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Copying jobs from one Media Server to another, no options, all grayed out.

Level 4

I have a server that will be going down soon, which has SBE 10.d. I setup another server with a secondary install of SBE 10.d so that I can copy over all the jobs off the previous server. All the servers are in the same Domain.

I can connect to each media server from each BE console, without issue.

However, when I copy a job, and it states the options, only Copy to this Media Server is available, all other options are visible but grayed out.

Any ideas why I cannot copy the jobs to another media server?


Level 5
Goto tools - Serial numbers and installation - local install - and enabled the feature

Level 4
Thank you, I found the KB shortly after posting this.

However, now that I have the option and have started the copy job, the job is going on 1.5 hours with nothing transfered.

Both systems have been updated to allow job transfers, both systems have been rebooted.


Level 6
I'm not sure Greg, but I think what you want is in the Backup Exec Utility - BEUtility.exe

You run it on the "existing" server, select the media server and "Copy Media Server Configuration" to a text file.

Copy the text file to the "new" server, run the utility there, and "Apply Copied Media Server Configuration".

It doesn't get everything exactly right, but does most of the work for you.\