24, 2004 (Legacy) Standard C Runtime Library for NLMs
CLIBAUX.NLM 8716 2-24-2004 10:49pm
v1.23.10 Feb. 24, 2004 Novell NLM Auxiliary Shim
CLIBCTX.NLM 2112 2-24-2004 10:49pm
v5.90.10 Feb. 24, 2004 Clib Context Agent for NLMs
COMMAIN.ICS 13747 3-16-2001 9:28pm
COMN.NSS 456741 5-19-2004 5:42pm
v3.05 May. 19, 2004 NSS Common Support Layer (COMN) (Build 2350 MP)
COMOTHR.ILS 8985 12-09-2003 10:21pm
COMPFIX.NLM 15861 5-24-2004 4:27pm
v3.05 May. 24, 2004 Compression Fix (Build 49 MP)
CONNMGR.NLM 58986 6-16-2004 10:32pm
v5.60 Jun. 16, 2004 NetWare Connection Manager NLM
CONONE.IPS 1067 3-16-2001 9:29pm
COPYLANG.ICS 2375 1-20-2000 12:00pm
CPDATA.NLM 1819 8-07-2001 9:05pm
v1.00 Aug. 7, 2001 NetWare Install Data Store/Retrieve Module
CPQACA.NLM 431121 5-12-2003 8:06pm
v1.06 May. 12, 2003 hp ProLiant ACPI Component Architecture (ACA) for NetWare 6.x
CPQACISD.NLM 662 6-10-2004 10:45pm
v1.06 May. 12, 2003 hp ProLiant ACPI Component Installation Support Driver for NetWare 6.x
CPQACMGR.NLM 14798 5-12-2003 8:06pm
v1.06 May. 12, 2003 hp ProLiant ACPI Component Driver Manager for NetWare 6.x
CPQACPI.MDI 56163 5-12-2003 8:06pm
CPQACPI.NDI 56163 6-10-2004 10:45pm
CPQACPI.PSM 151314 5-12-2003 8:06pm
v1.06 May. 12, 2003 hp ProLiant ACPI Platform Support Module for NetWare 6.x
CPQACPWR.NLM 14652 5-12-2003 8:06pm
v1.06 May. 12, 2003 hp ProLiant ACPI Component Driver for Power Management for NetWare 6.x
CPQASL.NLM 15781 5-12-2003 8:06pm
v1.06 May. 12, 2003 hp ProLiant Architecture Services Library (ASL) for NetWare 6.x
CPQRAID.DDI 6152 5-10-2004 10:11pm
CPQRAID.HAM 198370 5-10-2004 10:11pm
v2.11 May. 10, 2004 HP Unified RAID driver
CPQSHD.CDM 116063 3-22-2004 1:02pm
v2.02 Mar. 22, 2004 HP NWPA SCSI Disk Driver
CPQSHD.DDI 8565 3-22-2004 1:02pm
CPUCHECK.NLM 15139 5-08-2003 1:10pm
v5.60.01 May. 7, 2003 NetWare Processor Checking Utility
DEBUGLOG.NLM 8391 11-03-2003 8:21pm
v6.00.01 Nov. 3, 2003 Debug Memory Log Functions
DHCPCLNT.NLM 22701 5-25-2004 10:46pm
v6.01.08 May. 25, 2004 NetWare DHCP Client
DHCPUTIL.NLM 5177 9-19-2003 9:23pm
v1.00 Sep. 19, 2003 DHCP utility for installation
DIAG500.NLM 158210 5-11-2004 7:53pm
v3.00 May. 11, 2004 Diagnostic/coredump utility for NetWare 5.x/6.x
DLOG.NLM 8392 11-18-2003 7:44pm
v6.00.01 Nov. 18, 2003 Debug Memory Log Functions
DMPTRUST.NLM 4295 5-24-2004 4:28pm
v3.05 May. 24, 2004 Dump trustees (Build 107 MP)
DOMXENG.XLM 464198 11-10-2003 6:34pm
v26410.05 Nov. 10, 2003 Novell NICI Signed Loader
DOSFAT.NDI 1867 4-09-2001 10:51pm
DOSFAT.NSS 36126 5-19-2004 5:48pm
v3.05 May. 19, 2004 NSS Loadable Storage System (LSS) for FAT file systems (Build 664 MP)
DSLOADER.NLM 34219 8-25-2004 9:31pm
v10551.29 Aug. 24, 2004 Novell eDirectory Version 8.7.3 Loader SMP
EDIR.ILS 6563 6-13-2002 7:51pm
EDIT.NLM 13888 5-26-2004 9:37pm
v8.00 May. 26, 2004 NetWare Text Editor
ETHERTSM.NLM 13035 1-27-2003 7:34pm
v3.89 Jan. 27, 2003 Novell Ethernet Topology Specific Module
EXPXENG.XLM 453200 11-10-2003 6:34pm
v26410.05 Nov. 10, 2003 Novell NICI Signed Loader
FILESYS.NLM 407249 4-02-2004 7:33pm
v5.13 Apr. 2, 2004 NetWare File System NLM
FPSM.NLM 560 12-12-2000 4:42pm
v5.90.01 Dec. 12, 2000 Novell Floating-Point Support Module for NLMs
GBHN16X.FNT 4096 10-17-1997 11:35pm
GBZN16X.FNT 766080 12-05-1998 8:49pm
HDETECT.NLM 136603 5-04-2004 0:35pm
v2.52 May. 3, 2004 NetWare Hardware Installation Utility
HTTP.NSS 18984 11-13-2000 1:07pm
v3.00 Nov. 13, 2000 NSS HTTP Semantic Agent (HTTP SA) (Build 157 MP)
HWDETECT.NLM 11236 6-25-2003 0:01pm
v1.18.07 Jun. 24, 2003 Novell Hardware Insertion/Removal Detection
HWMAIN.ILS 1137 3-16-2001 9:30pm
ICMD.NLM 33346 5-29-2004 0:13pm
v4.02 May. 28, 2004 NetWare Installation Command Utility
IDEATA.DDI 35903 6-04-2004 12:15pm
IDEATA.HAM 81003 6-04-2004 12:15pm
v4.15 Jun. 4, 2004 Novell ATA/IDE/ATAPI Host Adapter Module
IDECD.CDM 22457 4-24-2004 12:00pm
v4.00 Apr. 24, 2004 Novell ATAPI CD-ROM/DVD-ROM Custom Device Module
IDECD.DDI 19075 4-24-2004 12:00pm
INSHN16X.FNT 4096 3-25-1997 4:05pm
INSZN16X.FNT 8192 3-24-1997 5:20pm
IPXSPX.NLM 58314 11-21-2001 8:00pm
v5.60 Nov. 21, 2001 NetWare IPX/SPX Protocol Stack NLM
ISSLIB.NLM 2707 7-30-2001 12:47pm
v6.06 Jul. 30, 2001 Install Server-To-Server I/O Library
JAVA.IPS 2342 3-16-2001 9:30pm
JPNHN16X.FNT 4096 3-29-1997 9:21pm
JPNZN16X.FNT 236352 1-15-1993 11:56pm
KEYB.NLM 61527 7-26-2001 2:15pm
v2.10 Jul. 26, 2001 NetWare National Keyboard Support
KORHN16X.FNT 4096 10-17-1997 11:34pm
KORZN16X.FNT 111296 5-10-1994 11:56pm
LCONFIG.SYS 1830 6-10-2004 10:45pm
LC_936.086 1062 1-11-2002 7:32pm
LC_949.082 1062 1-11-2002 7:35pm
LC_950.088 1062 1-11-2002 7:33pm
LFS.NLM 37315 1-23-2004 9:10pm
v5.12 Jan. 23, 2004 NetWare Logical File System NLM
LIB0.NLM 117066 2-24-2004 10:46pm
v5.90.10 Feb. 24, 2004 Novell Ring 0 Library for NLMs
LIBC.NLM 1178427 6-23-2004 6:56pm
v7.05 Jun. 23, 2004 Standard C Runtime Library for NLMs
LIBCCLIB.NLM 4487 10-23-2002 11:10pm
v6.00 Oct. 23, 2002 LibC to CLib Shim for NLMs
LIBNSS.NLM 12465 5-10-2004 6:52pm
v3.05 May. 10, 2004 Generic Library used by NSS (Build 95 MP)
LOCNLM32.NLM 24737 6-03-2004 8:01pm
v6.00 Jun. 3, 2004 NetWare NWLocale Runtime Library
LSL.NLM 42206 5-07-2004 6:43pm
v4.81 May. 7, 2004 Novell NetWare Link Support Layer
MAC.NAM 10650 11-21-2001 5:42pm
v5.60 Nov. 21, 2001 NetWare Macintosh Name Space Support
MAL.NSS 11422 5-19-2004 5:46pm
v3.05 May. 19, 2004 NSS Media Access Layer (MAL) (Build 458 MP)
MALHLP.NLM 14343 5-10-2004 7:25pm
v3.05 May. 10, 2004 NSS Configure help messages (Build 340 MP)
MALHLP9.NLM 5182 5-10-2004 7:25pm
v3.05 May. 10, 2004 NSS Configure help messages (Build 223 MP)
MANAGE.NSS 67681 5-19-2004 5:43pm
v3.05 May. 19, 2004 NSS Management Functions (Build 265 MP)
MASV.NLM 78674 3-13-2002 2:21pm
v1.39.01 Mar. 13, 2002 Mandatory Access Control Service
MENUDBG.NSS 170676 10-23-2000 8:38pm
v3.00 Oct. 23, 2000 NSS Configuration Menu (Build 359 Debug MP)
MM.NLM 155228 5-18-2004 0:13pm
v3.03 May. 17, 2004 NetWare 6 Media Manager
MMNATIVE.NLM 33347 6-14-2001 3:29pm
v1.40.01 Jun. 14, 2001 Media Manager Java Native Methods
MONITOR.NLM 138828 5-05-2004 9:38pm
v12.01.09 May. 5, 2004 NetWare Console Monitor
MSM.NLM 100958 1-24-2003 7:51pm
v4.10 Jan. 24, 2003 Novell Multi-Processor Media Support Module
NBI.NLM 34980 6-09-2004 3:53pm
v2.35.16 Jun. 9, 2004 NetWare Bus Interface
NCFUPD.NLM 8652 4-17-2001 6:50pm
v1.05.04 Apr. 17, 2001 Update NCF file
NCP.NLM 99704 2-26-2004 9:04pm
v5.60 Feb. 26, 2004 NetWare Core Protocol (NCP) Engine
NCPIP.NLM 58390 5-12-2004 0:31pm
v5.64 May. 11, 2004 NetWare NCP Services over IP
NCPIPX.NLM 21376 1-23-2004 0:21pm
v5.60 Jan. 22, 2004 Novell NCP/IPX Stack NLM
NDSAUDIT.NLM 89971 5-22-2003 9:31pm
v2.09 May. 22, 2003 Directory Services Audit
NEB.NLM 15772 12-11-2002 10:11pm
v5.61 Dec. 11, 2002 Novell Event Bus
NETMAIN.ILS 649 8-06-2001 5:48pm
NETSRC.SAV 227 6-10-2004 10:49pm
NETWARE.ILS 86578 5-13-2004 9:53pm
NFS.NAM 35183 8-21-2000 4:37pm
v9.28 Aug. 21, 2000 NetWare NFS Name Space Support
NILE.NLM 209711 11-18-2004 4:22pm
v6.05.03 Sep. 20, 2004 Novell Secure Socket Services NLM
NIT.NLM 58890 2-24-2004 10:48pm
v5.90.10 Feb. 24, 2004 NetWare Interface Tools Library for NLMs
NLMLIB.NLM 93137 2-24-2004 10:48pm
v5.90.10 Feb. 24, 2004 Novell NLM Runtime Library
NOVXENG.XLM 464198 11-10-2003 6:34pm
v26410.05 Nov. 10, 2003 Novell NICI Signed Loader
NSPDHCP.NLM 4740 9-09-2003 0:08pm
v6.20.04 Sep. 8, 2003 NetWare Winsock 2.0 NSPDHCP.NLM Name Service Providers
NSPDNS.NLM 8231 9-09-2003 0:08pm
v6.20.03 Sep. 8, 2003 NetWare Winsock 2.0 NSPDNS.NLM Name Service Providers
NSPNDS.NLM 18997 11-12-2001 7:02pm
v6.20 Nov. 12, 2001 NetWare Winsock 2.0 NSPNDS.NLM Name Service Provider
NSPSAP.NLM 7671 9-09-2003 0:09pm
v6.20.02 Sep. 8, 2003 NetWare Winsock 2.0 NLM NSPSAP.NLM Name Service Provider
NSPSLP.NLM 18812 9-09-2003 0:09pm
v6.20.02 Sep. 8, 2003 NetWare Winsock 2.0 NSPSLP.NLM Name Service Provider
NSS.NLM 129595 5-10-2004 6:54pm
v3.05 May. 10, 2004 NSS (Novell Storage Services) (Build 666 MP)
NSSIDK.NSS 9574 5-19-2004 5:47pm
v3.05 May. 19, 2004 NSS Pool Configuration Manager (Build 242 MP)
NSSMU.NLM 105883 5-25-2004 4:48pm
v3.05 May. 25, 2004 NSS Storage Management (Build 393 MP)
NSSWIN.NLM 14895 5-10-2004 7:00pm
v3.05 May. 10, 2004 NSS ASCI Window API Library (Build 189 MP)
NWCONFIG.NLM 458288 5-19-2004 4:22pm
v3.40.04 May. 19, 2004 NetWare Configuration Utility
NWI.NLM 20294 9-19-2003 5:30pm
v2.50.04 Sep. 19, 2003 NetWare Install (NWI) Module
NWIAP.NLM 8786 9-19-2003 5:24pm
