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BE 2012 Liveupdate no longer allowing a reinstallation

Level 6
Partner Accredited

Hello All,

Thank you for your contributions and support to this forum.

I was wondering if anyone has ever had the Liveupdate error 1725. I noticed this for about two months now. I was not able to update the BE 2012 which I have running. This was an upgrade done from BE 2010 R3 last year.

I have searched online for information on this error id. I also searched online for new Liveupdate download to reinstall.

I uninstalled and reinstalled the Liveupdate from the BE 2010 R3 folder. I was supposed to reinstall using Liveupdate from the BE 2012 folder. I believe they are the same. But running the Liveupdate from the console still did not allow the updates download to work.

Anyway, I downloaded the 3 hotfixes manually and installed them on the Media server and pushed to the other servers successfully.

I did another uninstallation and tried to reinstall using the Liveupdate from the BE 2012 folder.

I get the notification that the Liveupdate installed is the latest version, yet i can no longer see it in the Programs and Features list.

trying to launch Liveupdate from the Media server console says Liveupdate needs to be installed. I have restarted several times at COB to try to view this supposed Liveupdate that is still installed. Still can't find it.

Please help.



Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Partner Accredited

Have you UAC user acces control in place. Please deactivate this or "run as" administrator the console.

View solution in original post


Partner    VIP    Accredited



Try opting out of LiveUpdate, and then opting back in. Check the TN below for further information on this:

Also make sure no AV/firewall is blocking LiveUpdate for whatever reason, and exclude it if they are.

You can also try a repair of BE using Add/Remove Programs.


Level 6
Partner Accredited

Hi CraigV

Thank you for your response.

At the moment I have an Exchange server backup running. I will try the opt in and out and get back to you.

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

If Liveupdate still fails, pls post log.liveupdate from

Windows 2003: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec\LiveUpdate

Windows 2008: C:\ProgramData\Symantec\LiveUpdate


Level 6
Partner Accredited

Hi VJware,

It is not just the download of the updates that is the problem. Also the reinstallation from my previous comments.

Find attached the log.liveupdate file.

Thank you.

Level 6
Partner Accredited

Hello CraigV,

I tried to use the Liveupdate utility to opt in or out for the Liveupdate. I got an error that i require liveupdate to be installed before I can use the utility.

The console still does not recognise any liveupdate installation. neither is the list of installed programs displaying Liveupdate. Yet a reinstalltion says the Liveupdate I have installed is the latest version.

From VJware's comment, I checked the log.liveupdate and i can see some successes. I may not be interpreting it well.

I hope I can get to the root of the issue and get a resolution soon.


Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Please attempt the following...

Remove LiveUpdate if present from add/remove programs..

delete these 2 liveupdate folders from C:\ProgramData\Symantec\LiveUpdate & C:\Users\All Users\Symantec\LiveUpdate

Download liveupdate 3.3 from

After installing liveupdate, using the command prompt, navigate to X:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec & run command -

BeUpdateOps.exe -AddBE -OptOut

let me know how it goes..

Level 6
Partner Accredited

Hi VJware,

Thank you for your response. I deleted the Liveupdate folder in C:\ProgramData\Symantec\LiveUpdate. It was not available in C:\Users\All Users\Symantec\LiveUpdate. I downloaded the Liveupdate 3.3 from the link and reinstalled it. Ran the command BeUpdateOps.exe -AddBE -OptOut

The Liveupdate is recognised now and has downloaded the BE 2012 SP1 but i still get this error

LU1825: This update tried to run an application as part of its installation, but the application failed to run. The update may have gotten corrupted. Try to get this update again the next time you run LiveUpdate. Click here for more information on this error

I will now download and install it  manually just like i did the previous time.

I really appreciate your time.

Thx again.


Level 6
Partner Accredited

Hi VJware/CraigV,

Do you have any new info on resolving the LU1825 error. The download completes and trying to install the update gives that error.

I'd really appreciate some help.

Thank you for your usual support.

Level 4
Employee Accredited Certified

Lets breakdown this issue into two parts. 

Part 1:  LiveUpdate downloads the patch and initiates the patch install.  If the failure happens here, it is a LiveUpdate issue

Part 2:  Patch starts installing, runs and completes.  If the failure happens here, it is a patch (installation, configuration, etc) issue and any error causing the issue, will be in the Backup Exec installation log.

Based on the latest error message, it sounds like the issue is in Part 2.  If you look in the Backup Exec installation log, do you see an error (should be towards the end of the log)?



Level 6
Partner Accredited

Hello Steve,

Sorry about the mixup.

But at the end of the liveupdate it gives the following:

LU1825 : This update tried to run an application as part of its installation, but the application failed to run. The update may have gotten corrupted. Try to get this update again the next time you run LiveUpdate.

