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BE Retrieve could not display CPS server contents (firewall related)

Not applicable


Hi All, 
I am testing a CPS 2010 setup in our office. So far everything is good except that I couldn't use BERetrieve to browse backup content.
CPS is installed on server A, and BE Retrieve is installed on web server B. Both are running 2k8r2 standard and are in the same domain. CPS installation created serval inbound firewall roles (CP agent; CP borker service; CP management service; CP network helper; CP system state manager; CP web restore backend;BE remote agent for windows) in windows firewall setting.
When I connected to the BE Retrieve and login with domain admin credential, the login failed. However, if I disable the windows firewall on server A, then I could login and browse backup contents. 
Any addtional settings need to be done in windows firewall to allow BE Retrieve to work?

Partner    VIP    Accredited

Hi Qiu,


Can you check and make sure that those ports are open and allowing traffic through them?

You can run: netstat and check that all is running fine.

Please report back with an update!