v1.01 Sep. 19, 2003 NetWare Install Application Object (NWIAP) Module
NWICF.NLM 4281 9-19-2003 5:24pm
v2.50.04 Sep. 19, 2003 NetWare Install Configuration File (NWICF) Module
NWICL.NLM 1044 9-19-2003 5:24pm
v1.00.01 Sep. 19, 2003 NWI CLIB Context
NWIDK.NLM 10798 9-19-2003 5:24pm
v3.01.01 Sep. 19, 2003 CDWare Volume Module
NWIDS.NLM 15703 9-23-2003 5:44pm
v1.06 Sep. 23, 2003 NetWare Install Directory Services (NWIDS) Module
NWIHW.NLM 56270 4-16-2004 1:04pm
v2.52 Apr. 15, 2004 NetWare Install Hardware (NWIHW) Module
NWIPR.NLM 7847 9-19-2003 5:27pm
v2.10.01 Sep. 19, 2003 NetWare Install Protocol (NWIPR) Module
NWIRF.NLM 5882 9-19-2003 5:27pm
v1.02.04 Sep. 19, 2003 NetWare Install Response File (NWIRF) Module
NWITZ.NLM 7772 9-23-2003 5:45pm
v1.01 Sep. 23, 2003 NetWare Install Time Zone (NWITZ) Module
NWIWS.NLM 3261 9-23-2003 5:47pm
v1.03 Sep. 23, 2003 NetWare Install WinSock (NWIWS) Module
NWKCFG.NLM 38386 9-02-2003 5:51pm
v2.16 Sep. 2, 2003 NetWare Kernel Config NLM
NWPA.NLM 70789 5-06-2004 10:10pm
v3.12.08 May. 6, 2004 NetWare 6 NetWare Peripheral Architecture NLM
NWPALOAD.NLM 465 7-10-2000 7:22pm
NWSA.NSS 167573 5-19-2004 5:41pm
v3.05 May. 19, 2004 NSS NetWare Semantic Agent (NWSA) (Build 1074 MP)
NWSNUT.NLM 58770 6-22-2004 7:23pm
v7.00 Jun. 22, 2004 NetWare NLM Utility User Interface
NWUTIL.NLM 66411 11-18-2004 4:22pm
v1.03.05 Nov. 14, 2003 Novell Utility Library NLM ()
OHCIDRV.NLM 37058 6-25-2003 0:10pm
v1.01.05 Jun. 24, 2003 Novell Universal Serial Bus OHCI Driver
PARTAPI.NLM 2331 3-17-2000 10:50pm
v1.21 Mar. 17, 2000 Partition APIs
POLIMGR.NLM 56177 2-28-2004 0:44pm
v6.22 Feb. 27, 2004 Policy Manager Installer
PRECOPY.ILS 16632 9-26-2003 9:15pm
PRENICI.ILS 109 9-02-2003 6:34pm
QUEUE.NLM 20097 3-19-2002 8:15pm
v5.60 Mar. 19, 2002 NetWare Queue Services NLM
REQUESTR.NLM 78873 2-24-2004 10:47pm
v5.90.10 Feb. 24, 2004 Novell NCP Requestor for NLMs
SCAN.NLM 21673 5-10-2004 7:23pm
v3.05 May. 10, 2004 ZLSS Volume Scanner (Build 363 MP)
SERVCFG.000 2098176 7-13-2006 10:06pm
SERVCFG.001 2098176 7-13-2006 10:06pm
SERVCFG.002 2098176 7-13-2006 10:06pm
SERVCFG.NBK 2098176 7-13-2006 10:06pm
SERVER.EXE 1393461 5-27-2004 7:37pm
SERVER.MSG 220221 11-26-2003 6:38pm
SERVMAW.000 2098176 5-11-2005 0:20pm
SERVMAW.001 2098176 5-11-2005 0:20pm
SERVMAW.002 2098176 5-11-2005 0:20pm
SERVMAW.NBK 2098176 5-11-2005 0:20pm
SETLANG.ICS 2138 3-16-2001 9:31pm
SGUID.NLM 4063 3-05-2003 1:27pm
v5.61 Mar. 4, 2003 NetWare 5 GUID Services
SHOWLOGO.NLM 216845 11-14-2002 8:23pm
v1.11 Nov. 14, 2002 Novell Logo Viewer
SLP.NLM 85337 4-16-2004 2:30pm
v2.09 Apr. 15, 2004 SERVICE LOCATION PROTOCOL (RFC2165/RFC2608)
SLPDA.NLM 23991 4-16-2004 2:34pm
SLPTCP.NLM 14558 4-16-2004 1:56pm
STARTUP.CPQ 236 6-10-2004 10:45pm
STARTUP.NCF 243 6-10-2004 10:45pm
STARTUP.ORG 218 6-10-2004 10:44pm
STREAMS.NLM 90851 1-18-2002 7:18pm
v6.00.03 Jan. 18, 2002 NetWare STREAMS PTF
SYSLOG.NLM 20550 11-03-2003 5:21pm
v6.00.02 Nov. 3, 2003 NetWare Logfile Daemon
THREADS.NLM 67582 2-24-2004 10:46pm
v5.90.10 Feb. 24, 2004 Novell Threads Package for NLMs
UDF.NSS 31706 5-19-2004 5:48pm
v3.05 May. 19, 2004 NSS Loadable Storage System (LSS) for UDF format disks (Build 434 MP)
UHCIDRV.NLM 28354 5-17-2002 4:46pm
v1.01.03 May. 17, 2002 Novell Universal Serial Bus UHCI Driver
UINSTALL.NLM 3562 5-29-2001 8:28pm
v4.10.03 May. 29, 2001 NetWare Generic Product Uninstall NLM
UKBDSHIM.NLM 4071 3-28-2002 0:20pm
v1.00 Mar. 27, 2002 Novell USB Keyboard Shim
UMSSHIM.NLM 3526 12-18-2001 0:41pm
v1.01 Dec. 17, 2001 Novell USB Mouse Shim
UNICODE.NLM 12263 6-03-2004 6:15pm
v7.00 Jun. 3, 2004 NetWare Unicode Runtime Library (UniLib-based)
UNI_1250.NLM 3071 7-23-1998 9:47pm
v1.01 Jul. 23, 1998 NetWare Unicode conversion API for code page 1250, V1.01
UNI_1251.NLM 3027 7-23-1998 9:48pm
v1.01 Jul. 23, 1998 NetWare Unicode conversion API for code page 1251, V1.01
UNI_1252.NLM 3011 7-23-1998 9:49pm
v1.01 Jul. 23, 1998 NetWare Unicode conversion API for code page 1252, V1.01
UNI_1253.NLM 3019 7-23-1998 9:50pm
v1.01 Jul. 23, 1998 NetWare Unicode conversion API for code page 1253, V1.01
UNI_1254.NLM 3063 7-23-1998 9:50pm
v1.01 Jul. 23, 1998 NetWare Unicode conversion API for code page 1254, V1.01
UNI_1255.NLM 3143 7-23-1998 9:51pm
v1.01 Jul. 23, 1998 NetWare Unicode conversion API for code page 1255, V1.01
UNI_1256.NLM 3255 7-23-1998 9:52pm
v1.01 Jul. 23, 1998 NetWare Unicode conversion API for code page 1256, V1.01
UNI_1257.NLM 3075 7-23-1998 9:52pm
v1.01 Jul. 23, 1998 NetWare Unicode conversion API for code page 1257, V1.01
UNI_1258.NLM 3327 7-23-1998 9:53pm
v1.01 Jul. 23, 1998 NetWare Unicode conversion API for code page 1258, V1.01
UNI_437.NLM 3769 7-23-1998 9:20pm
v1.01 Jul. 23, 1998 NetWare Unicode conversion API for code page 437, V1.01
UNI_737.NLM 3501 7-23-1998 9:20pm
v1.01 Jul. 23, 1998 NetWare Unicode conversion API for code page 737, V1.01
UNI_775.NLM 3539 7-23-1998 9:21pm
v1.01 Jul. 23, 1998 NetWare Unicode conversion API for code page 775, V1.01
UNI_850.NLM 3521 7-23-1998 9:22pm
v1.01 Jul. 23, 1998 NetWare Unicode conversion API for code page 850, V1.01
UNI_852.NLM 3591 7-23-1998 9:23pm
v1.01 Jul. 23, 1998 NetWare Unicode conversion API for code page 852, V1.01
UNI_855.NLM 3619 7-23-1998 9:24pm
v1.01 Jul. 23, 1998 NetWare Unicode conversion API for code page 855, V1.01
UNI_857.NLM 3503 7-23-1998 9:25pm
v1.01 Jul. 23, 1998 NetWare Unicode conversion API for code page 857, V1.01
UNI_860.NLM 3641 7-23-1998 9:26pm
v1.01 Jul. 23, 1998 NetWare Unicode conversion API for code page 860, V1.01
UNI_861.NLM 3769 7-23-1998 9:27pm
v1.01 Jul. 23, 1998 NetWare Unicode conversion API for code page 861, V1.01
UNI_862.NLM 3853 7-23-1998 9:28pm
v1.01 Jul. 23, 1998 NetWare Unicode conversion API for code page 862, V1.01
UNI_863.NLM 3735 7-23-1998 9:29pm
v1.01 Jul. 23, 1998 NetWare Unicode conversion API for code page 863, V1.01
UNI_864.NLM 3277 7-23-1998 9:30pm
v1.01 Jul. 23, 1998 NetWare Unicode conversion API for code page 864, V1.01
UNI_865.NLM 3769 7-23-1998 9:30pm
v1.01 Jul. 23, 1998 NetWare Unicode conversion API for code page 865, V1.01
UNI_866.NLM 3627 7-23-1998 9:31pm
v1.01 Jul. 23, 1998 NetWare Unicode conversion API for code page 866, V1.01
UNI_874.NLM 2849 7-23-1998 9:32pm
v1.01 Jul. 23, 1998 NetWare Unicode conversion API for code page 874, V1.01
UNI_932.NLM 64031 7-23-1998 9:36pm
v1.01 Jul. 23, 1998 NetWare Unicode conversion API for code page 932, V1.01
UNI_936.NLM 98590 10-07-1998 3:36pm
v1.01 Oct. 7, 1998 NetWare Unicode conversion API for code page 936, V1.01
UNI_949.NLM 77521 7-23-1998 9:44pm
v1.01 Jul. 23, 1998 NetWare Unicode conversion API for code page 949, V1.01
UNI_950.NLM 78933 7-23-1998 9:46pm
v1.01 Jul. 23, 1998 NetWare Unicode conversion API for code page 950, V1.01
UNI_MON.NLM 8999 7-23-1998 9:53pm
v1.01 Jul. 23, 1998 NetWare Unicode Lower Case API, V1.01
UNI_UPR.NLM 9683 7-23-1998 9:54pm
v1.01 Jul. 23, 1998 NetWare Unicode Upper Case API, V1.01
USBIO.NLM 359592 4-05-2002 6:51pm
v1.01.01 Apr. 5, 2002 Novell USB IO System
USBSHIM.NLM 8318 9-11-2002 7:01pm
v1.01 Sep. 11, 2002 Novell USB Platform Shim
VGADISP.NLM 27724 4-17-2001 11:10pm
v1.52 Apr. 17, 2001 NetWare 5.x Font Processor
VOLMN.NSS 15157 5-19-2004 5:52pm
v3.05 May. 19, 2004 NSS Distributed Volume Manager (Build 184 MP)
VREPAIR.NLM 135978 5-17-2004 10:48pm
v4.33 May. 17, 2004 NetWare Volume Repair Utility
V_LONG.NLM 39384 5-17-2004 10:48pm
v4.33 May. 17, 2004 ..\v_long.nlm
V_MAC.NLM 35917 5-17-2004 10:48pm
v4.33 May. 17, 2004 ..\v_mac.nlm
V_NFS.NLM 9120 5-28-2001 10:58pm
v9.14 May. 29, 2001 VRepair NFS Name Space Support
WS2_32.NLM 161442 6-15-2004 11:00pm
v6.21.06 Jun. 15, 2004 NetWare Winsock 2.0 NLM
WSPDSI.NLM 10023 3-22-2004 9:47pm
v6.21 Mar. 22, 2004 NetWare Winsock Service 1.0 NLM for Data Stream Interface
WSPIP.NLM 41613 6-05-2004 2:24pm
v6.21.04 Jun. 4, 2004 NetWare Winsock Service 1.0 NLM for TCP and UDP
WSPIPX.NLM 39558 3-22-2004 9:48pm
v6.21 Mar. 22, 2004 NetWare Winsock Service 1.0 NLM for IPX and SPX
WSPSSL.NLM 18834 3-22-2004 9:47pm
v6.21 Mar. 22, 2004 NetWare Winsock Service 1.0 NLM for SSL
XIM.XLM 158024 11-10-2003 6:34pm
v26410.05 Nov. 10, 2003 Novell NICI Signed Loader
XMGR.XLM 205915 11-10-2003 6:34pm
v26410.05 Nov. 10, 2003 Novell NICI Signed Loader
XSUP.XLM 179836 11-10-2003 6:34pm
v26410.05 Nov. 10, 2003 Novell NICI Signed Loader
ZLSS.NSS 429072 5-19-2004 5:44pm
v3.05 May. 19, 2004 NSS Journaled Storage System (ZLSS) (Build 1485 MP)
End of directory.

