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9.1 Refuses to load, do backups

Level 2
My client has a 9.1 that has been causing us fits for quite a while. Everything I have done seems to remind me of a roller coaster. It works one day and not the next or the test run works and the actual run is on "Loading" for 10 hours.
This is a pain in the ______ and not being able to TALK to someone so I can get this problem solved is just as big a pain!

I NEED THIS SOLVED YESTERDAY, not next week when the e-mail support staff gets around to it!

Think I am upset? Absolutely. For all the years I have worked with your product the support has gotten harder to obtain and the product seems worse in two respects -- the permissions issues with 9.1 are obnoxious and the obvious solutions to problems such as "loading" are not working. WHEN THE LOG SAYS TO 'SEE THE LOG' it indicates to me the programmers have no idea what they are doing.

Level 4

I know the frustration...

What does the BEXxxxx.xml file state? You'll probably have to open it in note pad - Explore will refuse to open since it is missing closing tags.


Level 4
I feel your pain as well.

I now know that Backup Exec should *never* be purchased without support and am currently trying to get the budget approved for a support contract.

Level 2
> Hi,
> I know the frustration...
> What does the BEXxxxx.xml file state? You'll probably
> have to open it in note pad - Explore will refuse to
> open since it is missing closing tags.
> Jeff

Below is what the BEX file said AFTER I had to cancel the job. The file was unavailable while stuck in "Loading media".

It should be noted that media was loaded either twice or three times during the time the "Loading" message was on the screen and that seemed to do no good.

The more time goes on the more exposed Veritas and I am to the client's possibility of not having a valid backup. This is NOT APPRECIATED and not what they paid for. In 13+ months of having this product online it has truely worked about 50 per cent of the time while at another client I have it installed and working every day.

This isn't rocket science, but irritation with Veritas support is making it that way.

Your knowledge base is even less of value.

Please get back to me ASAP!!!

Phone 402-210-4794 would be even better.




Job server: SBS
Job name: Daily SBS BU
Job started: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 at 11:00:08 PM
Job type: Backup
Job Log: BEX00250.xml

Error - Mount failed.
User canceled a Physical Volume Library operation.

Job ended: Thursday, March 17, 2005 at 11:56:59 AM
Job completion status: Canceled by \HOICH\Steve-Admin
Final error: 0x0 -
Final error category: Other Errors

Level 4
First, I'd get BUE at the latest level (not sure where you are on this). There is a SP1, and a few hotfixes which may be of interest. Here is the 9.1 Patch/Download Page:

Next, I had a similar issue a while back - the backup job would hang after using the first tape. It turned out the Exabyte AutoPak 1x10 needed a firmware update.

My experience has been that every now and again I see this error. I would expect software/firmware updates to do the job. If not, how does the media look under the Media Tab. View the statistics. Is there any available media on the tape? Verify you are not getting Hard Read/Write errors. This could indicate bad media or bad hardware.

Finally, do you have a hot spare (probably not - I know I do not) to test?


Level 4
There is also another driver and robotic library release:


Level 4
I should have combined this into one post - sorry.

"Error - Mount failed" generally means there is no tape in the drive. That you stated there was (and it appeared to load/unload a couple of times) makes me think it is hardware, hardware/firmware, or software related.

Also, I see BUE 9.1 is at post SP2. (I'm currently downloading to try and solve a problem with a QualStar Robotic Library).

I feel your pain...


Level 6
Disable and delete the device from Backup Exec.
1) Turn the device off.
2) Turn the server off.
3) Turn the device on fist.
4) Turn the server on next.
5) Install the latest veritas driver from following link:

VERITAS Backup Exec (tm) 9.1 - Device Driver Installer (20041101) - Includes Tape Driver Release (20041006) and Robotic Library Release (45) (Intel Only)

6) Repair Backup Exec database.

Inventory the tapes. Make sure you do not move any tapes from "Scratch media set" to "user-defined-set".Therefore make sure there is atleast 1 tape in scratch media set.