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DLO Performance and impact on MS System Application

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My company turned up DLO on 11/01/06. Since that data I have noticed a few issues that I would like feedback and clarification on. They are:

DLO was advertised as a backup tool that would only backup those files that changed 'today'. From what I can see DLO backs up ALL files everyday and does this more than once. What can be done to change this backup strategy?

Since DLO was install on 11/01/06 the Windows Disk Cleanup application DOES NOT complete. In the past Disk Cleanup typically completed in approx. 45 minutes (I have a 40-Gig HD). My latest attempt to run Disk Cleanup shows Disk Cleanup Active via Task Manager for 16 hrs 57 mins 19 sec. (16:57:19). The Disk Cleanup pid shows, 'cleanmgr.exe, PID-2736, CPU=99% (this will flucuate with other system and application activity but remains high, 80% and above).

Since 11/01/06 my laptop often hangs for 10-40 seconds multiple times a day. As you would expect the CPU is pegged at 100% during these 'hangs'. If I am working on a large Excel spreadsheet or have multiple Excel spreadsheets open the hang is often fatal. Via Task Manger the ALL Excel workbooks show as 'Not Responding'. I've waited for as long as 15-minutes for the condition to clear and it does not. Killing the Excel application and associated workbooks are the only thing that releases the CPU. After the 'kill' I can restart the Excel application and go back to work....until it hangs again.

Any ideas?