Top of directory.
CLASSIC 12-07-2004 1:37pm
AGENT_G.NLM 84299 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java agent (based on 1.3)
APJAVA.NLM 5979 6-20-2001 5:25pm
v1.01 Jun. 20, 2001 Java Native Method Library for NWIAP.NLM
AUDITJV.NLM 5677 6-20-2001 5:27pm
v1.01 Jun. 20, 2001 Java Native Method Library for Audit File Conversion
AWTROBOT.NLM 17233 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.00.01 Jun. 16, 2004 AwtRobot - 1.1
CMM.NLM 239060 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java cmm (based on 1.3)
CMM_G.NLM 992316 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java cmm (based on 1.3)
CPDATAJV.NLM 1719 3-27-2000 1:16pm
v1.00 Mar. 27, 2000 Java Native Method Library for CPDATA.NLM
DCPR.NLM 164912 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java dcpr (based on 1.3)
DCPR_G.NLM 404646 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java dcpr (based on 1.3)
DSIJV.NLM 42159 6-20-2001 5:26pm
v1.01 Jun. 20, 2001 Java Native Method Library for NWIDS.NLM
DT_SHM.NLM 18269 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java dt_shm (based on 1.3)
DT_SHM_G.NLM 104485 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java dt_shm (based on 1.3)
DT_SKT.NLM 10048 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java dt_skt (based on 1.3)
DT_SKT_G.NLM 38134 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java dt_skt (based on 1.3)
FONTMN.NLM 594897 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v2.00.01 Jun. 16, 2004 FONTMN - Java 1.2 Font Manager
FONTMN_G.NLM 594897 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v2.00.01 Jun. 16, 2004 FONTMN - Java 1.2 Font Manager
HPROF.NLM 55649 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java hprof (based on 1.3)
HPROF_G.NLM 355103 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java hprof (based on 1.3)
INETLBJV.NLM 5502 1-14-2000 5:03pm
v1.02 Jul. 30, 1998 Java Native Method Library for INETLIB.NLM
IOSER12.NLM 17946 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java ioser12 (based on 1.3)
IOSER1~1.NLM 52811 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java ioser12 (based on 1.3)
JAVA.NLM 324653 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Novell JVM Version 1.3.1_10 Build 04061602
JAVA2UCS.NLM 28874 1-13-2004 11:43pm
v1.01.02 Jan. 13, 2004 Novell UCS - Java Extension
JAVAWTCH.NLM 804 3-24-2000 10:21pm
v1.00 Mar. 24, 2000 Install Java Watcher
JAVA_G.NLM 348117 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Novell JVM Version 1.3.1_10 Build 04061602
JCOV.NLM 54630 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java jcov (based on 1.3)
JCOV_G.NLM 179375 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java jcov (based on 1.3)
JDBC.NLM 43606 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java JdbcOdbc (based on 1.3)
JDBC_G.NLM 108546 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java JdbcOdbc (based on 1.3)
JDWP.NLM 140301 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java jdwp (based on 1.3)
JDWP_G.NLM 1103170 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java jdwp (based on 1.3)
JMCSOCK.NLM 6342 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.00 Jun. 16, 2004 Multiplexed Port Support For Java Multicast Sockets
JNET.NLM 26913 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java net (based on 1.3)
JNET_G.NLM 212153 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java net (based on 1.3)
JNI.ZIP 5004 6-15-2004 7:21pm
JPEG.NLM 138013 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java jpeg (based on 1.3)
JPEG_G.NLM 658764 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java jpeg (based on 1.3)
JSOCK.NLM 1930 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.02 Jun. 16, 2004 Support For Java Sockets
JSOCK5X.NLM 53879 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.02 Jun. 16, 2004 NetWare 5.x Support For Java Sockets
JSOCK6X.NLM 53802 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.02 Jun. 16, 2004 NetWare 6.x Support For Java Sockets
JSOUND.NLM 215053 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java jsound (based on 1.3)
JSOUND_G.NLM 925504 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java jsound (based on 1.3)
JVMLIB.NLM 193673 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java jvmlib (based on 1.3)
JVMLIB_G.NLM 1155348 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java jvmlib (based on 1.3)
MLIB.NLM 209736 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v2.00.01 Jun. 16, 2004 MLIB - Java 1.3 Media Library
MLIB_G.NLM 654381 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v2.00.01 Jun. 16, 2004 MLIB - Java 1.3 Media Library
NAWT.NLM 1023806 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.00.01 Jun. 16, 2004 NAWT - 1.1 Graphics
NAWT_G.NLM 6446879 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.00.01 Jun. 16, 2004 NAWT - 1.1 Graphics
NWIPRJV.NLM 2517 7-31-2001 11:02pm
v1.01 Aug. 1, 2001 Java Native Method Library for NWIPR.NLM
NWIWSJV.NLM 5625 7-22-2001 10:27pm
v1.04 Jul. 23, 2001 Java Native Method Library for NWIWS.NLM
NWNATIVE.NLM 21773 2-09-1999 0:41pm
v1.00.01 Feb. 9, 1999 Native Method Implementations for Java Beans
NWSCKNTV.NLM 29264 4-30-1999 3:36pm
v0.02 Apr. 30, 1999 Native Socket Methods
ORBCMD.NLM 16803 5-12-1999 4:38pm
v3.30 May. 12, 1999 VisiBroker for NetWare Command Utility v 3.3
OSAGENT.NLM 291213 5-12-1999 4:37pm
v3.30 May. 12, 1999 VisiBroker for NetWare OSAgent v 3.3
SYMCJIT.NLM 636931 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v3.10.21 Oct. 21, 2002 Symantec Java JIT for Netware Java 1.3.x
TZJV.NLM 14144 6-20-2001 5:26pm
v1.01 Jun. 20, 2001 Java Native Method Library for NWITZ.NLM
UTILJV.NLM 3229 4-07-2000 3:29pm
v1.02 Apr. 7, 2000 Java Native Method Library for Misc. Functions
VERIFY.NLM 51007 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java verify (based on 1.3)
VERIFY_G.NLM 126157 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java verify (based on 1.3)
ZENWS.NLM 11893 7-29-2002 2:56pm
v1.00 Jul. 29, 2002 Zen Workstation Utility NLM
ZIP.NLM 66811 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java zip (based on 1.3)
ZIP_G.NLM 241856 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.31.08 Jun. 16, 2004 Java zip (based on 1.3)
End of directory.

