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B2D with Removable media

Level 4
I need some reassurance that what we're doing is correct.
We have a SBS 2003 running BE 10d
The server has an internal Iomega Rev Drive
We have three backup jobs: Daily, Weekly; Monthly
We have 4 Daily disks, 3 Weekly disks and 3 Monthly disks.
The Daily Media Pool is set to 5 days OPP (no append)
The Weekly Media Pool is set to 3 weeks OPP (no append)
The Monthly Media Pool is set to 11 weeks OPP (no append)

The maximum number of backup set to disk files is set to 1.

The Daily job runs every mon, tue, weds and thur
The Weekly job runs the first, second and third fri of every month
The Monthly job run on the last Fri of every month

Am I right in thinking that providing the existing B2D files on the disk are not overwrite protected they will be reused?
If they are protected a new set of B2D files will be created?

How well would the above system cope in the event a user forgot to change the tapes?
With tape devices I would normally move the tapes back to the scratch media pool. Would I just do the same with the B2D files?

Level 6

- Do you want to overwrite the backup to disk folders regularly?

- How many backup to disk folders are created?

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered
and would be moved to answered questions pool.


Level 4
Yes, as detailed above I want to overwrite the daily B2D files every week.
I think there is only one backup to disk folder created and an average of 6 B2D files for each job, at present.

Level 6

- If you want to overwrite a backup to disk folder then you can set the overwrite protection peroid as none and the append period as some hours.

Kindly refer the folloeing documents:



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and would be moved to answered questions pool.


Level 2
Calogero Sapia - did get your solution working properly?

I am trying to do a similar thing, but I have found that overwrite protection does not work, I think becase BE is creating a new media label each time it runs a backup to the removable hard drive, regardless of what is already there.

Perhaps BE cannot work with removable hard drives as it does with tapes.

Level 6

With response to our above response please update so that we could continue further troubleshooting

Note:- if we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be assumed answered and archived.

Level 4
> Calogero Sapia - did get your solution working
> properly?
> I am trying to do a similar thing, but I have found
> that overwrite protection does not work, I think
> becase BE is creating a new media label each time it
> runs a backup to the removable hard drive, regardless
> of what is already there.
> Perhaps BE cannot work with removable hard drives as
> it does with tapes.


I've set the size for B2D files to 1GB
Max No. of backup sets per B2D file to 1
Disk Reserve is 0GB

On the daily, weekly and monthly media sets I have set the Overwrite protection period (OPP) to 5 days, 3 weeks and 11 weeks respectively.
Append period has been set to 0.

It works, but when disks are not changed you end up with some B2D files reused and some created anew. It isn't as easy as using tapes but it kind of works.
For example I have one complete backup spanning B2D14, B2D99 - 103 and B2D149.

I guess the key thing is not to delete B2D files without doing a catalog first to check which files have been used by any given backup job.

Level 2
Thanks for that. I really appreciate your response. I expected it would be something like that, but its great to have it confirmed.


Level 6

If you have chosen the OPP as 5 days, it will protect the media from being overwritten for those many number of days. If append period is 0, it will not append to the media.You can configure this period as per your desirable settings and make it overwriteable from the time you want.

Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ?assumed answered? and would be moved to ?answered questions? pool.
