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Backup Exec for Windows Server question

Level 3
Hi Everyone,
I am having a problem with setting Veritas to backup other servers over the network. I have the client installed on all of them, but when i go to the backup wizard the servers are grayed out. Any idea on how to fix this? Thanks!

Level 3
Have you rebooted the servers after installing the remote agent?

Also make sure that the user you are using has admin access on those computers.



Level 3
I have rebooted them, and i am using my account, which i am an administrator, so i don't understand why its not working. Any other thoughts?

Level 3
Try selecting them manually via the Job properties.

The way I do it is to select them down the bottom of the list in Remote Selections then through the Windows Network and Domain. If you can see the servers drives then that confirms connectivity, but if you can see System State then the agent is installed and working.

Good Luck


Level 3
Ok, i did as you said too and it is still grayed out. I went to the Remote Selections and Domain and all the servers are grayed out, the only ones that are not are the laptops and desktops. I just uninstalled the Agent on the one server i am messing with and reinstalled it again. Still a no go.

Level 6
if the laptops show up but the servers don't, I would suspect that you have not installed the Remote Agent serials on the media server.

DesktopOS machines can be backed up with no serials if the RemoteAgent is installed, but ServerOS machines need a serial on the media server.

Level 3
Where would i find the serial numbers at? I have the Software License Certificate in front of me...would it be on there? If so, what is it called? And where should i enter in the info? Thanks!

Level 3
Ok, I figured it out. Now i am able to backup everything. I found the serial number and all that stuff. Entered it in and its allowing me to select the different servers i want to back up. Thanks for all the help!

Level 6
It/They are purchased separately friom the server license, either individually or as multi-packs

From Tools\Options\Serials (I think) you should see all the installed serials that BackupExec knows about