Top of directory.
DONIS.NCF 189 12-01-1999 4:17pm
DORMV.NCF 160 12-01-1999 3:07pm
NIDELAY.NLM 9895 1-11-2002 8:59pm
v1.00 Jan. 11, 2002 NIS Delay
NISETUP.NLM 10209 1-11-2002 9:06pm
v1.00 Jan. 11, 2002 NIS Setup Screen
NISW.NLM 24789 1-11-2002 9:06pm
v1.00 Jan. 11, 2002 NativeMethods Java Native Library
RUNSETUP.NCF 193 12-17-1998 10:22pm
End of directory.

Top of directory.
ACE 11-14-2004 9:52pm
DOC 11-14-2004 9:52pm
HELP 11-14-2004 9:52pm
ICEWM 6-10-2004 2:51pm
LOCALE 11-14-2004 9:52pm
PIXMAPS 11-14-2004 9:52pm
TMP 11-14-2004 9:52pm
UNSUPP~1 11-14-2004 9:52pm
AIOPS2.NLM 19489 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.00 Jun. 16, 2004 PS/2 Mouse Port Driver
AIOUSBMS.NLM 8395 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.00 Jun. 16, 2004 AIO USB Mouse Port Driver
BACKGR~1.PRO 145 6-10-2004 11:18pm
CARDS 24644 6-15-2004 7:21pm
CONLOGJ.NCF 119 6-15-2004 7:21pm
CONLOGJ.NLM 5405 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.00 Jun. 16, 2004 ConlogJ
CONLOGO.NLM 7938 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.00 Jun. 16, 2004 ConlogO
EDITOR.NCF 113 6-15-2004 7:21pm
FILEBR~1.NCF 103 6-15-2004 7:21pm
ICELIB.NLM 388612 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.01 Jun. 16, 2004 IceWM Dynamic Library - 1.1 for Netware
ICEWM.NLM 1383 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.01 Jun. 16, 2004 IceWM - 1.1 for Netware
MOUSE.CFG 48 6-10-2004 2:54pm
NTERM.NLM 80645 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.00 Jun. 16, 2004 XNTerm
NTERMJ.NLM 6221 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.00 Jun. 16, 2004 NTermJ
NWBG.NLM 119110 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.00 Jun. 16, 2004 NWBackground
NWBGPNT.NLM 9315 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.00 Jun. 16, 2004 NWBGPnt
NWWMINIT.NCF 144 6-15-2004 7:21pm
PRE_SRV.NCF 85 6-10-2004 2:54pm
SERVCONJ.NCF 169 6-15-2004 7:21pm
STARTX.NCF 216 6-15-2004 7:21pm
TESTPAT.NLM 22194 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.23 Jun. 16, 2004 X11 Graphics Test Pattern Generator
VESA.NLM 73416 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.00 Jun. 16, 2004 Vesa
VESA_RSP.NCF 141 6-15-2004 7:21pm
VIEWPORT.NCF 376 6-15-2004 7:21pm
XACCEL.NLM 904342 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v6.00 Oct. 28, 2003 Java - Accelerated-X Display Server
XF86CONF 12702 12-12-2004 5:38pm
XF86CONF.DEF 13260 6-15-2004 7:21pm
XF86CONF.X11 12820 6-15-2004 7:21pm
XFSVGA.NLM 1426984 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v3.12 Jun. 16, 2004 XFree86 - X11R6 Server
XHOST.NLM 10719 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v6.00 Jun. 16, 2004 XHost
XIDEV.NLM 21510 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.00 Jun. 16, 2004 XWindows Input Driver
XINIT.NLM 104495 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v6.00 Jun. 16, 2004 XInit
XINITRC 271 6-15-2004 7:21pm
XLIB.NLM 844235 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v11.06.01 May. 23, 2002 XFree86 4.X X11R6 Library Build 020523
XMINIT.NLM 4143 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.00 Feb. 21, 2002 Motif Toolkit Init
XMODMAP.NLM 28719 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v6.00 Jun. 16, 2004 XModmap
XSERVRC 61 12-12-2004 5:38pm
XSETROOT.NLM 13907 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v1.00 Jun. 16, 2004 Root window parameter setting utility for X
XSETUP.NCF 128 6-15-2004 7:21pm
XVESA.NLM 859612 6-15-2004 7:21pm
v5.00 Apr. 5, 2002 Xvesa - XFree86 4.0.2 XServer
End of directory.

