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BE92 & NW65SP6+ Abend on remote backup

Not applicable
I have a 5.1sp8 server running 9.2BE and an exabyte tape deck. We are trying to backup a 65SP6 with additional post-SP6 patches on it remotely. The 5.1 can fully back itself up, but every time it goes to do the 65, the 65 abends with the below abend. The 5.1 then takes a LONG time to cancel the hung job. All systems have the latest NW patches installed, and the 65 even has the latest BE92 installed. It did not make any difference, and the culprit trigger appears to be NDMPD. I have followed all the advice in the Netware forums, so now its time to unleash the BE forums! Any advice would be greatly appreciated, as this has one of our key servers totally undefended in case of a failure.
Novell Open Enterprise Server, NetWare 6.5
PVER: 6.50.06
Server FS1_WHS halted Saturday, April 28, 2007  10:56:09.479 pm
Abend 1 on P00: Server-5.70.06: Page Fault Processor Exception (Error code 00000000)
   CS = 0060 DS = 007B ES = 007B FS = 007B GS = 007B SS = 0068
   EAX = 00000001 EBX = 00000000 ECX = 00000000 EDX = ADDE317C
   ESI = AE0255B8 EDI = 00000001 EBP = ADDE31BC ESP = ADDE294C
   EIP = AC2BCCE2 FLAGS = 00010246
   AC2BCCE2 8B4004         MOV     EAX, [EAX+04]=?
   EIP in NDMPD.NLM at code start +0000FCE2h
   Access Location: 0x00000005
The violation occurred while processing the following instruction:
AC2BCCE2 8B4004         MOV     EAX, [EAX+04]
AC2BCCE5 8902           MOV     [EDX], EAX
AC2BCCE7 85C0           TEST    EAX, EAX
AC2BCCE9 7403           JZ      AC2BCCEE
AC2BCCEB 31C0           XOR     EAX, EAX
AC2BCCED C3             RET    
AC2BCCF3 C3             RET    
AC2BCCF4 8B542404       MOV     EDX, [ESP+04]
AC2BCCF8 8B02           MOV     EAX, [EDX]
Running process: VxNDMP_7bdee480 Process
Thread Owned by NLM: NDMPD.NLM
Stack pointer: ADDE3244
OS Stack limit: ADDD3460
Scheduling priority: 67371008
Wait state: 3030070  Yielded CPU
Stack: AC2C8DD7  ?
      --ADDE317C  ?
      --5F315346  ?
      -00534857  (SERVER.NLM|LargeSlabCacheLogEqPhys+3A2F)
      --76726553  ?
      --53207265  ?
      --69636570  ?
      --20636966  ?
      --6F666E49  ?
      --0000003A  (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+3A)
      --00000000  (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
      --8DF9F7E4  (NLSLSP.NLM|NLSGetInternalVersionInfo+7F6B)
      --31000002  ?
      --8D4C3130  (MSM.NLM|CACSFindMessages+6A70)
      --8DF9F830  (NLSLSP.NLM|NLSGetInternalVersionInfo+7FB7)
      --0000000E  (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+E)
      -0043B9FC  (SERVER.NLM|xAllocSizeTable+300)
      --87077DA8  ?
      --8DF9F7E4  (NLSLSP.NLM|NLSGetInternalVersionInfo+7F6B)
      --00000001  (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+1)
      --87077DA8  ?
      --ADDE2A02  ?
      --ADDE2A00  ?
      --00000000  (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
      --8D4CE3AC  (ETHERTSM.NLM|CEtherTSMGetConfigInfo+7EFF)
      --87077D5C  ?
      --8D2FB730  (MSM.NLM|NESL_MLID_ReRegister_Hardware_Options_Change+1DD4)
      --10E3C188  ?
      8D4B769C  (MSM.NLM|CMSMValidateAuxDataBuffer+DC)
      --8D4CE3AC  (ETHERTSM.NLM|CEtherTSMGetConfigInfo+7EFF)
      --8DF9F908  (NLSLSP.NLM|NLSGetInternalVersionInfo+808F)
      8D76551E  ?
      --8D4CAF70  (ETHERTSM.NLM|CEtherTSMGetConfigInfo+4AC3)
      --8DF9F908  (NLSLSP.NLM|NLSGetInternalVersionInfo+808F)
      --00000000  (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
      --8D4C9C84  (ETHERTSM.NLM|CEtherTSMGetConfigInfo+37D7)
      --8D4CA5FC  (ETHERTSM.NLM|CEtherTSMGetConfigInfo+414F)
      --8D4C83DC  (ETHERTSM.NLM|CEtherTSMGetConfigInfo+1F2F)
      --8D4C9C84  (ETHERTSM.NLM|CEtherTSMGetConfigInfo+37D7)
      --8DF9F908  (NLSLSP.NLM|NLSGetInternalVersionInfo+808F)
      8D765365  ?
      --8D4CA5FC  (ETHERTSM.NLM|CEtherTSMGetConfigInfo+414F)
      --00000000  (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
      --8D4CCC79  (ETHERTSM.NLM|CEtherTSMGetConfigInfo+67CC)
