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Backup Exec failed to detect Sony SDX-470v tape drive.

Not applicable
I just bought this Sony SDX-470v tape drive and tried to make it work on my Dell PC E520 PC. I installed BE 11d and used BE tape driver for the Sony tape drive. Installation was fine, no error. Device Manager says that Sony tape drive is working properly and the driver is Symantec driver.  When I run BE, it will not see this tape drive. I have installed all updates using Live Updates as well as new tape drivers from Symantec. Can you help?
Dell Dimension E520
Windows XP Pro
Sony SATA SDX-470V tape drive
BE QuickStart Edition 11d
Driver: Symantec Corp
Date: 1/12/2007

Message Edited by KenN on 06-22-200711:38 AM


Level 4
Employee Certified
Hi Ken,

Try shutting down both the tape drive and the media server. Bring the tape drive up first, let it finish initializing, and then bring up the media server. Launch BE and see if it recognizes it (as well as device mgr). If that doesnt work, try the following:

Try navigating to C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\ and running 'tapeinst.exe' . Leave the first radio button selected (use Symantec device drivers) and deselect the 'plug and play' checkbox, but select the checkbox that mentions deleting devices that are no longer being used. Run tapeinst.exe and see if it sees the device. It may require a reboot.
