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Custom Reports less powerful than built-in reports?

Level 3

I'm trying to create a custom report that reproduces the basic functionality of the built-in "Media Required for Recovery" report. My ultimate goal is to create a similar report that's grouped and sorted differently, perhaps grouping by media label (to see what's backed up on each tape, creating a sort of table of contents) or grouping by date (to quickly see which resources backed up to which tapes on a certain day.)

All of the necessary fields seem to exist in the "Job History Group" category of custom reports. I added the fields "Server," "Resource Name," "Job Start Time," and "Media Label." I then chose to group by "Server," then "Resource Name," and sort by "Job Start Time."

Applying some appropriate filters (to make sure I'm only listing successful backup jobs, for example) should be all I need to fully recreate the "Media Required for Recovery" report. But it doesn't work. The "Media Label" field is blank for all backup jobs, and only has a value for a few Inventory jobs.

What am I missing? Is there any way to create a custom report that has the same functionality as the built-in "Media Required for Recovery" report?