Top of directory.
AUDWIN32.DLL 38400 6-03-2004 3:58am
CALWIN32.DLL 158208 6-03-2004 3:57am
CLNWIN32.DLL 67072 6-03-2004 3:56am
CLXWIN32.DLL 25088 6-03-2004 3:58am
JNCPV2.DLL 195584 5-04-2004 7:34am
JNCPV2.NLM 182336 11-13-2003 12:33pm
v1.10 Nov. 13, 2003 Native Wrapper Java Class Libraries for NetWare
LOCWIN32.DLL 110592 6-03-2004 3:54pm
NCPWIN32.DLL 155136 6-03-2004 3:56pm
NETWIN32.DLL 272384 4-26-2004 8:56pm
PFTDLBS.NLM 3709 11-13-2003 12:33pm
v1.10 Nov. 13, 2003 Java Class Libraries for NetWare - 4.x Loader Aide
End of directory.

Top of directory.
BIN 9-13-2005 5:06pm
SECURITY 9-13-2005 5:07pm
JCERT.JAR 7637 8-01-2000 9:02pm
JDOM.JAR 106416 7-03-2001 11:12pm
JNET.JAR 3098 8-01-2000 9:02pm
JSSE.JAR 463471 8-01-2000 9:06pm
SERVLET.JAR 35904 5-29-2001 8:55pm
XERCES.JAR 1498679 9-01-2000 12:18pm
XMLPRO~1.JAR 7799 2-14-2003 7:43pm
XMLPRO~1.WAR 95715 10-16-2001 8:54pm
XMLRPC.JAR 107940 2-14-2003 7:25pm
XMLRPC~1.JAR 147946 2-14-2003 7:26pm
XMLRPC~2.JAR 1119 2-14-2003 7:26pm
XMLRPC~3.JAR 13803 2-14-2003 7:43pm
ZENWEB~1.JAR 57424 2-14-2003 7:43pm
ZENWEB~2.JAR 1197 2-14-2003 7:43pm
ZWS.NCF 872 1-27-2003 1:03pm
ZWSENV.NCF 42 9-13-2005 5:06pm
ZWS~1.PRO 1415 9-13-2005 5:06pm
End of directory.

List of Java files.

2-02-2000 6:13am 186720 NWBind.jar
6-08-2000 3:37am 301620 NWDir.jar
2-02-2000 6:12am 39009 NWPrtQAdm.jar
2-02-2000 6:12am 103150 NWSess.jar
2-02-2000 6:12am 131397 NWSockets.jar
2-02-2000 6:12am 160415 NWVolAdm.jar

10-15-2002 2:59am 4710 ConfigureIManager.class
6-15-2004 7:21pm 2039 JITcompilationthread_h.class
6-15-2004 7:21pm 1988 SymantecJITCompilationThread.class
6-15-2004 7:25pm 43570 background.jar
6-15-2004 7:25pm 88309 conlogj.jar
6-15-2004 7:25pm 189508 editor.jar
6-15-2004 7:25pm 224651 filebrowser.jar
6-15-2004 7:25pm 21927 mouseless.jar
6-15-2004 7:25pm 895327 servconj.jar
6-15-2004 7:21pm 14063 startup.jar
6-15-2004 7:25pm 3463718 viewport.jar
6-15-2004 7:21pm 1605266 xerces.jar
6-15-2004 7:25pm 162085 xsetup.jar

6-27-2003 4:48pm 238487 JCLIENT.JAR
11-18-2004 4:22pm 69149 NPKI.JAR
5-12-1999 4:56pm 45707 ORBSNS.JAR
5-12-1999 4:56pm 966401 VBJAPP.JAR
5-12-1999 4:56pm 235681 VBJCOSEV.JAR
5-12-1999 4:56pm 235756 VBJCOSNM.JAR
5-12-1999 4:56pm 862823 VBJGK.JAR
5-12-1999 4:57pm 862897 VBJORB.JAR
5-12-1999 4:57pm 1201769 VBJTOOLS.JAR
3-03-2003 3:04pm 1191920 audit.jar
2-24-2003 7:51pm 40059 auditres.jar
3-28-2003 2:41pm 87886 autoWSManagement.jar
6-15-2004 7:21pm 3088388 i18n.jar
6-15-2004 7:21pm 299910 jh.jar
5-09-2000 9:08pm 216704 nssl1.1_dom.jar
5-09-2000 9:08pm 215682 nssl1.1_exp.jar
1-11-2002 7:26pm 121171 pvjdbc2.jar
6-15-2004 7:25pm 13934736 rt.jar
1-27-2003 5:26pm 9115 rtaplugin.jar
6-15-2004 7:21pm 86267 sunrsasign.jar
6-15-2004 7:21pm 5253141 tools.jar
1-14-2004 4:13pm 60868 ucs.jar
3-21-2003 12:26pm 443967 zenCommon.jar
8-05-2002 2:56pm 8866 zenWS.jar

5-21-1999 6:14am 45386 activation.jar
8-01-2000 11:22am 7637 jcert.jar
8-01-2000 11:22am 3098 jnet.jar
8-01-2000 11:25am 463863 jsse.jar
11-30-2000 3:08pm 280984 mail.jar

9-14-1998 6:32pm 354649 Help.jar
9-29-1999 10:54pm 172886 jhbasic.jar
10-22-1999 1:40pm 98496 jndi.jar
3-24-2000 7:38pm 47615 jnse.jar
11-13-2003 12:33pm 2795906 njclv2.jar
11-05-1998 5:59pm 1791672 swing.jar