      --ADDE2A8A  ?
      --8DFBD3C6  ?
      --00000036  (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+36)
      --00000000  (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
      8D765794  ?
      --8D4C83DC  (ETHERTSM.NLM|CEtherTSMGetConfigInfo+1F2F)
      -0043B93C  (SERVER.NLM|xAllocSizeTable+240)
      --87371EA8  ?
      --8E526070  ?
      --FBC83000  (LOADER.NLM|PerCpuDataArray+3000)
      00227B2D  (SERVER.NLM|kScheduleWorkToDoDirected+CD)
      --00000001  (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+1)
      --8E5BE128  ?
      --00000001  (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+1)
      --00000000  (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
      --8D1218A0  ?
      --78F0A68C  ?
      --78DBA9C0  ?
      --00000000  (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
      --78DBA9C0  ?
      00208E32  (SERVER.NLM|kMutexUnlock+10A)
      --7C2C41E0  ?
      --78DBA9C0  ?
      --78F0A68C  ?
      --78F0A08C  ?
      --94A7C9C0  ?
      --00000000  (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
      --94A7C9C0  ?
      00208E32  (SERVER.NLM|kMutexUnlock+10A)
      --7C2C41E0  ?
      --94A7C9C0  ?
      --78F0A08C  ?
      --78F0A0C4  ?
      --78FD85E0  ?
      --000000D8  (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+D8)
      --78FD8540  ?
      00208834  (SERVER.NLM|kMutexAlloc+D0)
      0020884E  (SERVER.NLM|kMutexAlloc+EA)
      -004EAD04  (SERVER.NLM|MutexWatchdogWTD+18)
      --78F0A08C  ?
      --78F0A08C  ?
      --9234D6E8  ?
      --78F0A0C4  ?
      --78F0A0C4  ?
      922C2928  (SMDR.NLM|SMipc_UnderflowString+6ABF)
      -922FFEE0  (SMDR.NLM|(Data Start)+1EE0)
      --00000000  (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
      --ADDE3140  ?
      --9234D6E8  ?
      --00000000  (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
      922BD1B1  (SMDR.NLM|SMipc_UnderflowString+1348)
      --9234D6E8  ?
      --9234D6A0  ?
      --00000000  (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
      --ADDE3140  ?
      --5F315346  ?
Additional Information:
   The CPU encountered a problem executing code in NDMPD.NLM.  The problem may be in that module or in data passed to that module by a process owned by NDMPD.NLM.
Loaded Modules:
NDMPD.NLM        Backup Exec NDMP Server Module
 Version 9.20   November 29, 2006
 Code Address: AC2AD000h  Length: 0005E633h
 Data Address: AC108000h  Length: 000192F0h
AD_ASPI.NLM      Backup Exec ASPI Device Driver for NetWare
 Version 7.50   September 25, 2006
 Code Address: AC0E7000h  Length: 000141B8h
 Data Address: AC0FD000h  Length: 0000910Fh
NRLTLI.NLM       Backup Exec - Remote Workstation Backup Software
 Version 9.20   November 29, 2006
 Code Address: 9F8BF000h  Length: 0000240Fh
 Data Address: 7BD60000h  Length: 00000BE0h
TSANDS.NLM       TSA for Novell eDirectory 7.x, 8.x
 Version 10551.71   July 19, 2005
 Code Address: AC089000h  Length: 000125DCh
 Data Address: 99F4A000h  Length: 00001410h
BKUPEXEC.NLM     Backup Exec SureStart
 Version 9.20   November 29, 2006
 Code Address: ABF4F000h  Length: 0001D57Ch
 Data Address: AC054000h  Length: 00013040h
AWT.NLM          Java 1.4.2 AWT Graphics Library
 Version 1.42   September 14, 2006
 Code Address: B204D000h  Length: 001994E0h
 Data Address: B1414000h  Length: 00061FC0h
XLIB.NLM         Java - XFree86 4.X X11R6 Library (LIBC) Build 060914
 Version 11.06.01   September 14, 2006
 Code Address: B1B51000h  Length: 0007F9B0h
 Data Address: ABBDB000h  Length: 00047DC4h
MLIB.NLM         Java 1.4.2 Imaging and Media Library for NetWare
 Version 1.42   September 14, 2006
 Code Address: AC207000h  Length: 00062760h

Employee Accredited
Best thing to do is to load the remote agent into debug mode using the BESTART -ZL command. Then run another backup and wait for the server to abend - then post back with the debug log: sys:\bkupexec\log\ndmpd.log.

Also, have you noticed how far the backups gets before the server abends?