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Backup Exec 8.5 Fails on Verify

Level 2
Our backup has been working fine for the past few months and recently (last two days) it has failed on the Verify process giving the following error message
Storage device "HP SureStore DAT40 (Gray)" reported an error on a request to seek to a logical media address.
Error reported:
No more data is on the tape.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
This same error is also shown in the Application Log of the Event Viewer with an Event ID of 57665. 
The backup is configured to backup some folders and then the system state.  It backs up everything successfully and verifies the folder backup, but when it goes to back up the system state that is when the error mesage occurs.
Has anyone else experienced this same problem?  What steps could be taken to troubleshoot this farther?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you!

Level 6
Have you tried a couple of passes of the manufacturer's diagnostics against the drive?

Level 2
Yes I have run all the manufacturers diagnostics against the drive and they all pass......

Level 6
This is getting into VooDoo tech support but
Try creating a new job from scratch, including the selection list. 
If that doesn't work, try creating a separate job for the system state specifying the same media set and Append and see what happens