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Backup exec 10 Job seems to hang

Level 2
When backing up our Notes server BE 10 seems to hang on the mailbox's. Also when i try to canel the offending job, status goes to cancel pendeng and it just sits there. Anyone got any idea's how to sort this ?

Level 3
I have exactly the same problem. Please let me know if there is a solution available. At this time you have to "kill" and start the remote agent on the notes server and restart all backup exec service on media server.

Level 3
Any news about this problem?

Level 3
I have exactly the same problem. How do you manage to kill the Vertas Agent on the Domino Server without restarting your Domino Server?

Level 3
You can use the "Kill.Exe" from the MS Support Tools.
We have create a scheduled task to kill and restart the agent before the job is running.
---------- Example of our Batch file --------------
"C:\Utility\Support Tools\kill.exe" beremote
Net start BackupExecAgentAccelerator
sometimes the job is succsesful and sometimes the job failed!!! Veritas PLEASE help.

Level 6

In order to troubleshoot, we would like to know whether it is a local backup or a remote backup.

- Is the job hanging on a particular mailbox or is it hanging randomly.

Please revert back to us with the details of the backup.


Level 3
I realise this isn't my thread, but we have a similar problem.

Our backup is to a remote Domino Server (Domino 6.5.3). The backup will hang on either,,, log.nsf or a users mail database. These databases are not corrupt (I have run run fixup, compact on them).

I've skipped backing up the files and the log.nsf file for now so the backup works intermittently. I could do with the log.nsf file and I can't afford not to backup the user .nsf files.

Level 3
The backup is a remote Domino Server (Domino 6.5.1). The backup will hang on either or a users mail database. These will occur randomly. Restart the domino server will not solve this problem.

Level 2
Backup is local. Seems to hang not just on mailbox's but on random databases. We are using Domino 5.9. Need a fix quick.

Level 3
Hello Veritas,
As you can see here, there are some people they have trouble with the Notes Agent. When will be a solution available?
Or will be the solution ARCSERVE???

Level 3
OK going to add my bit to this......

Same issue backing up a domino server, local install of exec, getting the stopping msg on the service, the cancel pending msg on the job, would love to know how to resolve this as i'm fed up of dailing in each night to check the job and usually restart the server then doing it manually. I got exec to move away from NT back up, which at least worked with out my intervention each night. Please help as i would love to go to bed before midnight at some point.

Not applicable
Ok I'm on this as well...!
Just upgraded to Version 10 and now I have the same problem with Notes Backup. (when I used version 9. there was no problem at all)

The backup setup I have is this:
Veritas Backup Exec Version 10 installed on W2k (patched up-to-date)
Notes server on W2k (patched up-to-date) Domino version 6.5.3.
Using Remote agent and Domino Agent.

The Backup hangs on different mailboxes (all of them are OK!) and some times the Notes Server crashes doing a NSD dump! - this has never happened before (when I was using version 9). - Please help!

Not applicable
UUUH forgot one important thing.

I'm doing a remote backup on a HP LTO1 Autoloader.

Level 3
Hate dong this but.....BUMP!

Level 3
Veritas Tech Support have recommended that we run Advanced Open File Option instead of the Domino Agent as a temporary work around whilst this problem is investigated.

AOFO does seem to back-up Domino perfectly without hangs so if you are licenced for it, it's a good workaround.

Level 6

There is a known issue with job hanging when backing up Lotus Domino 6.x using Backup Exec version 10.0. Our Engineering team is working on this issue and very soon there will be a fix for the same.

Presently, Advanced Open File Option is the only workaround. So I would suggest you all to use AOFO to backup the lotus files and subscribe to E-mail notification service to get updates on the issue:

Thank You. Should you have additonal concerns or questions, please let us know or contact us through E-mail or telephone support.

Not applicable
I've got the same problem.

The tip to use evaluation with open file access is a shame for veritas.

My customer want to give the product back.

Not applicable
Hi, we've been having the same problems here since upgrading from BE 9.0 to 10.0 two weeks ago.
We've been unable to get a good backup since then ( two weeks ). Need to get this resolved.
1 Repaired backupexec database using BEUtility.exe
2 Did a repair installtion of Veritas BE 10
3 Created a new backup job ( in case old job became corrupt during upgrade )

Job still failed when trying to back up Domino databases with same error:

Final error: 0xe00084bf - A restore Job is already in progress. Rerun your job, after the current job has finished.

There was no such job running, never had this problem with 9.0, so next I rebooted the backup media server and went on to roll the Advanced Open File Option ( AOFO ) agent to the remote Domino server as a workaround to this issue. Rebooted the Domino as prompted and after all this the AOFO option is grayed out and unavailable to select it.
Tried creating a new back up job and still not able to select this option, tried setting AOFO to be default from Tools, Options, Properties with the same result.
Trying this workaround just to get a good back up tonight, what else must I do to have the AOFO available for selection and not grayed out like it is presently, if anyone knows and can Help, I appreciate it.

Level 6

AOFO is paid option. Check if you have the license key for AOFO which should be registered on the Media Server.

If you do not have the license for the same, then suggest you to change the installation of BE from licensed to evaluation. In evaluation all agents & options are available for 60 days. You should be able to configure the job to use AOFO.

Additionally, I suggest you to subscribe to E-mail notification so that you will be notified of any fixes with regards to Lotus Domino issue:

Level 6
Hello Richards,

In reference to our previous reply to your post, we would request you to update us on the progress. However, if we do not receive your intimation within two business days, this post would be assumed answered and archived.
