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Backup Exec 10 and Domino Agent

Level 3

Been using Backup Exec 10 and the Domino agent now for the past couple of years with no problems. However this weekend I upgraded domino from 6.5.1 to version 7 and now when I look at the selections list in my Backup Exec job list, I can't see any databases in the sub-folders of d:\Lotus\Domino\ data .eg I can't see and therefore backup any of the users mail database files.

As a work around I have selected them using the normal file backup, but this defeats the object of having a Domino Agent.

Please help


Level 3
I had a similar problem to this, only mine manifested itself after deleting a folder from the domino data directory, only the databases in folders above the deleted one were available. I cured it by restarting the domino agent "after" rebooting the machine and allowing the domino server to fully initialise. We are on 10d with SP3 (having had a mare of a time with FP 45/46 which caused the domino backup to report errors).

Level 3
Hi Kevin,

thank you for your reply, I did try what you suggested but to no avail. Having said that I am running 10.0 and not 10d and without the Service packs I believe. Haven't needed to install them as backups have been running smoothly up until now.
When making file selections when creating jobs, the agent only sees the built in Domino databases in the Data folder. Some of the non standard databases and all the sub folders seem invisible to the agent, however looking at the same folders using the normal file backup, they are all there as expected.

Anyone else have any ideas ????



Level 3

Just to let anyone else who may have had this problem know that the solution is to follow the steps in the following forum article:幚

Thanks to Shane for his posting

