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Bengine.exe Crashes

Level 2
I recently installed Backup Exec 10.0 for SBS 2003. I have installed SP1 and Hotfix 24. The bengine.exe keeps crashing partway into the backup...usually less than a gig has backed up before this happens. The job tries to restart and then just gets put on hold. Anyone have any ideas? Windows 2003 SBS server with SP1 on it.. I'm thinking its a permissions error somewhere...

Level 2
The below message appears in the event viewer at the same time..... However this SBSMonitoring database is not selected to be backed up....

An error occurred while attempting to log in to the following server: "GCSO-SBS\SBSMONITORING".
SQL error number: "0011".
SQL error message: "SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

Level 4
You can try repairing the BE database and see if it makes a differene.

This issue can also occur due to a kernel driver conflict.

Level 6

What are you trying to backup ? Any database ?
Is it a local backup or remote backup ?

Kindly update.


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