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Compatibilidad de backup Exec 12.0 con windows 2008 R2

Level 2

estoy intentando mover mi backupexec 12.0 de un servidor con windows 2000 server a otro servidor con windows 2008 R2 Server, pero me marca un error de compatibilidad, al buscar en la ayuda de symantec, me indica los sistemas operativos con los cuales es compatible y me dice que SI es compatible con windows 2008, alguien me pudiera ayudar por favor?, que debo de hacer para poder instalar BackupExec 12.0 en windows 2008 R2??



Level 2

English Translation: I am trying to move my backupExec 12.0 from Windows 2000 server to windows 2008 Server R2, but I can't, it is sending a message of incompatibility with windows 2008, but I searched help before in the symantec link and there say that it is compatible with windows 2008.

Can somebody help me please??

Level 6
Partner Accredited

Here you can find the SCL (software Compatiblity List) of backup exec 12.0


As you see Windows 2008 IS listed, but Windows 2008R2 is another Operating System (fully 64bit) and it is not listed.

Level 6
Partner Accredited

The first version that supports Windows 2008R2 is Backup Exec 12.5.

Unfortunately you cannot use the BE 12.0 license keys in BE 12.5.

Level 2

Thank you, I will try with windows 2008 only without R2.

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

BE 2010 onwards fully supports Windows 2008 R2 as a media server, whereas BE 12.5 provides only limited support (which is RAWS support for Windows 2008 R2.)

Since, you are planning to move your media server to Win 2008 R2, would suggest to install BE 2010 R2.