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Cannot connect to Remote Agent error

Level 2

After peforming a disk cleanup about a week ago, our backups stopped working on one of the servers due to not being to connect to remote agent. However the case is that we do not use remote agent on any other servers as we are only backing up the local dirves on that paticular server and have diffrent backup method for the other servers.

After investigating further and trying a clean reinstall of backup exec 9.1 we still have the same problem. We are only wanting to backup to local drives but it will not allow us due to being unable to connect to remote agent.

Any solutions or advice to this would be useful


Partner    VIP    Accredited
Hi Darren,

You need a Remote Agent on a server to back it up if it's not your media server. it won't work otherwise.
If this server is no longer needed on the backup job, you can go into your selection list and remove it from there, along with checking your inclusion/exclusion list to make sure that there are no references there.
Have you checked to make sure that the service account isn't locked out?
Can you also post the exact error?


Level 2
The job failed with the following error:
Device could not be backed up because an error occurred while connecting to the Remote Agent for Windows Servers.
Make sure that the Remote Agent for Windows Servers is running on the target computer.

The server we are backing up is the media server, so if i understand right it should not need remote agent.

Service account is fine.

Partner    VIP    Accredited
Hi Darren,

You do need that agent. It communicates with the server to backup the data.
You can take a look at this Symantec tech article to see if they assist you in any way:

Furthermore, you can also reapply the service account details for your server through BEutility.exe. In BEutility, right-click your server and there is an option for the service account. Put in the required details and it will restart your services again.

Do you possibly have any firewall blocking the port that RAWS communicates on?

Partner    VIP    Accredited
Come right here Darren?