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Checksum error on duplicate job when encountering compressed file ???

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I'm using 10.1 5629 SP3 on a Windows 2000 server. Its a fresh install after our other server came to the end of its lifecycle.
I'm using a policy which makes a daily backup to disk, then a duplicate job which copies it to another disk (no tape drives being used)
It worked flawlessly on the old server, but on the new one the duplicate job always fails with a checksum error when it encounters a compressed file (rar, zip)
We don't have the verify option running on either the backup or the duplicate job  - infact I have meticulously duplicated all the server options, policy/job options from our old working server...As far as I can tell they are both identical in configuration.
Any thoughts, this one's got me on the ropes.
I've found a thread which refers to turning the checksum feature off via a registry tweak, but I really don't want to do that.
Many thanks....

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anyone help me here?
I turned off checksum in the registry, ran the job, the 1st BTD worked fine as it always does, then the duplicate BTD failed AGAIN when it processed a compressed file (zip in this case) and guess what the error was, yep, Checksum error ??!!
somethings not right here, been trying different combinations of things for a week now - same result, Duplicate to Disk job fails with a checksum error.

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Can someone from symantec help me please... I paid 5 grand for this software, I expect the courtesy of a reply at least.

Level 6
You might want to express yourself in the "Comments and Suggestions About the Forums"  forum

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Finally found a fix for this...
Discovered some google group threads discussing CRC errors when opening compressed files (not backup related)-  potential solutions included motherboard bios updates and replacing Physical Memory modules.
Tried a motherboard bios update but no luck, however when I replaced the servers 1GB DDR2 module, rebooted and tried again the duplicate worked fine !
I don't know if the memory module was faulty, the server was certainly working fine in all other respects, but obviously it was screwing up the duplicate jobs checksum process.

Level 6

Dominic Parckar wrote:
Finally found a fix for this...
Discovered some google group threads

I have been able to help many posters by googling for an answer and posting it for them. I'm glad to see someone else researching their problem. Good work! ...and thanks for the follow up.