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Backup Exec 8.6 fresh installation of Win NT4 fails

Level 3
 Hi all,
I installed BE8.6 yesterday. After installation I was asked to reboot. However, the system never came up again. It went through the boot up process just fine and in to the graphic mode and the "windows NT server 4" logo came up too, but never the chance to push ctrl+alt+del.
It hung there for hours. What could have happened?

I have 2 PCI-SC896 ASUS Raid controllers and the tape drive is connected to one. I have disabled the drive but still no result. 


Thank you

Accepted Solutions

Level 3
Feng,  just boot using the W2K cd, select for "Repair", pick "Recovery Console" (if you see anything directing that any dataloss will occur, you're doing the wrong thing).
After a while, the normal w2k recovery console will come up, allowing you to manage your Nt4 box with it.

In the recovery console use "listsvc" and "disable" (iirc) to list and disable the services.


View solution in original post


Level 4
 Hello Feng,

1) Did you try in VGA mode ?

2) Did you have a previous version installed ?

3) Besides BE - what was changed ? Is this a new Tape drive ?

Level 3
 Yes I did all the hokus pokus worthless NT recover stuff, 
bu it didnt change status.
I didnt have any BE installed since earlier.
I dont know whats changed after BE was installed

I would like to re-install NT or upgrade to w2k, but I cant since it doesnt allow me to install to a "fault tolerance" drive.
Any other idea please

Level 3
 Hi Feng,
if you do have W2K, you might want to try booting using the W2K-cd, using the recovery console and then disabling all the BackupExec services.
Disabling the SCSI device service that has the tape-unit attached to it, might help too, if you are sure it's the only device attached to that.

Of course, make sure you document exactly what you disable, what the original state was and are certain you can go back.

Try this and say what happens


Level 3
 Thanks Ivan, but can one use the w2k-cd to boot and disable a NT-4 service? How does one do that?
I know one press F8 and so on, but how can one reach the services for the NT-4?

Level 3
Feng,  just boot using the W2K cd, select for "Repair", pick "Recovery Console" (if you see anything directing that any dataloss will occur, you're doing the wrong thing).
After a while, the normal w2k recovery console will come up, allowing you to manage your Nt4 box with it.

In the recovery console use "listsvc" and "disable" (iirc) to list and disable the services.


Level 6
I know it is probably the least of your concerns now, but the tape drive shouldn't be connected to a RAID controller.