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Backup date error message

Level 3
While trying to exclude holiday dates from backup, my colleague and I got an error message about the dates of inclusion and exclusion being the same (or something to that effect), but showing nothing but a time of 12:00:00. The system would not allow us to complete the date exclusion. Any ideas appreciated!

Level 6

Can you mention the exact error message ? This will help in finding the possible solution.


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Level 3
I'll have to try to recreate it sometime this week. Thanks for your assistance.

Level 6
Hello Daniel,

Please provide us an update after performing the tests.


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Level 3
Here's the error message:
"Both your Include list and your Exclude list contain the following dates: 12:00:00 AM.
Please edit the Include or Exclude list so that they do not have any dates in common".
The problem is that the Include and Exclude lists do not have dates in common.

Level 6

Could you also tell the Plan Configuration?

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Level 3
I'm not sure what you mean by Plan Configuration. Here are the steps I'm taking before the error occurs:
1. Open Backup Exec.
2. Job Setup
3. Backup Job Templates>Properties>Yes
4. Schedule (under Frequency)
5. Run according to schedule>Edit Schedule details.
6. Run Day Options>Week Days>Select All
When I click OK, the message appears, and I am unable to set the backups to run every day. There are no include/exclude dates/times set. I need a way to set
the backups to run every day.
Once again, the exact error message:
Both your Include list and your Exclude date list contain the following dates: 12:00:00 AM
Please edit the Include or Exclude list so that they do not have any dates in common.

Thanks for your assistance.


Level 6

Please refer to the below mentioned technote:

How to exclude holidays from backup job schedule in Backup Exec 9.x and 10.x for Windows Servers

Hope this helps you.


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