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Access Denied when accessing Windows 7

Level 3

I have a win 2003 server with BackupExec 10d.

The server currently backs up Windows XP clients with no problem using an account specifically created for that purpose.

When we try to use the same account to backup a Windows 7 client, we recieve an "Access Denied" error.

The backup of the Win7 client works just fine if we use the domain administrators account.

The backup account is in the same groups as the admin account, and has the same security settings.

They have been duplicated in every detail, execpt the backup account can not access a win 7 client while the admin account can.

Any suggestions?


Employee Accredited Certified

Only BE2010 Supports Win7, Are you sure you are using BE10d ?

Level 6

Win 7 is not supported by v10d


You need to upgrade to version 2010 at a minimum

Level 3

Yes, useing 10d, and it works just fine under Win7, don't let them kid you. The only issue is the logon account being used.

Employee Accredited Certified

Thats strange, is it possible for you to post the screenshot which shows version

of remote agent installed on Win 7

Level 6

and it works just fine under Win7

Obviously it doesn't work "just fine", since you are having problems with it.  If you want to depend on an unsupported configuration for your production backups, more power to you

Just have your resume up-to-date when you can't do a restore of critical data.



Level 3

Ken, go back and read the post again. If I use the admin account, it works fine and has worked fine for some time. The only "issue" is 1 account can not access the machine while another can.

I have no intention of upgrading AGAIN! We have had multiple issue with backup exec from day one, and the only solution we have ever been given by support is "upgrade to the newest version", and without execption, this has never worked, not 1 single time, not 1 single issue. Even when they told us to upgrade to a version that according to thier own white papers, was not compatible.

Level 6

I can only reiterate  - 

Your configuration is COMPLETELY unsupported, v10d was End of Engineering Support 2009-05-06. and while 10d  is still available for "assisted support" meaning that they will try to help you, I can guarantee they won't even begin as long as you are in an unsupported configuration.

If you are that dis-satisfied with BackupExec, why not try another solution?  

Level 3

It does not matter if they will even"begin" to help, they never have, not once. As far as our experiance has been, all thier software is completly unsupported. All I have ever recieved is mis-information that contridicted what thier own knowledge base said. For example, I called and spent over 40 minutes on the phone with a tech who assured me that version 11 would work on Vista, so we purchased it. Low and behold, would not even install. The "client" could be installed on Vista, but not the actual server, and that is specifically what we asked him. As to why we still use it? when it work, it does work, and after investing 10s of thousands of dollars in the product, it's not easty to just throw it away and atart over again.

The issue we have is not that big, I will just use the admin account and keep going as we have been. 2 machines is not going to make that much differance, and if it came down to it, I would just use robocopy and a batch script to back up the 2 computers rather then spend another $10,000 to upgrade the whole company to support 2 single machines. Not cost effective and not a good use of our resources.