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BAckup job attempting to backup unselected share

Level 2
I have a job that has been failing recently. everything I selected has been backed up but for some reason the job seems to be attempting to backup a network share on one of our remote computers. We are already backing up the drives (C:\ and D:\) on this server. The share the job is attempting to back up is not selected to be backed up but the job attempts it anyway.

the share is: \\sqlsrv\sqldata (names changed to protect the innocent).

it points at the D:\ drive on our database server.

The job fails saying it is unable to attach to \\sqlsrv\sqldata

I have played around with logon credentials, completley wiping the job and neither made any difference, nor did rebooting either the backup exec machine or the database server. Any ideas what the job is trying to backup something I have not selected? I am not too worried about it failing as everything else is working and I do not actually want to backup that share.

Level 6
Edit your selection list in Text Mode and see if the selection is there.

If so, delete it and you should be good to go.

if not, try creating a new selection list

Level 2
That appears to have solved the problem - as you suggested the text view showed that the share in question was for some reason included in the job.

