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BackupVirtualDeviceSet::Initialize: CoCreateInstance failure on backup devi

Not applicable
I am trying to find out why we are having some intermittent problems with our SQL backup.

We are seeing the following in the SQL Server log:-

2005-02-11 02:42:10.43 spid54BackupVirtualDeviceSet::Initialize: CoCreateInstance failure on backup device '
2005-02-11 02:42:10.45 backupBACKUP failed to complete the command BACKUP DATABASE TO virtual_device
2005-02-11 02:42:10.46 spid54BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally..
2005-02-11 02:42:10.46 spid54Error: 3013, Severity: 16, State: 1
2005-02-11 02:42:12.07 spid54BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally..
2005-02-11 02:42:12.07 spid54Error: 3013, Severity: 16, State: 1
2005-02-11 02:42:12.07 backupBACKUP failed to complete the command BACKUP DATABASE TO virtual_de
2005-02-11 02:42:12.07 spid54BackupVirtualDeviceSet::Initialize: CoCreateInstance failure on backup device '
2005-02-11 02:42:14.09 spid54BackupVirtualDeviceSet::Initialize: CoCreateInstance failure on backup device '
2005-02-11 02:42:14.10 spid54BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally..
2005-02-11 02:42:14.10 spid54Error: 3013, Severity: 16, State: 1
2005-02-11 02:42:14.10 backupBACKUP failed to complete the command BACKUP DATABASE TO VIRTUAL_DEVICE
2005-02-11 02:42:24.09 spid54Read on 'RESTORE{81d43e5f-ae64-408c-8ab1-c9bc3035e1bd}' failed, status = 995. S
2005-02-11 02:42:24.09 spid54Error: 3203, Severity: 16, State: 0
2005-02-11 02:42:24.09 spid54Internal I/O request 0x4BEB6F58: Op: Read, pBuffer: 0x00000000, Size: 94, Posit
2005-02-11 02:42:24.09 spid54BackupMedium::ReportIoError: read failure on backup device 'RESTORE{81d43e5f-ae
2005-02-11 02:42:24.10 spid54RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally..
2005-02-11 02:42:24.10 spid54Error: 3013, Severity: 16, State: 1

Does anyone have any ideas why we are seeing these entries in the log?

The only entry that's showing on the backup Exec log is that it failed to backup "msdb" because it was in use.

Please HELP!!!!!

Level 6

As per our understanding, this may be caused if Backup Exec is trying to communicate through VDI ( Virtual Device Interface) and SQL is trying to communicate through Named Pipes. Please refer to the following technote:

This technote also applies to 9.1 of Backup Exec.

Make sure that mssqlserver service is logged in as system account.
We hope this will help.

Level 6
Assuming the solution provided is correct. Also, there is no response from the customer within 2 days from the last reply by Veritas