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Can someone recommmend a better/useful forum?

Level 3
I've posted two issues on this one and received no responses at all.  Either my named isn't noble enough to merit a response or no one here has the wherewithal to help.  Does Symantec have an online tech support presence anywhere?  Why am I asking these questions here?  Where am I?  Is it lunch time yet?

Level 6
Does Symantec have an online tech support presence anywhere? 
Back when BackupExec was still owned by Veritas, there was official full time presence by Techs, but they were based on the Indian Subcontinent, and next to worthless
Now, Symantec Employees spend time here as their schedules permit, mostly in the v11d forum, but occaisionally here in the v10.x forums too 

Level 4
Backup for 10.1 is next to useless, I've posted 2 problems on here, and no reply.  Symantec will only offer support on their product for money!! Think I'll start to look for something better with better support, their AV's cr*p too!!

Level 3
We pay Symantec for support on these products, including numerous licenses of 11d.  That ("Gold") support is every bit as useless as this forum has been.  Best as I can conclude, the "Gold" is what the support contract is worth to Symantec, not the customer.  We are accepting bids for a replacement backup software product at this time. 

Level 4
Good to see that Symantec regularly check these posts and pay attention to disgruntled CUSTOMERS!!.

Level 3
I'm going to have to agree with this complaint.  I've made four posts over the last month, and nothing, nada, zip....
I've been using BENT for 9 years now, but this is really starting to get annoying.

Level 4
Come on Symantec, pull your finger out, most other companies provide support to people without charging for the privilege.  Gotta keep this thread high up in order that Symantec might take notice, doubt it though!!