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Backup exec 9.1 hangs while backing up mailboxes on exchange 2003

Not applicable
Hi everybody.

For the past two months now, our backup job hangs as soon as we try to back up our mailboxes which is located on a cluster (2003 server) and we use exchange 2003. It stops in various places, so there is no apparent pattern but it never stops when the public folders are backed up. We've pretty much tried everything (or at least we think so ;-)); applied all hot fixes and pushed new agents to all the servers, removed different mailboxes from the backup job (if there is something in the mailbox that the application doesn't want to "chew" on), been through all our settings 100 times, checked the permissions etc. etc......

Is there anybody out there in cyberspace that has got the solution for us?

Strawberry cake and lemonade for the lucky one that can help us out :)

Thanks guys (and girls),


Level 3

You have mentioned here that you have installed all the hotfixes, but maybe you are just missing out on this one - hotfix 33.

This exactly refers to the issue you are facing :

After installing this hotfix, reinstall the Remote agent on the Remote servers.

Reboot the servers and try a backup again.

Not applicable
I've checked which hotfixes we've installed and they are; 20, 26 and 39 and of course sp1.

So still no strawberry cake and lemonade to be handed out just yet ;)


Level 3

You need to install Hotfix 33 from the following link :

After installing this hotfix, reinstall the Remote agent on the Remote servers.

Reboot the servers and try a backup again.

Not applicable
Sorry about that mate. I forgot to include in my last response that update 33 has already been installed and still nothing (After installing this hotfix, reinstall the Remote agent on the Remote servers. Reboot the servers and try a backup again.- We have done that aswell)

But keep them coming :)


Level 2
I have the same issue and have tried everything, am even considering testing ARCSERVE....

I am currently trying just the EXCH mailboxes so the agent is running from the start and then hopefully will finish. I have 4 other servers and they are fine no issues at all. Just one server is playing up..

I have read someowhere else that by just backing up the store and not the indiv mailboxes that it works no probs.

I have also tested a single mailbox back up job and that works fine but when the job is combined with files etc it fails.....Please help if you have anything to try

Not applicable

We're supposed to receive version 10 within a week or so, not that i think it's going to do wonders. I'm still open for suggestions and will of course keep you all informed if we "crack the case".

But keep them rollin' in.


Level 6
Check out the following technote and let us know if you come across problem of type mentioned in the link given below.

Title:- A backup of Microsoft Exchange 2000 or 2003 mailboxes with Backup Exec 9.x hangs on the last mailbox when backing up multiple mailboxes.

Also if the above technote information is not useful, please let us know if

a) Mailbox backup of EXCH2K3 mailboxes hangs on first mailbox
b)Mailbox backup hangs in the middle on random mailboxes

In any of the cases, please create a new backup and refer the following technote and copy and paste contents of remote agent debug log.

Please perform the step mentioned in the following technote:-
1) How to enable or disable "debug logging" in VERITAS Backup Exec 9.x for Windows Servers on the Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows 2003 platforms

We hope this helps.

Not applicable
Hi, Ameet.

Mailbox backup hangs on random mailboxes and has done so since the beginning of our problems.

Concerning the logs, we've already uploaded them TWICE, over 2 weeks ago and still no reply whatsoever :-(.

So you guys are more help than Veritas far, anyway's.



Level 6

We suggest you to put the remote agent service in the debug mode and run the backup again.

Once the backup hang on a particular mailbox, please look at the debug log and paste the portion of debug log in the post so that we can analyze the debug log.

This log will have a reference to mailbox where the backup hangs.

If the logs have been uploaded, please let us know the link and filenames so that we can locate the logs.

Level 6
Awaiting for your response.

Not applicable
Hi Sagar.

Thanks for your swift response and willingness to resolve our problems. We're going to install version 10 on Monday and test it to see whether the problem disappears. If that is not the case, i'll copy/paste the requested logs for your examination.

Until then.


Level 6
Please update us on this issue.

Not applicable

Hotfix 46

Special Notes

After installing this hotfix, the following registry key will be created on the Exchange Server after the next Exchange mailbox backup runs:

HKey_Local_Machine > Software > VERITAS > Backup Exec > Engine > Exchange > Bypass MBox properties

If the Exchange Mailbox backup continues to hang after installing this hotfix:

1. Open regedt32 on the Exchange Server.
2. Browse to the registry key named above.
3. Change the above key's value to 1. This will disable the auto creation of Exchange mailboxes during a mailbox restore.


Not applicable
Problem solved!!!!! After installing version 10, all our problems were solved.

But i have to admit that we're a bit disappointed about the support Veritas offered us......which was little to none, even after uploading various logfiles etc. But it works for now but if we keep getting bugs, we'll consider another product with better and swifter customer service.

...And that's all folks......


Level 6
We appreciate your efforts in upgrading the software to Backup Exec v10.0 and we hope that the issue is solved.

Not applicable
I have had the same problem. I have paid for a service call and worked with tech support for at least a month now and no fix. They suggested I upgrade to 10d and I downloaded the eval of 10d and still got the same problem.

Frustration is definitely setting in and considering another alternative...