4-23-2001 5:51am 2153 DsBrowse.class
4-23-2001 6:47am 2095 Introspect.class

2-02-2000 6:13am 186720 NWBind.jar
6-08-2000 3:37am 301620 NWDir.jar
2-02-2000 6:12am 39009 NWPrtQAdm.jar
2-02-2000 6:12am 103150 NWSess.jar
2-02-2000 6:12am 131397 NWSockets.jar
2-02-2000 6:12am 160415 NWVolAdm.jar

7-01-2003 1:00pm 574926 ConsoleOne.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 50465 ConsoleOneCore.jar

7-19-2004 11:31am 513824 GWAdmin.jar
7-19-2004 11:30am 324600 GWAdminDirectory.jar
7-19-2004 11:29am 214568 GWAdminUtil.jar
7-19-2004 7:15pm 1172677 GroupWiseRes.jar
3-24-2003 12:04pm 2358 Search.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 168742 Widgets.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 259265 collections.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 963513 jgl3.1.0.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 344621 jh.jar
6-15-2003 5:00pm 98496 jndi.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 2795625 njclv2.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 11409 njha.jar
7-19-2004 7:18pm 353514 njweb.jar
3-01-2000 2:44pm 11174 novbp.jar
2-18-2004 2:11pm 248558 nssl1.2_exp.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 1897143 swing.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 94144 windows.jar
3-07-2002 1:45pm 1498679 xerces.jar

4-19-2000 7:31am 11409 njha.jar

7-01-2003 1:00pm 2863339 charsets.jar
6-15-2003 5:00pm 4902110 i18n.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 1711101 jaws.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 76355 jce.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 462386 jsse.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 23489932 rt.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 90973 sunrsasign.jar

7-01-2003 1:00pm 8386 dnsns.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 53520 ldapsec.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 650626 localedata.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 117054 sunjce_provider.jar

7-01-2003 1:00pm 10431 indicim.jar

7-01-2003 1:00pm 2641 US_export_policy.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 3113 local_policy.jar

5-27-2004 1:41am 1570117 rconsolej.jar

7-19-2004 11:31am 364608 GWAdminCOpts.jar
7-19-2004 11:31am 225589 GWAdminCheck.jar
7-19-2004 11:31am 462959 GWAdminLink.jar
7-19-2004 11:30am 46799 GWAdminNs.jar
7-19-2004 11:31am 139902 GWAdminSnapinUtil.jar
7-19-2004 11:31am 110593 GWAdminXml.jar
7-19-2004 11:38am 291188 GWGwac.jar
7-19-2004 11:38am 55533 WACommon.jar

11-07-2001 12:23pm 69916 CERTToolkit.jar
8-01-2003 10:58pm 12409 GAMSToolkit.jar
11-07-2001 12:21pm 34000 NDSToolkit.jar
12-03-2003 6:37pm 72696 NMASToolkit.jar
11-07-2001 12:23pm 74405 PKIToolkit.jar
5-08-2002 3:36pm 90390 SecGUIToolkit.jar

7-01-2003 1:00pm 204515 NDSNamespace.jar

10-29-2003 12:34pm 9488 dirxmljni.jar

7-01-2003 1:00pm 296534 Admin.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 58466 Creator.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 55766 Find.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 95227 JEditor.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 78808 SOE.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 25459 Security.jar

1-11-2002 7:26am 121171 pvjdbc2.jar
1-20-1999 4:36pm 1619526 symbeans.jar

9-13-2000 4:11pm 362585 nds4nt.jar

5-24-2004 0:29am 265219 nssAdmin.jar
5-24-2004 0:29am 64008 nssC1Lib.jar
5-24-2004 0:29am 12958 nssJavaLib.jar
5-24-2004 0:29am 70402 nssLink.jar

9-24-2001 1:42pm 174785 slp.jar

6-27-2003 5:31pm 598052 WanmanAntlr.jar

1-28-2003 1:33pm 134376 DBExport.jar
1-07-2003 12:33pm 235511 DBExport3x.jar
12-03-2002 12:55pm 238619 DBExportRes.jar
6-17-2002 3:19pm 184573 DataExportSnapins3x.jar
3-04-2003 12:05pm 2723718 Desktop.jar
3-04-2003 12:16pm 2542641 Desktop3x.jar
1-28-2003 1:29pm 214132 DesktopCommonUtility.jar
2-15-2000 6:47pm 23146 ReportingImages.jar
1-21-2003 12:51pm 78321 StatusLog.jar
3-05-2002 2:01pm 1884 ZenInvImages.jar
8-14-2002 3:44pm 1063207 ZenUtility.jar
3-24-2003 12:38pm 491777 nal.jar
11-15-1999 12:03pm 966401 vbjapp.jar
11-15-1999 12:03pm 862897 vbjorb.jar
3-21-2003 3:26pm 443967 zenCommon.jar
8-08-2002 6:47pm 23509 zenCopyPol.jar
9-18-2001 2:14pm 48498 zenHelpDesk.jar
3-21-2003 3:30pm 564533 zenSnapins.jar
8-05-2002 4:56pm 8866 zenWS.jar
3-28-2003 6:59pm 353582 zenimaging.jar
2-13-2003 11:35pm 369192 zfdSnapins.jar

7-01-2003 1:00pm 58321 JReportRes.jar

3-03-2003 1:23pm 2408175 Resources.jar
3-24-2003 12:38pm 63396 nalres.jar
5-27-2004 1:41pm 55836 rconsolej_resources.jar

11-07-2001 12:23pm 35202 CERTToolkitRes.jar
8-01-2003 2:23pm 51385 EnhancedPwdRes.jar
8-01-2003 10:59pm 325150 GAMSRes.jar
3-05-2001 3:59pm 1877 NICI.jar
8-01-2003 10:58pm 376717 NMASRes.jar
12-03-2003 6:37pm 24141 NMASToolkitRes.jar
4-06-2001 12:00pm 4021 OIDValues.jar
1-11-2002 2:43pm 732746 PKIRes.jar
11-07-2001 12:23pm 100090 PKIToolkitRes.jar
5-08-2002 3:36pm 31962 SecGUIToolkitRes.jar
8-01-2003 2:22pm 5261 SimplePasswordRes.jar

7-01-2003 1:00pm 9397 ConsoleOneResources.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 2890 ConsoleResources.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 35230 NSResources.jar

7-01-2003 1:00pm 8650 AdminRes.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 3298 CreatorRes.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 10034 FSRes.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 1877 FindRes.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 6331 JEditorRes.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 6165 JFSRes.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 1427 JNDINDSRes.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 55300 MACHRes.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 5348 NDSMgrRes.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 4470 RBSRes.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 14252 ReportingRes.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 5443 SOERes.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 4626 SchMgrRes.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 1710 SecurityRes.jar

2-24-2003 7:51am 40059 auditres.jar
1-23-2003 1:45am 7554 configres.jar

2-02-2004 3:02am 23241 ncsRes.jar
12-04-2001 3:27am 24666 ncsRes_fr.jar
12-04-2001 3:27am 23997 ncsRes_pt.jar

9-13-2000 4:12pm 11425 nds4nti.jar
9-13-2000 4:12pm 22721 nds4ntrs.jar

5-24-2004 0:29am 21618 nssAdminRes.jar
5-24-2004 0:29am 22312 nssC1LibRes.jar
5-24-2004 0:30am 6509 nssLinkRes.jar

9-24-2001 1:42pm 1161 slpi.jar
10-15-2001 2:34pm 10422 slprs.jar

6-27-2003 5:32pm 12377 WANMANRes.jar

7-01-2003 1:00pm 3473 WidgetResources.jar

3-03-2003 3:04am 1191920 audit.jar
1-27-2003 5:24am 179150 config.jar
5-27-2004 1:41am 22882 novell_rconsole.jar

7-19-2004 11:35am 2398660 GWAdminConfig.jar
7-19-2004 11:30am 26160 GWAdminDiag.jar
7-19-2004 11:32am 282682 GWAdminView.jar
7-19-2004 11:38am 201927 GWGwia.jar
7-19-2004 11:38am 60461 GWWebAcc.jar
7-19-2004 11:39am 186956 WAProviders.jar
7-19-2004 11:40am 284564 WAServlets.jar

8-01-2003 2:23am 148335 EnhancedPwd.jar
8-01-2003 10:59am 187678 GAMS.jar
11-12-2001 3:39pm 1877 NICI.jar
8-01-2003 10:58pm 296996 NMAS.jar
1-11-2002 2:43pm 917114 PKI.jar
8-01-2003 2:22pm 96708 SimplePassword.jar