I have checked the bukpinst.htm and bkupinst2012.htm logs which both exist on the server because of the upgrade that was done from 2010 R3.

the only error i can identify in the log is as listed below.

Error while processing CSResults.xml. Error: Could not find file 'C:\ProgramData\Symantec\Backup Exec\Logs\CSResults.xml'..
06-01-2012,12:47:07 : Telemetry registry key setting.
06-01-2012,12:47:07 : Gathering Telemetry items
06-01-2012,12:47:07 : Sending Telemetry to Symantec
06-01-2012,12:47:07 : Transmit Telemetry initialized.
06-01-2012,12:47:07 : TelemetryRegistryHelpers initialized.
06-01-2012,12:47:08 : TransmitTelemetry.TransmitMessage URL=, Caught WebException The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive.
06-01-2012,12:47:15 : Telemetry data was successfully sent to Symantec
06-01-2012,12:47:15 : Initiating a system reboot.
What do you think?
Thx for your anticipated assistance.

Level 6

Hi Nene,

The error "Error while processing CSResults.xml. Error: Could not find file 'C:\ProgramData\Symantec\Backup Exec\Logs\CSResults.xml'" is benign and can be ignored. That message is logged with an error and it should not be. That file only gets created when there is a failure verifying the media during the install. So, its absence simply means your files verified successfully. I'll work on addressing this in a future release of Backup Exec.

My gut feeling is that there is a problem downloading the patch. Live Update is reporting a problem trying to run the patch. So, either the patch is getting corrupted during the download, or there is a problem running the patch under live update.

Are you downloading the patch from this machine when you apply it manually? Are there any errors logged in your event viewer at the time of the attempted patch run?


Level 6
Partner Accredited

Hi Nick,

There is no error in the event viewer for the issue. I have been downloading the hotfixes sometimes from the server or from my PC. Yesterday, I manually downloaded the BE 2012 SP1a from the updates site and have applied it to the server since the download using Liveupdate has been getting corrupt.

I had to update the BE server manually since Swathi's forum indicates that the BE 2012 SP1a is available for download on Liveupdate, though was still getting the same error.

I hope when I try the Liveupdate next time I will not get any errors.

Thank you all for your support.


Level 6

Hi Nene,

Can you take a look at this technote and let me know if it helps resolve the issue?


Level 6
Partner Accredited

Have you UAC user acces control in place. Please deactivate this or "run as" administrator the console.

Level 6

I believe that Cruisen has the answer. I did some investigation and it appears as though the Backup Exec Console will not have permissions (under UAC) to launch our Live Update process to apply the updates. (LU can run, but will fail to apply updates when not run as administrator). This is new to 2012 as we put changes in place to no longer stop and start services during each patch. In 2012 we only stop services once during multiple patch installs, and then start them once at the end. If you run the console as administrator, or login to the server with the built-in administrator account, I do not belive you will not see this issue.

Hope this helps,


Level 6
Partner Accredited

Hi Cruisen,

Thank you for bringing me back to what i should have tried before.

I don't understand why this account used will still be requesting for run as administrator. It is a member of both local/built-in and domain administrator group. It is ok now.

I reallt appreciate your effort.

Level 6
Partner Accredited

Hi Nick,

Indeed it is a Bingo. Just as Cruisen wrote. I ran the console as administrator and it started installing, after all the times i downloaded over and over thinking it will stop getting corrupt.

Thank you so much for your effort. I really appreciate your patience.


Level 6
Partner Accredited

Hi CraigV, Steve and Vjware,

Thank you all for your assistance with this issue. I hope i will get more help as issues arise.

Hope to read from everyone in the next comments soon.

Level 6

Hi Nene,

Glad that solved your problem. The reason why it asks for administrator permissions is "UAC" or User Account Control. The feature was originally introduced in Windows Vista, and Windows 2008 Server platforms. It will continue to exist moving forward on Windows systems as well.

UAC is Microsoft's response to malware, poor application development patterns, and a host of other reasons. Esentially what it does it makes all but one account on the Windows system have user rights on the desktop. This applies to any account except the built-in "Administrator" account. It is the only true admin on the box. All other user created administrator account are given what is called a "Split Token". When you login to the desktop, you are effectively a user. When a process needs administrator rights, it consults the token to see if you are in the administrators group, and if you are, it prompts for permission to elevate that process. If you are a user, it will prompt for credentials to run that process as another admin level account. Our Administrator Console (UI) runs with user privlileges. Therefore, when you tried to launch Live Update, it too ran as a user, which cannot install patches because you must be an administrator to install them. So it would fail. When you run the UI as an administrator, then the processes that it spawns are all admin level processes and it works.

Hope this helps,