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Backup Exec Server service fails to start; An internal error (-536837662) occured in object 12.

Level 3

To the gurus that are out there, I have an issue that has completely stopped my backup servers from working at all. I verified the logon credentials due to the fact that i had just completed some password changes. I now get the following error "An internal error (-536837662) occured in object 12" after i try and start the Backup Exec Server service. This has crippled me has to this is my only means of backups. I ran a debug and the first thing that i noticed was that it said my bedb was read-only. Here is a snapshot of the entry.

[3328] 11/04/13 14:06:18  -1 SQLLog(86): Database Exception Context:MachineEx Insert Error:-536837662: ::

-2147467259:Failed to update database "BEDB" because the database is read-only. :: DB Error Set 0: native=0xf42 source=Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server hr=0x80004005 Failed to update database "BEDB" because the database is read-only.

This is the beginning of the debug file. Any help is more than greatly appreciated.


James Johnson

United States Navy























Partner    VIP    Accredited
Hi James, How did you change the password used in BE? did you perhaps use BEutility.exe? If not, open it up and change the service account credentials there. This will restart the services, and then see if you can launch the app. Otherwise you can use the same utility to repair the BEDB and then use Add/Remove Programs to repqir the application. Thanks!

Level 6

You can also manually check to make sure your Backup Exec services are logging correctly,

  • Backup Exec Agent Browser server: start up type - Automatic and logon as Domain\Username
  • Backup Exec Job Engine Service: start up type - Automatic and logon as Domain\Username
  • Backup Exec Server Service: start up type - Automatic and logon as Domain\Username
  • Backup Exec Device and Media service: start up type - Automatic and logon as Domain\Username
  • Backup Exec Remote Agent servicestart up type - Automatic and logon as local system account
  • SQL Server (BKUPEXEC) - Automatic startup and log on as Local System account 

also make sure that Active Directory is using the same credentials 

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Ensure the SQL instance is running under a local system account & the BE account should have full control over the \Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec directory.

Additionally, open the properties of the bedb_dat.mdf and bedb_log.ldf and ensure the read-only attribute is unchecked.

Level 3


I just tried to use the beutil to set service account. The following is what happened;

(some serivces were already running)



Set server configuration started on list of servers.

Setting configuration info for server: BR0001

Error: Failed setting configuration. Server BR0001, service:BackupExecDeviceMediaService, err:0x421, 1057.

Error: Failed setting configuration. Server BR0001, service:BackupExecRPCService, err:0x421, 1057.

Error: Failed setting configuration. Server BR0001, service:BackupExecJobEngine, err:0x421, 1057.

Error: Failed setting configuration. Server BR0001, service:BackupExecAgentBrowser, err:0x421, 1057.

Set server configuration completed with errors.

Set server configuration operation has completed.





James Johnson

United States Navy


Level 3


I have verified that the accounts used for the services are correct, and i say this because the device and media service runs. The agent browser and job engine service are dependancies of the exec server service.

My SQL services use a different account.


James Johnson

United States Navy

Partner    VIP    Accredited

Hi James,

If that SQL service is simply for SQL Express, and therefore Backup Exec, change it to use the Local System Account and try again.


Level 3


Neither of the files you listed above are selected for read-only. I have checked this a few times when i first noticed the error message that i mentioned in the original post. I have also excusively given my "be_user" account full control of the  \Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec directory. After doing this I am still presented with the same error message after trying to start the backup exec server service.


James Johnson

United States Navy

Level 3


My SQL services are running already using either a local system or network service account.

The services running are; SQL Server (BKUPEXEC), SQL Server Browser, and SQL Server VSS Writer.


James Johnson

United States Navy

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Would you pls open a cmd and browse to \Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec directory.

Run the following command & pls paste or PM me the output ~

beserver.exe -console

Level 3


I do have a server that is working currently but it is on a different domain if that helps. It is the same version on the same OS.


James Johnson

United States Navy

Level 5
Employee Accredited Certified

Do you have any firewall enabled? if so please Add Port 1433 in the exceptions list in the Firewall.

It should be opened bi-directional.


Level 3

So I installed the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express, and it lists my BEDB as read-only. I tried to detach it and it said i didn't have permission, which does not make any sense because permissions have not changed. Also the model database is not accessible, i think this may be part of the problem but who knows. I tried to re-attach my BEDB and it won't let me because of the model database.

I tried to view the properties of the BEDB and it gives me a message stating

"Ther server principal "be_user" is not able to access the database BEDB under the current security context. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 916)"

I really don't know what all is going on, we in the military in my role don't receive training to cover this and the fact that I am reaching out to a non-military resource is frowned upon but the fact that my system is not doing backups i'll take that butt chewing.

Sasha,  My firewall is allowing 1434, and unfortunately my firewall settings are managed by the gov't so I am not allowed to tamper with it. However with that being said there are other units with the same setup as mine and their programs work fine.

Level 3

I am working on scanning the results of the beserver -console cmd. Unfortunatley the network I am using is not an unclassified network so i have to do some work before uploading. So please pardon the use of XXXXXXXX as it is used to mask information.


James Johnson

United States Navy

Level 5
Employee Accredited Certified

Hello James,

The error message: “The server principal is not able to access the database..” , points to the credentials issue.

However I may like to see the precise error from the SQL ERRORLOG, The most current error log is named Errorlog (with no extension) and is located in the Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Mssql\Log directory by default.

The default location for the SQL Server error log varies by version.  You can find the paths here:


You may open this file in a note pad.



Level 3

Here are the results of the -console, it is in pdf format.



Level 3


The SQL errorlog doesnt reflect anything that points to the error I am getting in the SQL Server Management Studio Express.



James Johnson

United States Navy


Level 3


Did you see the file I uploaded that shows the contents of the -console program??

Level 3

So my "model" database in my sql instance is not accessilbe. I really think this is the problem and i say this because i could run a repair on my BEDB via the BEUTIL. Thoughts??


James Johnson

United States Navy

Level 5
Employee Accredited Certified


you may resolve the issue via following steps:

Uninstall SQL Express instance (BKUPEXEC):

Click Start, and then click Control Panel.

Open Add or Remove Programs.

Select Microsoft SQL Server 2005, and then click Remove.

The Component Selection page appears. By default, the Remove SQL Server 2005 instance components check box is selected. Select the BKUPEXEC instance to remove.

To remove the Workstation components, select the Workstation Components check box.

The Confirmation page appears, listing the components that will be removed.

Click Finish to complete the process of uninstalling SQL Server Express.

You will see the System Configuration Check and Setup Progress pages as the uninstall process is completed.

To remove SQL Native Client, click Start, click Control Panel, and then click Add or Remove Programs.

Select Microsoft SQL Native Client, and then click Remove.

You will see a dialog box confirming whether you want to remove SQL Native Client. Click Yes.

SQL Native Client is removed from the list of Add or Remove Programs.

Reboot the Server

Run Repair install of Backup Exec, this should install the SQL Express attach the prev. database again and services should start up fine.