7-01-2003 1:00pm 60517 Console.jar

10-29-2003 12:36pm 58383 FilteredReplica.jar
11-13-2001 4:04pm 3754 FilteredReplica_fr.jar
10-29-2003 12:35pm 34914 rwiz.jar
11-13-2001 4:05pm 2310 rwiz_fr.jar

5-22-2004 12:32pm 85177 ICEWiz.jar
11-20-2001 11:40pm 6029 icewiz_fr.jar

12-02-2003 4:28pm 121156 indexmanager.jar
11-13-2001 4:13pm 6185 indexmanager_fr.jar

12-03-2003 3:09pm 229826 ldap.jar
11-18-2001 1:08pm 11432 ldap_fr.jar

7-01-2003 1:00pm 17709 Editors.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 231561 FS.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 62249 JFS.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 22081 JNDIFS.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 76239 JNDINDS.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 797595 MACH.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 101090 NDSMgr.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 106666 RBS.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 195174 Reporting.jar
7-01-2003 1:00pm 91331 SchMgr.jar

2-02-2004 3:02am 598671 ncs.jar

9-13-2000 4:11pm 5189 nds4ntr.jar

5-24-2004 0:29am 2030 nssAdminReg.jar
5-24-2004 0:30am 1960 nssLinkReg.jar

9-24-2001 1:42pm 3132 slpr.jar

6-27-2003 5:35pm 170510 WANMAN.jar

3-28-2003 6:40pm 1679495 ClientConfig.jar
3-28-2003 6:40pm 5818 ClientConfigR.jar
7-18-2002 1:37pm 6515 CommonSnapins.jar
11-26-2002 2:11pm 65819 DBObjSnapins.jar
3-28-2003 6:40pm 182538 DLU.jar
3-28-2003 6:40pm 2621 DLUR.jar
1-28-2003 1:27pm 287082 DataExportSnapins.jar
1-28-2003 1:13pm 599087 DesktopSnapins.jar
2-18-2003 1:15pm 1107843 InventorySnapins.jar
7-30-2002 6:57pm 93176 InventorySnapins3x.jar
2-04-2003 1:05pm 61951 PolicyMigration.jar
3-28-2003 6:40pm 204911 RAS.jar
3-28-2003 6:40pm 2538 RASR.jar
2-25-2003 5:30pm 127509 ReportingSnapins.jar
8-05-2002 5:58pm 66207 RestrictLogin.jar
8-05-2002 5:58pm 2654 RestrictLoginR.jar
3-28-2003 6:41pm 38294 RoamProf.jar
3-28-2003 6:41pm 2571 RoamProfR.jar
8-05-2002 6:00pm 38200 SysPol.jar
8-05-2002 6:00pm 2391 SysPolR.jar
9-26-2000 2:10pm 1383 Tracer.jar
8-08-2002 6:12pm 96567 WTSConfig.jar
8-08-2002 6:12pm 2683 WTSConfigR.jar
3-05-2003 4:20pm 325801 WmPolicies.jar
3-05-2003 4:20pm 2869 WmPoliciesR.jar
1-28-2003 1:28pm 242390 WorkstationSnapins.jar
8-08-2002 6:08pm 43712 ZENConfig.jar
8-08-2002 6:08pm 2526 ZENConfigR.jar
8-08-2002 6:06pm 629106 dtpref.jar
8-08-2002 6:06pm 2590 dtprefR.jar
3-24-2003 12:38pm 1147238 nalsnap.jar
8-05-2002 5:23pm 126365 prt.jar
8-05-2002 5:23pm 2441 prtR.jar
8-08-2002 6:19pm 74604 wmNetServices.jar
8-05-2002 4:26pm 8303 wmNetServicesReg.jar
8-05-2002 4:41pm 2474 zenCopyPolReg.jar
6-18-2001 3:56pm 2567 zenHelpDeskReg.jar
8-05-2002 3:16pm 10304 zenImagingReg.jar
8-05-2002 4:49pm 3589 zenPolicy.jar
2-05-2003 12:49pm 3544 zenZFD.jar

2-28-2003 12:00pm 594756 ConsoleOne.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 51889 ConsoleOneCore.jar

3-24-2003 12:04pm 2358 Search.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 176821 Widgets.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 259265 collections.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 963513 jgl3.1.0.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 344621 jh.jar
6-15-2003 1:00pm 98496 jndi.jar
6-15-2003 1:00pm 2794504 njclv2.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 11409 njha.jar
3-01-2000 11:44pm 11174 novbp.jar
2-17-2000 4:34pm 248558 nssl1.2_exp.jar
6-15-2003 1:00pm 1897143 swing.jar
6-15-2003 1:00pm 94144 windows.jar

4-19-2000 3:31pm 11409 njha.jar

6-15-2003 1:00pm 4902110 i18n.jar
6-15-2003 1:00pm 617756 jaws.jar
6-15-2003 1:00pm 11646454 rt.jar
6-15-2003 1:00pm 86267 sunrsasign.jar

7-07-2003 2:50am 2307837 rconsolej.jar

11-07-2001 11:23am 69916 CERTToolkit.jar
8-01-2003 10:58am 12409 GAMSToolkit.jar
11-07-2001 11:21am 34000 NDSToolkit.jar
12-03-2003 6:37pm 72696 NMASToolkit.jar
11-07-2001 11:23pm 74405 PKIToolkit.jar
5-08-2002 2:36pm 90390 SecGUIToolkit.jar

2-28-2003 12:00pm 215079 NDSNamespace.jar

11-14-2001 3:06am 10417 dirxmljni.jar

2-28-2003 12:00pm 311012 Admin.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 60097 Creator.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 58219 Find.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 97531 JEditor.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 79036 SOE.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 26049 Security.jar

1-11-2002 4:26pm 121171 pvjdbc2.jar
1-21-1999 1:36pm 1619526 symbeans.jar

11-17-2003 4:09am 265219 nssAdmin.jar
11-17-2003 4:08am 64008 nssC1Lib.jar
11-17-2003 4:07am 12958 nssJavaLib.jar
11-17-2003 4:11am 70402 nssLink.jar

1-28-2003 1:33pm 134376 DBExport.jar
1-07-2003 12:33pm 235511 DBExport3x.jar
12-03-2002 12:55pm 238619 DBExportRes.jar
6-17-2002 3:19pm 184573 DataExportSnapins3x.jar
3-04-2003 12:05pm 2723718 Desktop.jar
3-04-2003 12:16pm 2542641 Desktop3x.jar
1-28-2003 1:29pm 214132 DesktopCommonUtility.jar
2-15-2000 6:47pm 23146 ReportingImages.jar
1-21-2003 12:51pm 78321 StatusLog.jar
3-05-2002 2:01pm 1884 ZenInvImages.jar
8-14-2002 3:44pm 1063207 ZenUtility.jar
3-24-2003 12:38pm 491777 nal.jar
11-15-1999 12:03pm 966401 vbjapp.jar
11-15-1999 12:03pm 862897 vbjorb.jar
3-21-2003 3:26pm 443967 zenCommon.jar
8-08-2002 6:47pm 23509 zenCopyPol.jar
9-18-2001 2:14pm 48498 zenHelpDesk.jar
3-21-2003 3:30pm 564533 zenSnapins.jar
8-05-2002 4:56pm 8866 zenWS.jar
8-08-2002 5:28pm 377827 zenimaging.jar
2-13-2003 11:35pm 369192 zfdSnapins.jar

2-28-2003 12:00pm 58321 JReportRes.jar

3-03-2003 1:23pm 2408175 Resources.jar
3-24-2003 12:38pm 63396 nalres.jar
1-20-2003 5:34pm 72696 rconsolej_resources.jar

11-07-2001 11:23am 35202 CERTToolkitRes.jar
8-01-2003 10:23am 51385 EnhancedPwdRes.jar
8-01-2003 10:59am 325150 GAMSRes.jar
8-01-2003 10:58am 376717 NMASRes.jar
12-03-2003 6:37pm 24141 NMASToolkitRes.jar
4-06-2001 12:00pm 4021 OIDValues.jar
1-11-2002 1:43pm 732746 PKIRes.jar
11-07-2001 11:23pm 100090 PKIToolkitRes.jar
5-08-2002 2:36pm 31962 SecGUIToolkitRes.jar
8-01-2003 10:22pm 5261 SimplePasswordRes.jar

2-28-2003 12:00pm 9684 ConsoleOneResources.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 2883 ConsoleResources.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 35567 NSResources.jar

2-28-2003 12:00pm 8744 AdminRes.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 3282 CreatorRes.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 9824 FSRes.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 1859 FindRes.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 6315 JEditorRes.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 6205 JFSRes.jar
6-15-2003 1:00pm 1410 JNDINDSRes.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 56417 MACHRes.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 5339 NDSMgrRes.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 4449 RBSRes.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 14397 ReportingRes.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 5422 SOERes.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 4612 SchMgrRes.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 1693 SecurityRes.jar

