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Connect to Media Server yeilds "Access is Denied"

Level 2
When I try to use Network/Connect to Media Server after supplying my account and password information I get "Access is Denied".  This is occurring on two of our servers.  I can connect to other servers using the same account without issue.  I believe the problem started after we disabled a domain account that was probably used to create the original "System Logon Account".
I have made new logon accounts for these servers and used the Logon Account Wizard to replace the System Logon Account with the new account but the problem persists.
Any help would be appreciated.

Level 3
I encountered the same exact issue.  I can't be 100% positive on this, but I think what got rid of the error for me was shutting down all services on all servers, starting the servers on my CAS, waiting til they were all online, and then starting them on the MMS.  If your CAS services stop while the MMS services are still running, there are various issues you may run in to.

Level 3
Sorry - to clarify, that is all BACKUPEXEC services.

Level 2
Thanks for assisting.  We don't use CAS or MMS.  I am talking about simply clicking Network and Connect to Media server from the toolbar in BackupExec 11d.