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Cant Start Backup Exec 11d !

Not applicable
Hi All
Wondering if somebody could help me out, got a bit of a problem with Backup Exec 11d, when i open up the software i get the Connect to Media Server logon infomation box, its saying my services are stopped
I click on the services tab to restart all the services and i get a error back,
"The dependency service or group failed to start"
Now i have had a little dig around other posts and my Workstation and Server services are both started, their is a reference to TDI service as a dependency which i cant find anywere.
Could somebody help me out, as i say im using version 11d and the OS is Windows SBS 2003

Level 5
Not sure if this helps, but I'd check the order of the services.  IIRC the BE server starts last.  It needs the Device and Media Service, Job Engine and the remaining services started before it will start.  I had a similar issue in 10.0 and it took me a few minutes to check the order of the services.  The first time I had to do it I needed to restart the D+M service as well.