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CPS nerver work under 2003 R2. how to let symantac know that?

Level 4
i report this bug again and again at 10d forum, and to our reseller.
today i eval 11d and still the same situation.
i install two clean windows 2003 R2. install 11d with latest hot fix.
i copy some photos in a "new" folder . preview it, let windows create "thumbs.db"
i remove all permissions of the "new" folder and files.
create a cps backup job to backup the "new" folder. and job error when backup
"thumbs.db". other files backed up correctly.
how do i report this to symantec and let them try to re-produce it?
it seems useless to report bugs in the forum.

Level 4
exclude thumbs.db files in selection list.

Level 4
exclude didn't work in 10d. exclude files still got error.
exclude seems work in 11d, but i m not sure.
and it didn't happen to "thumbs.db" only.
"thumbs.db" is just an example for symantec people to reproduce it easily.
but no one even try to re-produce it. not to say bug fix...

Level 4
after deeper testing, 11d exclude didn't work also.
still lots of errors, like 10d.
the "log save" bug seems to fixed. at least i can save the pair error logs now.
but the big, major BUG is still there. like 10d.

Level 6
i remove all permissions of the "new" folder and files.

Doesn't sound like a BackupExec bug to me. If you remove all permissions, how is BackupExec suposed to access the folder/files?

Level 4
backup-exec use system right to accecc the files.
most files are ok. only a few files error.

Level 6

What happens when you exclude those files from the backup?

Thank You,


Level 4
when sync, errors still happen to exclude files.(but not all of them. if there are 5 thumbs.db file, maybe only 1 have error.) every error cause backup-exec job cancel and restart. some files will success at next try. some try again and again until i delete it or change permission of it.
i really don't know why you guys ask me what happened again and again. just install two 2003 R2 and backup-exec you can see what happened.maybe the excluded file bug is not easy to reproduce(although we met dozens of errors in 500G files). but you can easily reproduce the "can not sync thumbs.db" bug.