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Backup Exec 11d - not responding

Level 3
Backup Exec has been running fine.  I uninstalled our old Symantec Virus Protection this morning and installed the new one (SEP 11.0.6000) and did the necessary restart.  The SEP seems to be working just fine but now my backup exec is not.  When I open it, it pops open a window that says "Connect to Media Server" and then asks for the admin password.  I enter that in and then it pops up the error message, "The Backup Exec Server system service is not responding.  The service is either not running or not installed".

Any help would be greatly appreciated!  I'm not very well versed on Symantec, so if you could keep the directions basic, that would be great :)


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
Please check in the services if all the BE services are running properly and under the correct credentials. It might happen that while uninstalling the services got stopped or may be the credentials got change. Make sure all the BE services are running and should be under the right credentials.

Level 3
How do you do that?  like I said, I have no experience really in network stuff but have been thrown into the job due to someone being let go a few weeks ago.


Level 3
I found "Services" and all of the B.E. services are set at Automatic Start Up but only one (Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Systems) says "Started" in the status.  The rest are blank.

Level 3
when I try to "start" any of them that are blank, I get a message that says "Could not start the (whatever service) on Local Computer. Error 1068 The Dependency service or group failed to start"

Level 6
The services do need to be started in a specific order.  Did you try all of them, or just the first couple?

Look for a CMD file name BESTART in the BE install directory  (and there should be a BESTOP to shut BE down in the proper order, too)

Level 3
I see both files - did you want me to just double click one of them?

Level 3
I fixed it!!  I went into the properties for each service and changed the password in there...we changed our admin passwords over 2 weeks ago and not sure what changed between then and now for it to finally need the "new" password, but it worked!

I actually squealed with delight when it worked, ha!

Thanks for sticking with me here...thanks to a little bit of each of these answers, I was able to find things I didn't know existed (like the services section and all that) and without that, I wouldn't have ever figured this out!

Level 3
OK - that got rid of my initial problem, but now my job won't run.

I'm getting the error message:
The job failed with the following error: The Backup Exec job engine system service is not responding