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Can I set different priority for two jobs using same selection list?

Level 3
We usually have a Full backup job, and a incremental/differential backup job for one selection list. For example, we'll create a selection list for a server, and might create a Full backup job that runs once a week using this selection list, and then an incremental/differential backup that runs daily on the same selection list. We want to set Full backup at High, and then the incremental backups at medium priority level.

In the older version of BE, I believe we were able to do this. However, in 10d, it seems like priority is set on the selection list, and any job for that selection list will have the same priority. Is there a way to change this? or is creating two seperate selection lists (though it will be exactly the same selections) the only way?


Level 6
Yes, you can do that easily.
These are two different jobs with their own properties.


Level 6
Hello Lim,

As suggested by Peter in the previous post, the priorities can be changed. Do write back in case you have problems doing this.


Level 3
Thanks for your inputs, but still not working for me...
Is there an option that I need to set in order to set priority per job instead of selection list? If so could you tell me where that is? I couldn't find it anywhere...

Let me make myself more clear:
When I change the priority for one job, it updates the priority for all jobs based on the same selection list.

For example:

I have "Selection List - Server A".
I want "Job 1 - Server A - Full", backing up the "Selection List - Server A", once a week with High priority.
I want "Job 2 - Server A - Incremental", backing up the "Selection List - Server A", everyday with Medium priority.

Under Job Setup, if I change the "Job 2" to Medium priority, it will automatically also change the priority for "Selection List - Server A" and "Job 1" to Medium. So I change the "Job 1" to High priority, but then this will change "Job 2" and "Selection List" to High priority also. So I can only have one priority, set to the whatever priority I set it to last time, no matter for which job I changed it on.

Am I making any sense?

Level 6

Kindly refer the following Document;

How to configure and set the "Job Priority" level in VERITAS Backup Exec (tm) 9.x for Windows Servers

Thank You...

Level 3
The documentation you have linked is for Backup Exec 9.x. As I mentioned in my original post, in 9.x, this works as intended. However, in 10d, it does not.

I searched and read through the documentations, and it seems like in 10d, that the priority is based on the selection list, and not on individual jobs, as changing the priority of a selection list, or any number of jobs based on that selection list will change the priority on ALL of them, all the jobs based on that selection list and the selection list itself.

I was wondering if there is a way to turn this off, so that I can individually set the priority on each jobs separately, regardless of the selection list.

Am I the only one that noticed this and wondering about this? All the 10d users, how are you adjusting the job priorities? Or do you all just have one job per selection list?


Level 6

You can change the priority as per jobs also. If you go to the job set up tab, right click on the job in question. There you will find the option 'change priority'. You can change the priority from there. Alternatively, if you do a right click on the job and go to the properties window, there you will find the option 'priority and availability', you can change the priority from there too.

Hope that helps. In case you still have queries on this, do write us back.


Level 3
I do not think you are reading my entire question, or not understanding my question. I know how to change the priority. My question is, how do you change the priority on ONLY ONE job, and NOT ALL jobs that belong to the same SELECTION LIST.

Is there a way for me to attach a screenshot on here? When I change the priority on a job to Medium, I get the below message:

Change Priority Warning
The priority for backup jobs is set in the selection list. If you change the priority for this job, the priority for all other jobs that use selection list SELECTIONLIST-1 will change to Medium.
Are you sure that you want to change the priority?

As I explained before, but I guess I'll explain again. As an example:
I have JOB-1-DIFF that uses SELECTIONLIST-1
I have JOB-1-FULL that uses SELECTIONLIST-1

What I want is JOB-1-DIFF to be low priority, and JOB-1-FULL to be medium priority. When I change the JOB-1-DIFF to low priority, JOB-1-FULL and SELECTIONLIST-1 priority also changes to low priority. After that if I set JOB-1-FULL to medium priority, JOB-1-DIFF and SELECTIONLIST-1 again also changes to medium priority.

Again, I'm not asking on how to change the priority. I know you click on a job --> change priority --> and change priority. Or Right-click --> properties --> Priority and Availability --> and change priority.

I mean I don't know any other better way to explain this..... I give up...

Level 6
Hello Lim,

We apologise for the inconvinience caused due to the confusion.

The Priority and the availablity is not job dependant, but Selection list depnedant. It therefore reflects in all the jobs that the selection list is linked to.

Hope that helps you.


Level 3
Why was this changed? I remember in 9.x I was able to set each job to different priority. I think this makes more sense, cause if there was a Full backup vs. incremental backup fighting for slot, I would want the full backup to have higher chance of running than the incremental. If we wanted to have them to be same priority, we could set them to same priority ourselves... or at least have an option to have the priority set by the selection list OR the jobs, so that we can have the option.

Level 6

Since backup exec version 10 the Priority and the availablity is not job dependant, but Selection list dependant.

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