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Backup Exec 2010 License Assesment Tool

Not applicable

Good Day,

I saw that there are many articles about this software and I'm sorry if I would duplicate some, but I'm still not clear how this tool works.

I've ran that today and as many people said the results are unexpected. I've tried to compare results with the actual computer settings,

backup selections and still can't get where it's getting the data. In the report it says that I'm using 15 Active Directory Recovery Agents

(my number of domain controllers is 4). Is there a chance to have funny results because of System State backups ? Also about SQL Server

backup I do have a duplicated server, which is running only 1 SQL instance and it is selected only once in the backup job. Next strange thing

is Remote Agent for Windows Systems which would show one license for a cluster, but we are not doing any cluster backups, just individual nodes.

Last funny result is Agent for Microsoft Exchange Server which is also dislayed twice for the same server.

Would you please advise ?




Partner    VIP    Accredited

Hi Jiri,


BELAT shouldn't be doing that. I run it once a year on my servers to send through licensing details to Symantec, and haven't seen that personally.

BE would be cluster-aware, and maybe that's why you're seeing the number of licenses you have.

I'd suggest starting with a repair on your BEDB...seems like BELAT is tied into that, and if there is any corruption in it, it could explain why your licenses are skewed.


Report back here with an update on it...