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Backup taking too long to complete

Level 3
We have issues with a server we bought that is taking too long to complete a backup.

Not sure what the issue is but the backup normally takes around 4 hours to backup 20 gigs worth of data on this server and it did this every night on the first week it ran. This matches other Win 2003 servers we have at remote sites that back up a similar amount of data with the older Veritas release of Backup Exec 10 in a similar length of time.

The trouble is that now instead of taking 4 hours the backup is taking 10+ without showing any reason why it is delayed. (No alerts and the Job log contains nothing out of the ordinary) it has done this almost every day after the first week of backups when tapes in the media pool are being overwritten.

Not sure what the problem is but when a 4 hour backup of files on the local server takes around 15 hours to complete something isn't right.

Any insights would be helpful as I am at a loss to explain it.

Level 3
Nevermind it turned out the person in charge of backup didn't place a tape in the drive when the backup was scheduled so the job was on hold waiting for media for several hours.

Not a software issue, just an end user training issue for someone on our remote sites.