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Backup Exec 10d Differential - Target growing - Archiving Bit

Not applicable
I perform daily  backups; 
 I am running out of space because my bit doesn't reset the target;  the weekly backup is performed my target media is contiuning to grow, thereforth I am losing media space.

How Can I perform daily (Differential backup) with archiving bit resetting the target doing a weekly backup.

I know that I can perform incremental; but doing restores (yea i do quite a few of those) i must go through the steps tape 1 tape 2  tape 3 in reverse order, to restore lost files/folders

Level 6
How Can I perform daily (Differential backup) with archiving bit resetting the target doing a weekly backup

By definition, a DIFF will not reset the Archive Bit.  That is what separates if from an INCR.  If you do a WEEKLY FULL, the Archive Bit should be reset then

I'm not sure what the number of restores has to do with whether you do INCR or DIFF, unless you have that many DR restores.  You find last copy of the file before the time it went missing or was altered, and restore from that whethe FULL, INCR or DIFF

You may want to look into "Synthetic Full Backups"  Do a Full, then special INCRs.  Backup Exec merges the last FULL (or Synthetic) with the INCR, and the result is as if you had done a series of FULLs, this does require a lot of disk space, but sounds like what you are looking for

   VIP    Certified
After you do your differential backup, you can delete the previous differential backup.  To restore, you only need the full and the latest differential backup.

Level 6
To expand on pkh's answer a little

You could do the DIFFs to a separate media set with an OPP such that only one or two versions were retained on disk, with the older ones being overwritten by newer ones , if your needs would be met by that

(never ever considered that blush )

Level 3
There is one great solution in backup exec. In the backup options you can set it to use "modify time" instead of the archive bit. So when it goes for taking backups, it will look for the "modify time". if the file has been changed from the last full backup, then it will take backup from that file. Also this way is the best for backing up form the linux servers, that don't support the archive bit.
Hope it help