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BE12: IDR-Recovery-Disk does not load Network-drivers

Level 4
I have created a IDR-Disk sucessfully.
The disk boots, and some time later complains, that something is wrong with the partition -even the disk is formatted freshly  and partitioned successfully with the partitioning tool.
Afterwards, the IDR process presents that 2 Network devices failed loading the netwok drivers
One is called a RTL8139family-card the other is only named 'Network controller'
I think, the drivers should be on the disk, as there is a inf-File named something like 5.1ServicePack2@RTL8139....
Manually seleting this file, loads drivers from B:drivers but with no success to bring the network-card online,
What can I do ?
Another thing: the IDR-Boot disk is presented twice as B: and D:, while my second CD-ROM seems to be unavailable. Also USB-Sticks cannot be used.
Problem: None of my computers has a Floppy-Drive anymore !
What can I do ?
At the moment IDR is absolutely useless.

Level 6
At the moment IDR is absolutely useless.
Always has been IMNSHO.  You  wind up doing every thing you would do with a manual Disaster Recovery, in the same order, but behind a wizard.  Saves no time at all, and you can't even see the raw system messages, only what IDR filters through for you
Create a SlipStream install CD at the latest SP for your target server
In case of DR -
Use the mfg utility to partition your hard drives as you wish
boot from your slipstream CD  and load a vanilla system
load the RAWS
Restore all (overwrite) and you are done

Message Edited by Ken Putnam on 04-09-2008 11:59 AM