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Backup to Disk troubles...

Level 3
Hello All;
I'm having SEVERE problems... I have 2 - NAS units that I'm using as Backup-To-Disk units. This setup worked fine for a while, but all of the sudden my backup jobs are getting to around 400 to 450GB and just stalling. I've even actually installed BackupExec 10d on a fresh new server and re-formated the NAS units to start off completely fresh with the same results. I even removed the server that was always stuck on from the backup selection list and still same scenario. It is not an issue of free space, I have around 1.2TB free space w/ Full Control for the account being used. I've searched the KB w/ no success. The only doc I ran across stated to delete the .lck file and re-run the job, I tried this w/ no success. This is hard because my initial full backup is around 900GB and takes around 36 hours to complete. After that is up, my differentials only take 2 hours which makes life easier. But at this point I am totally clueless, any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Level 6

Have you defined a maximum size in your backup-to-disk folder? are the bkf files overwriting with an overwrite protection period?


Level 3

Are you talking about maximum file size? If so, I left it at the default of 1GB. Otherwise, I'm not sure what you are speaking of, do you care to point me in the correct direction?

The overwrite protection period for the Media Set is "None" and the Append period is "None" / "Infinite - Allow append".

Also, under Job Properties, it is set as when this job begins, Overwrite. I did have it set to Append to media, overwrite if none available, but changed to see what would happen.

Thanks for your feedback.
Let me know if I can post anything that would be more helpful

Level 6

-- What is the operating system do you have on the NAS?

-- Could you let us know the konfigurations of the backup to disk folder under the properties of the folder in konfiguration tab?

Thank You,


Level 6

I meant the maximum backup-to-disk folder size. If you specify something greater than 0, when that value is reached Backup Exec considers the folder Full and will not be able to create more files in it.

Anyway, the operating system is important as well. Maybe there's been an update that has placed a firewall in it or something.


Level 3
OK, last nights job was stalled at "Snapshot Processing" this morning and right at 457GB was completed. Whatever is going on, the # 450+GB is the one thing in common. It has been different servers each time so I have a hard time believing it is a server issue. I think it is somehow local to backupexec. I have plenty of free space on my NAS and full control rights to it.

I'm not sure what OS the NAS runs on, I searched the mfg. site w/ no success, it is a hammer 3tb desktop storage box. When installed on my media server, it just sees it as a local drive. It worked fine for weeks up until recently, no changes were made to the system is the weird part.

Config. under the config. tab is all default.
I'm going to upgrade this morning to 11d and I'm crossing my fingers that will fix it.


Level 6
You might want to scan through the v11d forum before starting you upgrade to see if any of the reported problems might affect your site ;)

Level 3
Embarrassing, but I have found the issue. A 2003 Server was locked beyond means of a "clean" reboot and after booting the box all is well. Just goes to show Microsoft has lived another day..... Reboot, Reboot, Reboot!!!!

Did upgrade to 11d in the process however w/ no issues to par...