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Barcode Label Problem

Level 3
I have a Dell PowerVault 136T with 4 LTO1 drives. I've been using Veritas Backup Exec for years now and haven't had to many problems that I couldn't figure out. But this one has me stumped. I'm currently running 9.1 at the latest rev.
The library has a barcode reader function so I use barcode labels on all my media. I do get my media from different vendors but use the same one for my barcodes.
I recently purchased another pack of labels and started using them on some tapes. The first month or so things worked fine but now the unit won't allow tapes that have an "L2" on the end of the label. These tapes have all ready been written to with these labels and this library...... I've created a barcode rule in BE indicating the L2 suffix but that didn't help. ( I don't have "Use Bar Code Rules" turned on.)
I did play around with turning this on but then it thinks all media is incompatible. Even the good "L1" tapes. I also tried taking a "L2" label off a tape and it worked fine. I could erase and everything. If I stick any "L2" labeled tape in the library, it will show up in the slots but as soon as I try to do something with it, the job fails with an incompatible media error.
I'm at all the latest firmware and drivers on the drives, library and SCSI card.

Any suggestions? Do "L2" labels only work for Ultrium2 tapes? If so, how come the library could write to the media before? There's data on the tapes that I can't get to.

Thanks in advance,

Level 6

1. Are you using Veritas drivers? Please check if you have the following latest version:

Title : VERITAS Backup Exec (tm) 9.1 - Device Driver Installer (20050115) - Includes Tape Driver Release (20041231) and Robotic Library Release (45) (Intel Only)

2. Stop and disactivate the RSM service.

3. Verify that the device is not connected to a RAID controller. If so move it to its own SCSI controller.
Refer this:

Title : Why is it recommended that tape devices should not be connected to RAID controllers?

4. Check with your harware manufacturer is the tape is compatible with the deivce.

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Level 3
Thanks for the reply.
I am using Veritas drivers but will make sure I'm at the Rev you suggest.
The device is on it's own raid controller.
And the tapes are compatable. Some of them are even Dell brand tapes.

I'll let you know how it goes.

Thanks again.

Level 6

Please let us know regarding your tests. Also as mentioned it is not recommended to attch it to a RAID controller. Refer the following technote.
Title : Why is it recommended that tape devices should not be connected to RAID controllers?

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threads’ pool.

Level 3
I'm sorry, I misspoke. The library is attached to an Adaptec SCSI card.
I checked everything you indicated and ran the updated driver install just to make sure.
I'm still having the problem however, now there are some issues being reported indicating that the "picker assembly" could be having problems. I have Dell out here right now replacing it.
I also think the actual barcode scanner is located on this assembly. I've got my fingers crossed.
I will let you know. Hold tight.

Level 3
The tech just left. I'm still having the barcode problem. Looks like some other people are having similar issues. Could Veritas have changed something in their last patch?

Level 6

You could try a databse repair:

Title :How to run a Backup Exec database repair when the original Backup Exec database is found to be inconsistent

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Level 3
Didn't help. But thanks for the suggestion. As of right now, I've ordered more labels with the "L1" suffix. I'm replacing the labels on the tapes with the bad labels as they are needed for re-use. End of their rotation cycle.
I did find that if I need a restore off of one of these "L2" tapes that I can pull the label off and inventory the tape due to the header info. This is what will save me if I need to do a restore.
I still would like to know why all of a sudden it quit excepting the "L2" labels and if anyone else has had the same problem.
Thanks to all.

Level 6

If you change the label you wouldnt be able to store previous data. We request you to catalogue the media and the try the restore. Before cataloging go to tools options > catalogs and uncheck the option > use storage media based catalogs and verify results.

Also modify the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VERITAS\Backup Exec\Engine\Tape Format \use fast file restore and change it from 0 to 1.


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Level 6
As per our previous reply, marking the case as assumed answered and moving it to answered questions pool.