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Backup Exec job conflict

Level 3

recently we encounter issue on our scheduled backup job.

we have 2 scheduled backup job:

1) daily incremental backup job
  • run every weekday
  • incremental backup
  • backup window: 0300 to 0315
  • usually finish in about 45mins
2) yearly full backup job
  • run on the last day of the year
  • last year falls on thursday (31-Dec-2009)
  • backup window: 0300 to 0800
  • usually finish in about 4hours
both job should run on 31-dec-2009. However, yearly full backup job did not run at all. the next day we have to manually run the scheduled job and it runs successfully. Hence we would like to enquire if this is due to the backup window conflict? Shouldn't the yearly full backup job runs after the daily incremental job since it has a backup window of 5hours


Level 6

Ideally, the yearly job must run as the time window is 5 hours

Create 2 test jobs with same schedules and configure to run for today only (Select data upto 5 to 5 GB)
and change the start time of the 2nd job to 4:))AM.

Level 3

i have did a test with 2 jobs of the same schedule and start time and same priority. Like above, one of the job did not run. So i believe we can conclude that 2 jobs of the same start time and priority nature will not run successfully. 1 will be rejected. Is this a software limitation, are there any other settings i could set other than changing the start time?

Partner    VIP    Accredited
Hi there Esca,

The problem crops up with rules...1 job is probably set to run with a precedence over another.For example:

Daily Incremental starts at 3AM.
Yearly job starts at 3AM.
Rule states that if the Daily and Yearly jobs conflict, then the Daily job will have precedence and be the only job to run.

In this case, it's simple enough to change. Open up BEWS, and go to Job Setup. If you have a policy, double-click to open it up, and look under Template Rules. You would see something like:

If start times conflict, X job supercedes Y job. You can change this to: After <Job A> completes, start <Job B>. This would mean your Yearly job will automatically kick off immediately after the other job completes.
That said, you can also add in a rule if you're not running a GFS policy, and you can do it in the same manner above.
Let us know if you need some help.


Level 3


sorry, correction. "I have did a test with 2 jobs of the same schedule and start time and same priority. Like above," one of the job did not run and it shows the failure on the job list box. It is correct this time as it should queue and drop when the backup window ends.

1. the original issue was that 2 jobs (daily and yearly) was scheduled on the same day, same start backup time. one succeeded and one did not run at all(no failure or miss in the job list box)

2. the test was that 2 jobs (daily and test job with full backup) was scheduled on same day, same start backup time. One succeeded and one failed (failure in the job list box) <- this should be the correct behaviour.

was wondering if this is still due to the rules problem?


Partner    VIP    Accredited
Hi Esca,

In #2, WHICh succeeded, and which failed? Were these 2 jobs created separately? In this case, it could (COULD) be down to alphabetical order...

#1...what do your rules currently state? You would only want 1 job to run on that particular day I assume?

Level 3
Hi CraigV,

in #2, for 1 of the job, i used the orignal scheduled daily backup job which has a backup window of 0300 to 0315 and the 2nd job i create a new scheduled job and select the entire local server to backup. The backup window for this job is from 0300 to 0600. The 2nd job succeeded and the 1st job fails due to the running out of backup window timing. This shows that the 2nd job started first where the 1st job queue and wait for the running job to completes. I believe this is the correct behaviour.

in #1, the daily scheduled job has a backup windows of 0300 to 0315 and the yearly job has a backup window of 0300 to 0800. Daily job succeeded where yearly job did not start at all.

I believe it is normal for the backup exec to start which ever job that was scheduled on that day to run first. However it is a concern if one of the scheduled job did not run at all. Sorry, i have yet to check out the rules. Will check and revert back when i go back to the site.

Thanks and Regards,

Partner    VIP    Accredited
Hi Esca,

If you used a policy you wouldn't have that issue in #2...the job with the most seniority (either set by the policy, or manually by you) would always run, and the other would be superceded.
A policy is something to look into, as you can create a blank policy with both jobs in, before adding a rule.
For #1, you are correct...the job created first would take precedence.



Partner    VIP    Accredited
Hi Esca,

Any news here?