2-24-2003 4:51pm 40059 auditres.jar
1-23-2003 10:45pm 7554 configres.jar

11-19-2003 7:03am 23241 ncsRes.jar
12-04-2001 3:27am 24666 ncsRes_fr.jar
12-04-2001 3:27am 23997 ncsRes_pt.jar

11-17-2003 4:10am 21618 nssAdminRes.jar
11-17-2003 4:08am 22312 nssC1LibRes.jar
11-17-2003 4:11am 6509 nssLinkRes.jar

11-12-2001 1:51pm 12352 WANMANRes.jar
11-13-2001 4:06pm 6338 WANMANRes_fr.jar

2-28-2003 12:00pm 3461 WidgetResources.jar

3-03-2003 12:04pm 1191920 audit.jar
1-27-2003 2:24pm 179150 config.jar
3-06-2003 12:07pm 23262 novell_rconsole.jar

8-01-2003 10:23am 148335 EnhancedPwd.jar
8-01-2003 10:59am 187678 GAMS.jar
11-12-2001 3:39pm 1877 NICI.jar
8-01-2003 10:58pm 296996 NMAS.jar
1-11-2002 1:43pm 917114 PKI.jar
8-01-2003 10:22pm 96708 SimplePassword.jar

2-28-2003 12:00pm 63100 Console.jar

11-14-2001 3:30am 58480 FilteredReplica.jar
11-13-2001 4:04am 3754 FilteredReplica_fr.jar
11-14-2001 3:28am 36134 rwiz.jar
11-13-2001 4:05am 2310 rwiz_fr.jar

11-20-2001 10:56am 86239 icewiz.jar
11-20-2001 11:40am 6029 icewiz_fr.jar

11-12-2001 1:32pm 121159 indexmanager.jar
11-13-2001 4:13pm 6185 indexmanager_fr.jar

1-12-2002 6:56am 201671 ldap.jar
11-18-2001 1:08pm 11432 ldap_fr.jar

2-28-2003 12:00pm 18455 Editors.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 239627 FS.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 64469 JFS.jar
6-15-2003 1:00pm 22004 JNDIFS.jar
6-15-2003 1:00pm 76910 JNDINDS.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 818447 MACH.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 103971 NDSMgr.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 109805 RBS.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 201384 Reporting.jar
2-28-2003 12:00pm 93709 SchMgr.jar

11-19-2003 7:03am 598671 ncs.jar

11-17-2003 4:10am 2030 nssAdminReg.jar
11-17-2003 4:11am 1960 nssLinkReg.jar

11-12-2001 2:03pm 617644 WANMAN.jar

3-28-2003 6:40pm 1679495 ClientConfig.jar
3-28-2003 6:40pm 5818 ClientConfigR.jar
7-18-2002 1:37pm 6515 CommonSnapins.jar
11-26-2002 2:11pm 65819 DBObjSnapins.jar
3-28-2003 6:40pm 182538 DLU.jar
3-28-2003 6:40pm 2621 DLUR.jar
1-28-2003 1:27pm 287082 DataExportSnapins.jar
1-28-2003 1:13pm 599087 DesktopSnapins.jar
2-18-2003 1:15pm 1107843 InventorySnapins.jar
7-30-2002 6:57pm 93176 InventorySnapins3x.jar
2-04-2003 1:05pm 61951 PolicyMigration.jar
3-28-2003 6:40pm 204911 RAS.jar
3-28-2003 6:40pm 2538 RASR.jar
2-25-2003 5:30pm 127509 ReportingSnapins.jar
8-05-2002 5:58pm 66207 RestrictLogin.jar
8-05-2002 5:58pm 2654 RestrictLoginR.jar
3-28-2003 6:41pm 38294 RoamProf.jar
3-28-2003 6:41pm 2571 RoamProfR.jar
8-05-2002 6:00pm 38200 SysPol.jar
8-05-2002 6:00pm 2391 SysPolR.jar
9-26-2000 2:10pm 1383 Tracer.jar
8-08-2002 6:12pm 96567 WTSConfig.jar
8-08-2002 6:12pm 2683 WTSConfigR.jar
3-05-2003 4:20pm 325801 WmPolicies.jar
3-05-2003 4:20pm 2869 WmPoliciesR.jar
1-28-2003 1:28pm 242390 WorkstationSnapins.jar
8-08-2002 6:08pm 43712 ZENConfig.jar
8-08-2002 6:08pm 2526 ZENConfigR.jar
8-08-2002 6:06pm 629106 dtpref.jar
8-08-2002 6:06pm 2590 dtprefR.jar
3-24-2003 12:38pm 1147238 nalsnap.jar
8-05-2002 5:23pm 126365 prt.jar
8-05-2002 5:23pm 2441 prtR.jar
8-08-2002 6:19pm 74604 wmNetServices.jar
8-05-2002 4:26pm 8303 wmNetServicesReg.jar
8-05-2002 4:41pm 2474 zenCopyPolReg.jar
6-18-2001 3:56pm 2567 zenHelpDeskReg.jar
8-05-2002 5:16pm 10304 zenImagingReg.jar
8-05-2002 4:49pm 3589 zenPolicy.jar
2-05-2003 12:49pm 3544 zenZFD.jar

7-01-2003 12:00pm 574926 ConsoleOne.jar
7-01-2003 12:00pm 50465 ConsoleOneCore.jar

10-31-2001 5:06am 439778 GWAdmin.jar
10-31-2001 5:06am 264499 GWAdminDirectory.jar
10-31-2001 5:05am 188934 GWAdminUtil.jar
10-31-2001 11:44am 1381290 GroupWiseRes.jar
3-24-2003 12:04pm 2358 Search.jar
7-01-2003 12:00pm 168742 Widgets.jar
7-01-2003 12:00pm 259265 collections.jar
7-01-2003 12:00pm 963513 jgl3.1.0.jar
7-01-2003 12:00pm 344621 jh.jar
6-15-2003 1:00pm 98496 jndi.jar
7-01-2003 12:00pm 2795625 njclv2.jar
7-01-2003 12:00pm 11409 njha.jar
10-31-2001 11:44pm 300395 njweb.jar
3-01-2000 11:44pm 11174 novbp.jar
2-17-2000 4:34pm 248558 nssl1.2_exp.jar
7-01-2003 12:00pm 1897143 swing.jar
7-01-2003 12:00pm 94144 windows.jar
8-04-2000 3:31pm 854256 xerces.jar

4-19-2000 3:31pm 11409 njha.jar

7-01-2003 12:00pm 2863339 charsets.jar
6-15-2003 1:00pm 4902110 i18n.jar
7-01-2003 12:00pm 1711101 jaws.jar
7-01-2003 12:00pm 76355 jce.jar
7-01-2003 12:00pm 462386 jsse.jar
7-01-2003 12:00pm 23489932 rt.jar
7-01-2003 12:00pm 90973 sunrsasign.jar

7-01-2003 12:00pm 8386 dnsns.jar
7-01-2003 12:00pm 53520 ldapsec.jar
7-01-2003 12:00pm 650626 localedata.jar
7-01-2003 12:00pm 117054 sunjce_provider.jar

7-01-2003 12:00pm 10431 indicim.jar

7-01-2003 12:00pm 2641 US_export_policy.jar
7-01-2003 12:00pm 3113 local_policy.jar

7-07-2003 2:50am 2307837 rconsolej.jar

10-31-2001 5:06am 282921 GWAdminCOpts.jar
10-31-2001 5:06am 232776 GWAdminCheck.jar
10-31-2001 5:06am 453840 GWAdminLink.jar
10-31-2001 5:06am 40632 GWAdminNs.jar
10-31-2001 5:06am 108549 GWAdminSnapinUtil.jar
10-31-2001 5:07am 111247 GWAdminXml.jar
10-31-2001 5:07am 291515 GWGwac.jar
10-31-2001 5:08am 55254 WACommon.jar

11-07-2001 11:23am 69916 CERTToolkit.jar
8-01-2003 10:58am 12409 GAMSToolkit.jar
11-07-2001 11:21am 34000 NDSToolkit.jar
12-03-2003 6:37pm 72696 NMASToolkit.jar
11-07-2001 11:23pm 74405 P

Employee Accredited
I'd recommend installing the following patches:

Post SP5 NSS modules for NetWare 6.0:


You should also purge both the SYS and DATA volumes.

Also, try the following steps:

2. LOAD TSAFS /CacheMemoryThreshold=1

Level 6

Could you give us an update about the issue?


Level 3
It ws the TSA that was consuming too many cache buffers. I configured it to use less and my backups have been working fine since then.