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Backup Exec 12.5 with exchange 2007 selection issue

Level 2

Am posting here as I cannot get thorugh on the support telephone number.

We have just installed our new exchange 2007 environment into our infrastructure and all is well until we try to view the stores in the backup exec selection window.  As soon as I click on the exchange server it hangs the program and crashes the remote agent, leaving this error in the event viewer - "Faulting application beremote.exe, version 12.5.2213.0, faulting module 48c9e360, version bedsxese.dll, fault address 0x12.5.2213.0."

Environment consists of the following:

Exchange mailbox Cluster (2 nodes) running on windows 2008 enterprise sp1 (all latest windows updates installed) & Exchange 2007 SP1 (all latest updates installed) - all 64bit
Backup Exec 12.5 sp2 (all latest updates installed) running on windows 2003 enterprise server sp2 32 bit (all latest updates installed) - exchange admin tools installed on server too.
All servers have the ExchangeMapiCdo.EXE installed

The service account we use has domain admin rights and the relevant exchange permissions (i followed this document  - The account also has full admin rights on the exchange 2007 nodes.

Do you have any ideas for what I can try???  Have already re-installed the agents (using the 64bit client version). And have re-created a service account in backup exec......  Nothing seems to work.

Any help greatly appreciated..  this is throwing a spanner in the works in terms of moving out 2003 users onto the new exchange environment.



Level 5
Employee Certified
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and install the HF

and make sure that after you install the Hotfix on the backup exec server re-push remote agent on the exchange server , so that the Hotfix can be applied to exchange nodes as well

After installing the Hotfix make the Registry key change as per the first link that i gave you

Level 2
Hi there - thanks for the reply.  We are currently running sp2 for bk exec 12.5, so that hotfix has already been installed prior.   Tried the reg key mentioned, but it still does the same thing :(

Not applicable
I had a similar issue, the combination between (win 2008 + exchg 2007 SP1) and (AD 2003 32 bit + backup 12.5d) just not working. In my case, i could backup but not restore ....
As i am writing this message, I am formatting my server. I'll install 2003 64 bit.(previously to this step I ran some tests on 2 vmware virtual machines, and things were working like a charm ...)

I got frustrated enough so, until bill gates will fix his longhorn, I will recommend 2003 ...

I hope you will not spend too much time ...

Level 2
Don't fancy going back to 2003.....  Symantec support, do you have any other ideas please?????